23. Corona & COVID-19 - Part Three: Graphene Oxide, Viruses, the Germ Theory, History of virology, the Contagion Myth, the Spanish Flu, Resonance, Radiation Sickness, Electrosensitivity, 5G + Corona, Wuhan, Real Causes of "Corona" Deaths, 9/11 + Corona (28-07-2021)
Blog Lawrence Kerhilio
Update since the publication of Part Two (Jan. 2021)
Since Jan. 2021 a lot has happened. Important persons and organizations, like Reiner Fuellmich, the US military, and a lot of grass root organizations, have realized that a special group of criminals (the elite / Khazarian Mafia / Cabal / Rothschild / Rockefeller) – in cooperation with the main stream media - are trying to kill billions of people with toxic injections, to digitally mind control all surviving people who have been injected with nanoparticles that can be activated with 5G, to destruct the economy of the west and move their headquarters to China. The history of controlling democracy and the freedom of the people through the decades and centuries by the elite/Cabal is the topic of a new book by Kees van der Pijl “Pandemie van de angst”1 (The Pandemic of Fear”), in which van der Pijl makes it clear that the so-called “Corona pandemic” is nothing more than the latest and most desperate attempt so far by the Cabal, to try to prevent the people from discovering the true nature of the system (and the true nature of themselves), and to take the powers in their own hands and get rid of the criminal elite and power structures. (Although v.d. Pijl believes in viruses and the Germ Theory.) Powerful organizations like the secret services (who do not longer want to be used by the Cabal), the positive military, Free Mason groups, the Earth Alliance, etc. (together called the “White Hats”, have come together to fight the Cabal/Khazarian Mafia and are arresting thousands of people who actively promote the “Corona Pandemic” and the “vaccination” programs, in order to stop the world wide measures and stop the killing with “vaccines”. Thousands of corrupt politicians, business people, pedophiles and other criminals are brought to a new military prison base in Greenland, called “Thule”, as we speak (July 6, 2021). The law suit started by Reiner Fuelmich against the WHO and other criminal organizations, is accepted by the Supreme Court in Toronto, Canada. Graphene Oxide Very recently Spanish researchers has discovered that the flu vaccines of 2019 and the “Corona” “vaccines” exist of graphene oxide (for 99%), which is a super conductive material discovered in 2004. People who have been injected with the flu “vaccine” in 2019 and are being radiated with 5G, can become unconscious in minutes, like the flu-vaccinated people in Wuhan, who were falling down on the streets, because of an acute cytokine storm, resulting in a sudden break down of the immune system, blood clotting, pneumonia and death.2 Every time the Cabal push the 5G button in a certain region, a new “Corona” “outbreak” starts, every time with a new “variant”. When 5G is going to be activated on 01-01-2022 in the Netherlands there will be a lot of people getting seriously ill or dying (although 5G will only be activated in certain regions, to create "Corona" "outbreaks"). Also, In the last six months the presidents of Tanzania (18-3-2021) and Haiti (7-7-2021) were killed because they refused the “Corona” “vaccines” for their countries. After the killings the countries ordered the “vaccines” for almost half a billion dollars.3. The president of Burundi was killed on 9-6-2020. And very recently, the president of Belarus Aleksandr Lukashenko has stated on camera that the WDF and the IMF tried to bribe him with 940 million dollars in order to: “Impose extreme lockdown on his people, force them to wear masks, impose strict curfews, impose a police state and crash the economy”.4 In this Part I will discuss the history of virology, the Germ Theory (the Contagion Myth), the Spanish Flu, radiation sickness, Electro High Sensitivity, the real causes of “Covid-19” and “Corona” deaths, the relation between 5G and Corona. The history of virology (introduction) We cannot find the (real) history of virology in the main stream sciences, because the whole of virology is a religion, a believe-system, a fairy tale. I could only find three doctors who know the real history of virology: Stefan Lanka, Robert Young and Thomas Cowan. If you are a firm believer in viruses and vaccines, you will at first not believe the true story about viruses, and you might want to read this part several times, and even then, you could have a hard time believing it, or accepting it. The concept of virology has been such a huge success in all layers of society, that even people who are very critical concerning the “Corona” “pandemic”, are talking and writing about viruses as if these are proven scientific facts and vaccines are effective in preventing disease. Dr. Robert Young: “The virus has never been identified, purified and cultured and proven to cause infections. So, what is a virus – chemical and radiation poisoning. The rest is just a fairy tale that virologists like to tell themselves to give them a purpose. Virology is a religion based upon the faith that a virus might exist.”5 Robert Young about the “Corona” “virus”: “Coronavirus is an invisible phantom so-called virus and therefore NOT contagious/infectious making vaccination totally useless and a contributing factor for chemical and biological poisoning!” 6 People who believe in viruses are (among others): Kees van der Pijl (author of “De angstpandemie”), Judy Mikovits, Karina Reiss (author of “Corona False Alarm?”), Peter Borger, Cobra (Prepareforchange), Professor Chossudowksi (Global Research), Reiner Fuellmich, Erwin Pasmans (author of “De Coronaplandemie”), Judith von Halle (Author of “De Coronaviruspandemie”), Martin de Ruiter (author of “Coronacrisis, de komst van de Transitie”). It even seems that most of the Cabal believe in viruses, and that only the people at the very top know that 5G radiation is causing the “Covid” symptoms (because they know that viruses cannot infect people and that a specific kind of radiation would cause a “new” “infectious” disease, which can be allocated to a virus). Prince Philip for instance, said that he wanted to reincarnate as “a deadly virus”, to reduce the world population.6A People who know the truth about viruses are (among others): Dr. Robert Young, Dr. Stefan Lanka, Dr. Thomas Cowan, Sally Fallon Morell (co-author of The Contagion Myth), Benjamin Fulford, David Icke, Fred Teunissen (Transitieweb), Derek Knauss, Jon Rappaport. The current misconception about viruses Stefan Lanka: “All claims about viruses as pathogens (something causing diseases) are wrong and are based on easily recognizable, understandable and verifiable misinterpretations. All scientists who think they are working with viruses in laboratories are actually working with typical particles of specific dying tissues or cells that were prepared in a special way.”7 “They believe that those tissues and cells are dying because they were “infected” by a virus. In reality, those prepared tissues and cells are dying because they were starved and poisoned,” [because of taking away the nutrients and adding anti-biotics]. Virologists add “infected” blood or saliva to the tissue and cell culture and then they believe that the cell culture is “killed” by viruses.8 They do not know that healthy tissue or cells also die in exactly the same manner, because no control experiments with healthy tissues are carried out. This is of course highly unscientific. Virologist believe that they have “isolated” a virus when they have brought tissue or cells from outside the laboratory and prepare these in the laboratory in a certain way, so that these cells are “isolated” from the real living world outside. They think that “isolation” means the same as: “infection”, “evidence of the presence of a virus”, “proof of its propagation” (spreading), and see the dead cells as evidence of the destructive power of the virus. In reality they are only killing cells and tissues by starvation and poisoning.9 So, the term “isolation” used by virologists, signifies only some vague, unscentific ideas, and has nothing to do with really isolating a “virus”: The Koch Postulates: really isolating a virus The Koch Postulates (named after Heinrich Hermann Robert Koch, 1843-1910) are a set of conditions as the requirements for establishing a fixed micro-organism as the cause of a specific disease. These are:
The history of the Germ Theory Louis Pasteur (1822–1895) believed that the healthy human body was sterile and became sick only when invaded by bacteria. However, he admitted on his deathbed that “the germ is nothing, the terrain is everything” (by terrain meaning: different influences on the body from without and from within). Pasteur passed his notebooks to his heirs with the provision that they never made the notebooks public. His grandson, who did not care much for Pasteur, donated the notebooks to the French national library, which published them. This revealed that Pasteur had committed massive fraud in all his studies. For instance, he claimed that unvaccinated animals died when injected with virulent anthrax spores, but he also injected the unvaccinated animals with [deadly] poisons.11 Since Pasteur, no one has demonstrated experimentally the transmissibility of disease with pure cultures of bacteria or viruses. Rudolf Virchow invented the “cellular pathology” in 1858, which to date is the exclusive basis for biology and medicine. It claims that all diseases (as well as life) originate from a single cell, which is somehow hijacked by a virus.12 The cell theory was only implemented because Virchow suppressed crucial discoveries about tissues. The general insights concerning the creation and development of life and tissues were already known in 1858, and they completely refute the cell theory. The infection theory was only established as a global dogma through the concrete politics and eugenics of the Third Reich in 1933. After 1933, these critical scientists were silenced.13 In 1951 virology had completely disproved itself when it was discovered that “viruses” were also released during the decomposition of healthy organisms, and that nothing could be seen or found in the electron microscope (during control experiments, which were discarded later). Before 1952, it was a central component of virology that the dangerous viral protein (virus) could allegedly reproduce itself. But in 1952 it was recognized that nucleic acid (DNA) is responsible for the multiplication of proteins. John Franklin Enders (1897-1985) wrote an article in June 1954, in which he speculated that an “agent” could “possibly” play a role in measles. Because he won the Nobel Prize for the “human fetus/polio virus vaccine” in Dec. 1954, this speculation alone became a “scientific fact” and the exclusive basis for the entire new genetic virology after 1952. Molecular genetics: the virus became a genetic sequence Before the discovery of the double helix DNA in 1962 by Nobel prize winner Francis Crick (1916-2004), virologists (only) believed that “dangerous” proteins or “viruses” could cause disease. After the discovery of DNA, virology became “genetic” because of the new hype of molecular genetics. From that moment on, the cause of disease was thought to be in the genes. A virus was no longer a toxin, but a rather dangerous genetic sequence, a dangerous DNA, a dangerous viral strand.14 This new genetic virology was founded by young chemists who had no idea about biology and medicine, but they had unlimited research money. And most probably they did not know that the old virology had already refuted itself and given up. Computer model in stead of concrete physical genetic strand (or “virus”) Virologists extract individual molecules from dead tissue and cells and believe that they are part of a “virus” and then try to put together a virus model (a complete genetic sequence). They use only very small fragments of a genetic strand and try to make a model of the complete genetic sequence by imagining the whole sequence (since this does not exist in reality). When they have fabricated the whole sequence, they claim that they have found a “dangerous” or “infectious” virus. So, they think that they are making the complete genome of the virus. But in reality, this is not possible and the “complete virus genome” has never been seen or photographed with an electron microscope or “isolated”. “The “wirrologists” (euphemism for confused scientists) only mentally assemble a model of a virus from short fragments of decayed tissues and cells.”15 When trying to invent a complete “virus genome” in the old days, chicken embryos were mechanically injured and a model was painstakingly created by hand from the short nucleic acid (DNA) sequences of the dying tissue. Today, this is done by computer programs, in which imagined, invented whole sequences are entered that the virologists then output as viral. The problem with short DNA sequences Lanka: “Short DNA sequences are present in every organism, even in trees and papayas. But a viral genome (a virus) is defined as something longer that consist of several “genes”. With the PCR test method only small pieces can be detected and these do not tell whether there are only virus fragments, only defective viruses or harmless viruses or whether the number of viruses is too small to cause a massacre.”16 Stefan Lanka: “Virologists think that only the entire viral genome strand (the whole virus) is capable of infection, but a part of a virus (a gene snippet) does not. In doing so, they conceal their greatest professional secret that they have never found a complete viral genome strand (the complete virus). They also say that viruses do not have their own metabolism and are biochemically dead. However, how something dead can develop the power to enter the organism through the hides, fasciae (connective tissues), and leather skins of the organs, the lining of the vessels and against the mucous (slimy) flow of the mucous membranes, in order to pass through the tough connective tissue mass, is no longer an open question, but a refuted myth, which developed in our history.”17 The PCR test: summary and conclusions After reading the above paragraphs, it will be understandable that the PCR test as promoted by Drosten, cannot be used to detect a virus, or a disease or infection. PCR means “Polymerase Chain Reaction”. It was developed in 1983 by the biochemist Kary Mullis . The PCR test can only be used to copy small DNA fragments in order to get enough DNA to be able to study it and identify it. It was never intended for diagnosis and it is totally impossible to diagnose people with any disease whatsoever with this test. Also, it must be known before the testing, what the exact complete virus genome looks like: one has to know exactly what is going to be amplified. The PCR test cannot detect or identify any unknown sequences or any unknown viruses. So, the preparation of a template or model is needed. Such a model was imagined by Drosten with a computer program. So, what happened? Virologist Christian Drosten of the Charité Hospital in Berlin perverted, violated and misused the PCR test and said that it was possible to use it to diagnose people with “Covid-19” or “Corona”, by fabricating a complete imaginary genome model in a computer program which does not exist in reality (see Part Two). The PCR test was pushed by the WHO to be used by all countries as a means to detect “Covid-19”, a disease that does not exist. The enforced measures have killed more people than the so-called “Corona” or “Covid-19” “disease”. (What the real cause of the dying and sick people was, will be discussed later on in this Part.) If the testing would be stopped suddenly world wide, the pandemic would be over tomorrow (and nobody would notice anything different (compared to the situation before the so-called “pandemic”) 18. The history of the Charité Hospital in Berlin It is interesting that the Charité Hospital (which was founded in 1710 during the plague), had strong connections with the Nazi regime before and during WWII. In the Charité Hospital (“Charité” means charity) 300.000 handicapped children were killed and vaccines were tested on disabled people. They also had programs to kill elderly people who were mentally disabled.19 (The eugenic programs were later brought to the USA, during Operation Paperclip, which was the beginning of the Nazification of the USA – which will be a future article on this Black Coffee blog - .) Very long and technical articles have been written about the PCR test by critical people (who believe in viruses) who have found faults in the PCR method, but it is rather a waste of time to read these, because the simple fact is that viruses do not exist and people cannot get infected by viruses. But anyone who wants to see more details about (why) the PCR test (does not work), can read the following sources: HERE: (Kary Mullis) HERE: (WHO says the PCR test does not work) HERE: (Jon Rappoport) HERE: (PCR test tool for genocide) HERE: (how does a PCR test work?) HERE: (chromosome 8) HERE: (was the PCR test meant to detect a virus?) HERE: (Main Stream Media deadly silent) Cycles When a very small fragment of a genetic strand is too small to be able to detect it, it can be copied or enlarged. The number of times this is done, is called “cycles”: for instance, one cycle means getting two exact copies of the small DNA fragment, with two cycles you get four copies, three cycles give 8 copies, and so on. When you reach 25 cycles, this means millions of copies. The idea is that people who are sick have more “viruses” than healthy people. But sick people can have any kind of “viruses”, depending on the kind of disease. Since the “Corona” “virus” has never been isolated (using the Koch Postulates), they have nothing to compare the “viruses” from people with the so-called “Corona” “virus”. The ”Corona” “virus” is just an imagined computer model, fabricated by Drosten. It was also discovered that this computer model is the same as “chromosome 8”, a chromosome that all people have in their body, sick or healthy.20 When the tiny amount of DNA material is copied too many times, it has the same structure as any segment of DNA of any (healthy or sick) person, animal or plant (that is why papayas also tested “positive”). In the case of “Corona”, all people, all animals and all plants will test “positive”. When too little is copied, there is too little material to compare it with, so the test is “negative”. One can understand now that by using less or more cycles, one can manipulate the number of “negatives” or “positives”, as was done in many countries. (The meaning of “false positives” and “false negatives” is of course completely worthless, when we know this.) Exosomes Dr. Robert Young: “What is being viewed under the electron microscope by scientists is endogenously created exosomes and NOT a virus from the outside world.”21 Thomas Cowan: “…bacteria found at the site of disease for the same reason that firemen are found at the site of fires. Bacteria are the cleanup crew tasked with digesting and getting rid of dead and diseased tissues. Claiming that bacteria cause a certain disease is no more reasonable than claiming that firemen cause fires.”22 Scientists assumed that these are bad for us, and named them “viruses”, after the Latin word for “toxin”. “Modern researchers have shown that exosomes have exactly the same attributes as “viruses”. They are the same size, contain the same components, and act on the same receptors”23 They found that the inside diameter of exosomes is 500 nanometers, as is the diameter of the “Covid-19” “virus”, and the outside cell diameter is 100 nm in both cases. The receptor of exosomes is ACE-2, and the receptor of the “Covid-19” “virus” is also ACE-2. They both contain RNA and both are found in bronchoalveolar fluid (the lung fluid).24 The contagion myth Contagion is a purely western medical principle: neither traditional Chinese medicine nor Ayurveda entertains the concept of contagion.25 No one has ever been able to demonstrate experimentally that pure cultures of bacteria or viruses are transmissible from one human being to another, not even Pasteur or Robert Koch. It is a scientific lie that polio, AIDS, the Spanish flu or measles are causes by “viruses” and that the diseases are “contagious”. The Fourth Biological Law of Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer (update 15-09-2021) Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer discovered five biological laws which are fundamental for all diseases and all healing processes, and which have always existed and will always exist. This last point has to be stressed, because the German New Medicine is NOT an alternative healing theory, but rather a total new way of seeing and treating disease and healing. That is why I call this a “discovery” and not an “invention”: a discovery of the way Nature heals. The Fourth Biological Law is called “The Ontogenic System of Microbes”, and is about fungi, “viruses” and (myco)bacteria, and this is the reason I added this section to this part of the article. But to understand this law fully, one has to understand the basics of the German New Medicine. The fundamentally new vision is that it identifies the living organism as an inseparable unity of the psyche, the brain, and the organ. All processes of the psyche and the organ are coordinated from the brain, and the psyche is the programmer. Disease is not to be seen as “negative” or “malignant” but is a process of this unity to heal itself; it is not a senseless error of nature that has to be fought and attacked (as is the custom in traditional medicine). Hamer: “The point in time that triggers the activity of microbes is not determined by exterior factors (as erroneously assumed) but is rather controlled entirely from the computer brain.” Alle microbes “work” without exception only in the second or healing phase, starting with the conflict resolution, and ending with the completion of the healing phase." "We considered microbes as something “malignant” that has to be eradicated. This was pure nonsense because we badly need these microbes.” So, his view (or discovery) corresponds with the views of Robert Young and Stefan Lanka, in the sense that “viruses” (or microbes) are only present in the healing process to heal diseased cells and are NOT independent agents that “infect” or “attack” the body. The other four Biological Laws can be seen in this article: 25A The Spanish Flu The Spanish Flu was caused by vaccines. I do not agree with Arthur Firstenberg that it was caused by HF radiation. (Firstenberg says that in the years 1889, 1918, 1957 and 1968 new types of electricity (like telephone wires, electrical wires and radar) were used, and that this caused the epidemics. But when there would be some sort of correlation between the two, it has to be proved, and Firstenberg does not prove this. Radiation can very well be the cause of the same symptoms which are seen with people who have the flu- as we shall see later on - , but the Spanish Flu was certainly caused by vaccines.) “The first World War was short of duration, so the vaccine makers were unable to use up all their vaccines. Soldiers were given 14 tot 25 shots before they went abroad. When they came back, they suffered from yellow fever, hepatitis, high fever, extreme weakness, abdominal rash, swollen and sore throats, lung congestion, gasping, and many died; their bodied turned black because of stagnant blood. This was caused by the vaccines, NOT by some foreign “Spanish virus”. Doctors stated that there had been 63 deaths and 28.585 cases of hepatitis as a direct result of the yellow fever vaccine during only 6 months of war. When doctors tried to suppress the symptoms of typhoid with a stronger vaccine, it caused a worse form of typhoid, and when they concocted a more dangerous vaccine to suppress that one, they created an even worse disease, for which they had no name. So, they called it Spanish Influenza. Spain was far away, so the name did not lead to the doctors themselves. There were seven times more diseases among the vaccinated soldiers than among the unvaccinated civilians, and the diseases were those they had been vaccinated against.”26 When people are injected with dangerous poisons directly into the body, there is no natural defense, like when you swallow something. These dangerous poisons circulate immediately throughout the entire body in a matter of seconds and can poison and kill any kind of cells. If these poisons would be injected directly into the veins (blood), people would die in a few seconds. (More about vaccines in Part Four.) They tried to infect healthy people with saliva, blood, mucous and tissue from people who suffered from the Spanish Flue, but they could not make one person sick. They even made sick persons cough directly into the face of healthy persons, and injected blood of the sick into healthy persons, but no one got sick. This alone proves that the Spanish Flu was not caused by a virus. Resonance One can ask why people are getting sick sometimes, who are in the vicinity of diseased people, or why whole groups, like school children can get sick at the same time. There is evidence that people can get sick by vibrating at the same frequency as the person who is already ill, in cases where the healthy person has an emotional bond with the sick person, or when there is some other connection. “Chicken pox is a universal way for children to live a long life. Children who experience chicken pox have less disease than do children who haven’t had chicken pox. Why does chicken pox seem infectious? One child puts out the message through exosomes that now is the time to go through the detoxifying experience called chicken pox. Other children in their home or class or town receive the message and begin the same detoxification experience.”27 “One person emitting a certain frequency can make another also resonate to the same frequency. Our brains are extremely vulnerable to any technology which sends out ELF (Extreme Low Frequency) waves because they immediately start resonating to the outside signal by a kind of tuning-fork effect.”28 The astral (or emotional) body is especially impressionable to emotions expressed by others. I know a guy who got weaker and weaker because of his relationship with a woman who had multiple sclerosis (MS). He started to get to same symptoms, particularly after being intimate. “So, when people come together in the highly charged act of sex, a situation in which this resonance acts strongly, it is no surprise that the couple might resonate together and create identical DNA or RNA. To the virologist, this looks like the appearance of a new contagious virus.”29 Rudolf Steiner: “It is not possible to draw a fixed boundary between the changes that take place as a result of the activity of the I in the astral body and those that take place in the ether body, since they blend into each other.”30 Since the etheric body is the matrix for the physical body, disturbances in the astral body can flow over into the etheric body and then into the physical body, which can lead to “symptoms” and “disease”. Rupert Sheldrake propagated the term “Morphic Resonance”, although in this concept information is carried between groups of animals via the etheric field (or “Morphogenetic Field) over time, for instance in the case of newly learned skills by a species of birds.31 It is known that doctors do not get sick when treating patients with a so-called "contagious" disease; they have a professional responsibility for their patients and can maintain an emotional distance, and have a strong immune system. This also proves that the disease (of these patients) is not contagious. There could be other cases in which groups of people get sick at the same time which look like they "contaminated" each other, but I do not have the answer for everything. Bacteria Stefan Lanka: “The idea of bacteria being living independent structures which can survive by themselves is a laboratory artefact, a misinterpretation.”32 “Much fear has been bred and cultivated around viruses, although they never produce disease symptoms, whereas some bacteria do.”33 “An important dimension of the bacterial dependence of higher life forms is the floral population in the human digestive tract. Literally, these “foreign species” keep us alive. They will not or cannot attack healthy cells or tissues, but certain ones will recycle sick or dead tissue in much the same way insect pests are drawn to weaker plants.” 34 The relationship between “viruses” and vaccines, and patents on “viruses” The idea of “vaccination” is that when you inject a person with a “dead” or “weakened” “virus” of the disease you want to fight, the person/the immune system/body will generate antibodies against this disease, so that this disease cannot develop into a full-blown disease. When the Cabal said that there existed a “Corona” “virus”, or SARS-Cov-2 “virus”, they would have to be able to isolate such a virus, (and patent it), in order to make the vaccine against “Covid-19”, because the virus must be in the vaccine fluid. But because the Corona virus was only a contrived computer model, they had a problem. You cannot patent something from nature, such as water or sand, or, in this case, some “wild virus”. You have to make something unique yourself. |
So, they patented a “System and Method for Testing for COVID-19”. A system to detect Covid-19 was patented by Richard A. Rockefeller in Oct. 2015 in the Netherlands, and then in May 2017 in the USA.35, 36 Even as early as 2000, SARS Covid test methods were patented. “A systematic search of patent databases for coronavirus or severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus “SARS-Cov-2” or “sars-cov” or “COVID-19” identified more than 10.326 patent publications. Of these patents, 599 were published in the USA, and 616 were published in China“(!) (against only 189 in Europe.) 37 By patenting the method for testing a specific virus, and naming this virus, the virus itself was more or less also “patented”. All this is necessary to make and patent vaccines.
Radiation sickness As explained in thousands of studies about High Frequency (HF) radiation, HF radiation can cause severe trauma and death. The “Bioinitiative Report 2012” is a study by 29 authors from ten countries (ten of them holding MD’s and 21 PhD’s), in which biological effects as a result of HF radiation are published. 38 The problem is that governments act as if radiation is harmless and hide themselves behind “Health Organizations” (such as the Gezondheidsraad in the Netherlands and the National Health Institute in the USA), who are corrupt to the bone - because they are the puppets of the Rockefellers and other Cabal figures. These “health” institutes claim that HF radiation is only harmful if the body is warmed up a few degrees as the result of the radiation. This is of course a blatant lie, because studies show, (even as early as the 70s), that biological damage is done directly as a result of radiation, where body temperature is irrelevant. The Bioinitiative Report 2012 report the following symptoms as a result of HF radiation: (in simple terms translated), DNA-damage, reduction of melatonin, cancer, sperm damage, brain damage, bone damage, damage to fetuses when mothers used cell phones, autism, damage to the blood-brain barrier, brain tumors, neurological effects, leukemia, breast cancer, Alzheimer’s Disease, production of stress proteins, enhancing the effect of other toxins like pesticides and heavy metals (chem trails), etc.39 (See also my articles on this blog published on 04-03-2019 – “5G Silent Warfare” -, and on 24-06-2017 – “Microwave Radiation” -) Electro High Sensitivity (EHS) Why are some people getting sick because of radiation, and other people say they are not influenced by smart phones and wi-fi, etc.? This is a matter of sensitivity of the body to electricity. It is assumed that about 5% of the population (of a country) is sensitive to electricity (or are “EHS”). People can be slightly sensitive, moderate sensitive, very sensitive, or extremely sensitive to electricity. The people who are EHS, know this of course, because they have symptoms, and they are disbelieved by people who are not EHS. It is interesting that there is a method to find out whether someone is EHS, and even in what degree. You have to make a personal horoscope of the person (you need the date, place and exact time of birth), and then look at the position of Uranus (Uranus symbolizes electricity – among other things). When Uranus makes a disharmonic connection with the ascendant, then the person is very likely EHS. I tested this with two families, who were both radiated with 5G towers. One family went to northern Italy in Feb. 2020 (where 5G was rolled out), and the other family lived in Hasselt, Belgium, where 5G was also implemented. Some of the family members – of both families – had no symptoms at all, some members had moderate symptoms and some family members had severe symptoms. As it turned out, the family members who had no symptoms at all (were completely healthy), were not electro sensitive (EHS) according to their personal horoscope, the family members who had moderate symptoms were a bit EHS according to their personal horoscopes, and the family members who had severe symptoms, were very EHS, according to their personal horoscope. This leads to the following conclusions (although this study is not broad enough for a scientific or statistical conclusion): A. not ALL family members were sick: in the theory of virologists, people who are living so close with another should contaminate each other, B. the symptoms of these people were the result of 5G radiation. The symptoms of “Corona” (or “Covid-19”) are almost identical, so governments and “health” organizations are trying to convince the public that they do NOT suffer from 5G but are the victims of a “deadly virus”. Symptoms of 5G and symptoms of Covid-19 Claire Edwards, who worked for 18 years as an editor for the UN and discovered the United Nations agenda concerning the genocide plans, has made a comparison between the symptoms that people developed as a result of 5G radiation and the symptoms of so-called “Corona” patients, (or “Corona” symptoms given by health organizations). Radiation symptoms + Corona symptoms 40
Other symptoms of “Corona” (which are relevant):
Areas where 5G was rolled out compared to areas with “Corona” outbreaks Several studies were carries out to find out if there is a correlation between areas or (parts of) countries where 5G was rolled out, and areas or countries where so-called “Corona outbreaks” were reported. To name all the results would take too much space, so you have to read and see these for yourself at: See HERE 41, and HERE 42, HERE 43, and HERE (scroll down) 44 To name a few important results from the above sources:
The connection between 60 GHz (5G) and the Corona Virus The telecom companies state in no uncertain terms that 60GHz absorbs oxygen. (As the reason they say that with 60GHZ, there is less interference, so they can use different frequencies that lie next to one another, without overlapping.) They show a graph with the degree of GHz on the horizontal axis, and the percentage of oxygen absorption at the vertical axis.45 From 10 tot 50 GHz there is about 0 % oxygen absorption, but at 50 GHz it rises steeply to more than 95% at 60GHz, and then the curve goes down to 0% at about 90 GHz. When 60GHz absorbs oxygen, the oxygen cannot easily bond with the hemoglobin on the red blood cell, therefore people and animals in that area will suffer from Hypoxia (deprivation of oxygen to the brain) which can lead to permanent health damages or death.46 So, the red blood cells cannot absorb the oxygen, and as a result cannot deliver the oxygen to all the parts in the body, of which the lungs, the heart and the brain are the most important. This can lead to stroke (brain infarct), heart attack or respiratory problems as not being able to breath.47 Other symptoms are: cognitive disturbances, temporary memory loss, reduced ability to move your body, concentration problems, fainting, seizure, coma and brain death.48 Wearing face masks makes it even more difficult to get enough oxygen. Readers who are still in doubt, concerning the connection between 5G and Corona, might find this video interesting, in which a technician discovers a chip on a mother board of a 5G tower, with the inscription “COV.19” 49. In a more recent post, someone saw a “Delta” mark on the box of a 5G tower, implicating that the frequency of this tower could lead to the “Delta” variant of the “Corona” “virus”. Finally, the conclusion of the Association of French Reserve Army Officers, reported in “Investigative Report on the Covid-19 Pandemic and its Relationship to SARS-COV-2 and other Factors”: “It is impossible to fail to notice the similarity between the lung damage observed by all emergency doctors in the context of the COVID-19 epidemic and the damage caused by the use of an electromagnetic weapon, in addition to permanent headaches, increasing fatigue, burning sensations in the lungs, thrombosis and loss of sensitivity to smell and taste, which are also cited as symptoms of COVID-19.” 50 The real cause of the “Corona” deaths in Wuhan: 5G / Graphene oxide Wuhan in China was one of the first “smart” cities to be blanketed with 5G antennas. They (the western Cabal – Rockefeller etc. -, not the Chinese) installed 10.000 5G towers in Wuhan and switched these on all at the same time, as an experiment to see how many people would get sick and how many people would die. According to Benjamin Fulford, between 2 million and 6 million people were killed. Very recently, Spanish researchers discovered graphene oxide in “Corona” “vaccines”: the shots contained even 99,9% graphene oxide. Later, they also discovered that graphene oxide was also put in the flu vaccines, that were used in 2019. Because all people in Wuhan got the flu vaccine in 2019, they already had graphene oxide in their bodies at the moment all 10.000 5G towers were turned on. What is graphene oxide and what does it do in the body? 51 Graphene oxide is cheap variant of graphene, which was discovered in 2004 in England. It is 200 times as hard as steel, but more flexible, and is only one atom thick. When it is injected in the body, it forms a kind of structure or network of very thin black strands. Symptoms of graphene poisoning are: bilateral pneumonia (normal pneumonia is always in one lung), blood cloths, inflammation in multiple organs, crashing of the immune system and eventually a cytokine storm which leads to unconsciousness and death. When people in Wuhan with graphene oxide in their brains were radiated with 5G, they lost consciousness within minutes as a result of a cytokine storm, as we saw in videos of people falling down on the streets. Normally, people who have some kind of flu or “Corona”, are sick and rather lie on a bed than walking on the streets. The so-called “”spike”’ protein is nothing else than graphene in your body, as Dr. Luis Marcelo Martinez explains:52 All theories about a “virus” that escaped from a laboratory in China, or was fabricated in a lab at Fort Detrick (Maryland, USA), or was found in a bat on the market, whether it was “natural” or not, whether spike proteins were involved or not, whether there are mutations or not, are smoke screens put forth in the media by the Cabal to confuse people and to steer them away from 5G and graphene. People in northern Italy were also injected with the flu vaccine, so the combination of 5G and graphene oxide, together with air pollution (as was the case in Wuhan), was the cause of (some of) the disease of the people in northern Italy. The real causes of the flu According to Dr. Robert Young, the flu is a fake disease, caused by eating too much food, and too many sugars at Christmas, with results in the body going into the defense mode against a too acidic fluid system. Rudolf Steiner said that the flu is “a disease of the brain”, but unfortunately, he does not tell what causes it. The real causes of “Covid-19” deaths Because Covid-19 as a disease does not exist (because the “Corona” “virus” is just a computer model and viruses in general cannot cause diseases), people who got sick and/or died and were labeled “Corona” patients or “Corona” deaths, must have had symptoms which relate to existing diseases or new diseases, which are real and not imaginary. Many people who believe the media are convinced of the Corona story, exactly because they knew someone who died. And they believe that the cause was “Corona”. There are different reasons and causes why these people got sick and/or died. Very obvious was the fact that in 2020 the common flu was suddenly “gone” in 2020, and in stead the number of “Corona” cases rose by the same percentage.53, 54 Another factor was that elderly people died of existing health problems, and when they died, on the death sheet was written “Covid-19”. The doctors were ordered tot do this by the national health organizations and they were also paid by them.55 People who had respiratory problems, - having a hard time breathing - , and were taken to hospitals, were put on ventilators, which force air with high pressure into the lungs, and as a result died because of these ventilators, due to damage to the lungs. The lungs could not take in oxygen, because the lungs were already starving because of oxygen deprivation in the red blood cells.56 There was a story of a patient who was clever enough to remove the ventilator and escaped from the hospital; he was the only survivor of the people who were put on ventilators. As mentioned, 5G/60 GHz is the greatest cause of “Corona” deaths. People in elderly homes were killed as a procedure: nurses discovered that the normal drugs were gone from the cabinets, and in stead they were ordered to inject the elderly with morphine and euthanasia drugs, from which they died. So, they were just killing these people. Those kinds of new procedures had to be put in place in all homes for the elderly worldwide, so this is only possible when this is planned in advance in great detail.57, 58 (Killing the elderly in the USA is however not a new phenomenon, as we can see in a report from 2002.59.) There are also reports from hospitals about sudden drops of requests for heart surgery and other major operations. At the same time the number of “Corona” patients rose with the same percentage. (The falling number of operations world wide is also due to the fact that patients are afraid they may die in a hospital – getting “infected” with a deadly “virus” - and are cancelling their appointments.) It is even possible that people die of fear; they can be so afraid of “a deadly virus” that they can actually die (because of the Cosmic Law: energy follows thought). To sum up the different causes of death: (labelled as “Corona”)
The similarity between 9/11 and Corona After 9/11, governments and the main stream media amped up the fear with incessant coverage and propaganda. International terrorists, as well as Corona Viruses can’t easily be stopped, require a great deal of time and money to defeat, are nowhere to be seen (are invisible), and no proof is needed for their existence. The measures killed far more people than the event itself: the USA killed millions of civilians in Iraq, and the number of people that are dying as results of the Corona measures (especially the “Corona vaccine”), are getting greater each day. New paradigms were introduced in both cases: the “new war on terror”, and “the new war on bioterror”. The official narrative is false: we were supposed to believe that terrorists without real flying experience were able to fly passenger planes into buildings and could out maneuver even the best pilots by flying into the outer ring of the Pentagon with a precision of a few inches. The new virus was supposed to be everywhere, even on supermarket carts, money, on the beach and could be alive and present in people who are not sick at all. The total event was a hoax from beginning to end: there never were planes who crashed into building (these were computer animated video’s), and there never was any outbreak of a virus, certainly no pandemic and to top it off: viruses do not even exist and diseases are not contagious. There was foreknowledge: the BBC seemed to know that building 7 was going to fall, when it was still standing. There was a lot of trading on the stock market one day before 9/11, in the case of Corona many exercises, conferences and trainings were held years in advance, all because a world-wide pandemic was expected. You can read all the similarities in this article:60. Conclusions of Part Three Stefan Lanka said that the “Corona pandemic” could lead to a quicker dismantling of the Germ Theory, the Virus fairy tale and the false believe in contamination (and vaccines). About 30% of the German population does not believe in viruses anymore. And certainly, many people are thinking twice before having their children injected with poisons. The relationship between 5G and Corona is fading, but this was never a serious item in the alternative media, which is a shame, unforgivable, inconceivable, unexpected, incomprehensible and a major failure. With the news about graphene oxide which can be activated by 5G, this could be the turning point in the coverage, and they will probably say that they “always knew that 5G was the cause”. In Part Four will be discussed: Corona vaccines (and vaccinations in general), corrupt governments, the resistance movement, the people and the damage to society. Part Five is all about what you can do to stay healthy, to eliminate graphene oxide, the consequences of fear and how to process fear, how to raise your frequency and the future. Notes
22. Corona & COVID-19 - Part Two: Planning the Pandemic, Depopulation Agenda's, Bill Gates, the UN, the WHO, the RIVM and the CDC. (26-01-2021)
In this part facts are presented about the planning of the “pandemic” (hence called “Plandemic”), by the bankers, the WHO, the governments, Bill Gates, the World Economic Forum, and others. This is followed by a discussion of depopulations programs which were set up after WWII, and the reasons behind the construction of global institutions like the UN and the WHO, including their criminal agenda’s and activities. The fraudulent “Drosten Paper”, which led to the worldwide use of the useless PCR test, is analyzed, and at the end the criminal roles of the RIVM and the CDC are discussed. 2001: June: Dark Winter The US Government and the elite have been carrying out drills or simulations for pandemics for a long time. In June 2001, they conducted an operation called “Dark Winter” 1, which simulated a biowarfare anthrax (bacteria) attack. (Such an attack happened after 9/11). The Johns Hopkins Centre for Civilian Biodefense Studies was involved. Hopkins was also involved in Event 201 (see hereafter) and this center is also responsible for the “official” “Covid-19 case and death count map”. 2 2001: Model State Emergency Health Powers Act (Drafted 2001) This public health act was originally drafted by the CDC (Center for Disease Control and Prevention) with the intention of getting the 50 US states to enact similar legislation, including forced vaccinations (by the National Guards), as a response to epidemics, pandemics and bioterrorism. This would give governors dictatorial powers with no judicial oversight. 3 2004: Project Bioshield The Project Bioshield Act was an act passed by the US Congress in 2004 calling for 6,5 billion dollars for purchasing vaccines that would be used in the event of a bioterrorist attack. 4 This act justified all sorts of Big Pharma interventions by playing off the fear of the day (for Ebola, the plague, anthrax, Covid-19, etc.). 2005: Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act This Act states that vaccine manufacturers are not responsible for any damage as a result of vaccination: “1. death; 2. physical, mental, or emotional injury, illness, disability, or condition, 3. fear of physical, mental, or emotional injury, illness, disability, or condition, including any need for medical monitoring, loss of or damage to property, including business interruption loss”. 5 2009: Meeting of the "Good Club" with Gates, Rockefeller, Soros In May 2009 a secret meeting was held at the Rockefeller University in Manhattan with (among others) the billionaires Bill Gates, David Rockefeller, Ted Turner, George Soros, Oprah Winfrey, Michael Bloomberg, Eli & Edythe Broad, and Warren Buffett, about "Shrinking the World's Population". It was not about "reducing the growth of world population", but about "depopulation". Gates said in a Ted Talk (Feb. 2010): "And if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we could lower [the world populaiton by 10 or 15 percent". This means killing 680 millon to 1.02 billion people. 5A (Update 24-10-2021) 2010: Lock Step (Rockefeller) “A Rockefeller Foundation paper analyzed a scenario called “Lock Step” (a phrase with negative overtones and suggestive of soldiers, military and fascism) where they outlined governmental responses to a rapidly emerging viral pandemic. The paper outlined a scenario where a pandemic has hit, and the governments of the world use it to expand their authority and increase their grip on power.” 6, This includes a forced vaccination program after the second lockdown phase of six months. 7 2012: Olympics During the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games 27-07-2012 a large, complicated show was performed with the form of a giant blue Coronavirus (like the image that was later used by the main stream media in 2020), people in black running around symbolizing spreading viruses, dozens of children in beds, a Chinese woman (Wuhan), and a 5G tower. 8 2014: Global Health Security Agenda “At the [first] Global Health Security Agenda meeting, the US Health and Human Services Department, the WHO, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (worth 46.8 billion dollars, more than the Rockefeller Foundation), GAVI (the Global Alliance for Vaccination and Immunization, a global public-private partnership bringing together state sponsors and big pharmaceutical companies, whose specific goals include the creation of markets for vaccines), and health officials from dozens of countries decided to create a health security” agenda for the world. Its main goal was to vaccinate the entire population of the planet and drive changes in national legislation to do so. They agreed on the priority to achieve 90% measles vaccination coverage around the globe and to use arguments of “health emergencies” and “security threats” to bypass informed consent laws and constitutional rights.” 9 This led to the removal of vaccine exemption rights in California, and to a “vaccine war”, in which more states, like New Jersey, Maine, Virginia, Colorado and Hawaii tried to adopt harsher vaccine laws. (As happened in Italy, which was the country whose population was the most against forced vaccination laws from all European countries.) 2017: USNORTHCOM Branch Plan 3560 A US military paper warned of a possible “novel influenza disease” that could strike the US and leave it unprepared. 10 It outlines a planned and coordinated response to an infectious disease outbreak involving numerous governmental agencies, such as CDC [Centers for Disease Control and Prevention], WHO [World Health Organization], DHS [Department of Homeland Security], FEMA [Federal Emergency Management Agency], USDA [US Department of Agriculture], HHS [US Department of Health and Human Services], and NGO’s like USAID [US Agency for International Development]. 2017: Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI) In 2017 the CEPI was launched in Davos (at the World Economic Forum), which the key goal to reduce the time to develop vaccines from 10 years to less than 12 months, 11 which was funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation with 100 million dollars. 2019: Event 201 (October) In Baltimore (USA) a Coronavirus simulation exercise was organized by the World Economic Forum (the organization that is pushing vaccines the most), the CDC (the organization that pushes the “Germ-Theory”) , Bill Gates and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (who propagate global depopulation by vaccines openly), and the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security. 12 This exercise was an imaginary global response show, to an imaginary global pandemic. Among the invited persons were: Prof. Gao (director of the Chinese CDC), Avril Haines (Deputy Director of the CIA during the Obama term), Adrian Thomas ((Vice President of Johnson & Johnson, a giant pharmaceutical company), and Martin Knuchel ((Head of Crisis, Emergency & Business Continuity Management for Lufthansa). Since Germany (see "the Corman-Drosten Paper") was at the head of the European countries to spread panic, horror and fear, this is telling. 2019: Crimson Contagion 2019 Functional Exercise This exercise was run by the US Government, in which a viral pandemic was simulated. It allegedly began in China and landed in Chicago, infecting 110 million Americans. It was led by former Air Force physician Robert Kadlec, who was also involved in the Dark Winter Project (see above). Kadlec was a top health official under Trump in 2017, who pressed the government to by small pox vaccines for the amount of 2.8 billion (!) dollar, to be “prepared for a natural pandemic”.13 Depopulation Agenda's It is difficult to say who is behind all the depopulation programs that were presented during the last 60 years or so, but there is one thing they have in common, which is that the word “choice” in unknown to the planners. Many scientists could make one believe that there are too many people on this planet, which could be true or not, depending on what kind of society you have in mind; for instance, a world in which every citizen has a bungalow and a large garden and all nature areas are declared national parks. One of the most important arguments is the fallacy of food shortage. All developing countries are kept deliberately in a state of under development concerning: agriculture, technology, infrastructure, science, education, international trade, health care, etc., by the Cabal, to make sure that these countries do not become strong, independent and rich, because the elite would then not be able to steal the resources like oil and diamonds. We can read this in the National Security Study memorandum 200, called “Implications of Worldwide Population Growth For US Security And Overseas Interests” 14 In this memorandum they even say that it is of vital importance that the undeveloped countries do not see the rich countries as countries who deliberately keep their strength down (Icke, p. 168). Thomas Ferguson (expert at the State Department of Population Affairs, which was set up by Henry Kissinger): “The quickest way to reduce population is through famine, like in Africa or through diseases like the Black Death” 15). Another plan by Ferguson: “To reduce the population quickly you have to pull all the males into fighting and kill significant numbers of fertile, child-bearing females.” Depopulation was the goal behind the wars in Nicaragua, Cambodia, El Salvador, Iran, Rwanda, etc. Ferguson: “Either they [the governments] do it our way, through nice clean methods, or they will get the kind of mess that we have in El Salvador, or in Iran, or in Beirut [all Kissinger engineered].” 16 Many people around the world still think that hunger and starvation in Third World countries is a deplorable situation, and that it would be a waste of money to give financial aid, because the dictators would just grab the money and put it on their Swiss bank accounts. They have no idea that the whole situation in the Third World is planned by the elite. This is by far the worst crime on the planet: to starve babies and little children to death on purpose (and of course the torture, rape, killing and eating of babies and children by the Satanist Zionist Khazarian elite). Bill Gates’ vaccination programs have the same goal: depopulation. For instance, UNICEF, an organization under the UN, made thousands of African women infertile by means of tetanus vaccination. 17 The Club of Rome, founded by the Italian Freemason Aurelio Peccei (member of the Committee of 300), is the “primary promotion agency for the genocidal reduction of world population levels.” 18 The Club of Rome is also an advocator of a One World Government (mostly called “The New World Order”, which is not a very good name, because A. it does not say that they want one global government, (and one global army), and B. it does not say whether this is positive or negative). In general, the elite wants to get rid of about 50% to 95% of the world population (depending on which elite group you are talking about), by means of starvation and famine, wars, vaccination, spreading diseases, poisoning water and food supplies, high frequency radiation like 1,2,3,4,5G, man-made tsunamis, AIDS, “medicines”, hard drugs, promotion of homosexuality, triggering earth quakes, pandemics, plagues, “free” trade policies, forced and/or covert sterilization programs, civil wars and genocidal actions like those of Pol Pot, one-child programs like in China, euthanasia programs, etc. 19 So, when we make a short evaluation of the year 2020 and the so-called “pandemic”, it is not difficult to see that the elite wants 50% to 95% of the people dead. The elite have become so afraid of the people who are waking up to their agenda by the millions , that they have launched kind of a “crash depopulation program” in 2020. Everyone can now see the true face of the “system” which is ruling the planet, and which have fooled everyone for thousands of years. But this will end relatively soon. Bill Gates Bill Gates (1955) is known as the co-founder of Microsoft and the founder of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (2000). He did not study medicine, is no physical doctor, has not finished college, is not a virologist, is not an epidemiologist, is not elected, visited Jeffrey Epsteins Pedo island countless times, and did NOT have his own children vaccinated. But what he does have, is money. He gave 4.3 billion to the WHO, 4.1 billion dollars to GAVI, 155 million to the CDC, 870 million to Johns Hopkins University, 40 million to Prof. Chris Witty ((England’s chief medical officer), 243 million to the University of Oxford, and 250 million to the main stream media: BBC, NPR, NBC, Al Jazeera, ProPublica, National Journal, The Guardian, the New York Times, Univision, Medium, the Financial Times, The Atlantic, the Texas Tribune, Gannett, National Press Foundation, Center for Investigative Journalists, Le Monde and other main stream media groups. Although the main stream media workers say that his money has NO effect on the “objectiveness” of their “journalism”, we know better of course, (see my article “The Problems of the Main Stream Media” on my blog blackcoffeeandsunhine.nl) The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is a major stock holder in Royal Dutch Shell, the Sapref plant, Dow Chemical 20, and other heavy polluting industries, like Monsanto (in which Gates invested 23 million dollars). He also funds the “Our World in Data” website, that is tracking the latest statistics and research on the Coronavirus pandemic. Also, he donated 280 million dollars to the Imperial College London, where the computer models were created which predict and miscalculate the spread, impact and death rate of the pandemic. 21 Robert Kennedy Jr: “His bribes have paid off. During the pandemic, bought and brain-dead news outlets have treated Bill Gates as a public health expert – despite his lack of medical training or regulatory experience. Gates also funds an army of “independent” “fact checkers” including Poynter Institute and Gannett – which use their fact-checking platforms to “silence detractors” and to “debunk” as “false conspiracy theories” and “misinformation”, charges that Gates has championed and invested in biometric chips, vaccine identification systems, satellite surveillance, and COVID vaccines.” 22 Quotes by Bill Gates: “We can wipe out a lot of humanity If we can just get vaccines into more people” (Ted Talk, 2017), “We want to use COVID-19 as an excuse to get everyone vaccinated” (CNN, 23-04-2020), “We want to get everyone vaccinated and then we’ll have an RIFD chip implanted in them so we can track them” (Reddit AMA, April 2020) 23 The World Health Organization (WHO, also called the World Hoax Organization) Short history The WHO was established in 1948 in Geneva, Switzerland (the country where the bankers, the CIA, the Octagon Group and the Rockefellers have their centers and homes). The WHO came out of the health organization of the former League of Nations, which was set up in 1923. 24 This was the first attempt for a world government after World War I, but when this did not work out, it was tried again after World War II with the United Nations. 25 The Rockefellers donated the money to build the headquarters of the League of Nations in Geneva, and they would later donate the land which the United Nations headquarters now occupies in New York. 26 The first general-director of the WHO was Brock Chisholm (1896-1971), a soldier, sniper and machine-gunner in WW I, who later studied at the Yale [known for Skull & Bones] Institute of Human Relations and became a psychiatrist. He was known for his advocacy for sexual education, world depopulation, a world police force, sterilization as a population-control measure, a global government and a global legal system. 27 No wonder he was chosen to be the first director of the WHO! (It must be said that Chisholm was also against traditional morality and religion to instill guilt, fear and prejudice in children.) We shall jump to the current director-general Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus (b. 1965, Asmara, Eritrea Province, Ethiopian Empire), who is no medical doctor at all, and sat on the board of GAVI. A Times /Sunday Times article of 14-12-2020 said: “David Steinman called for Ghebreyesus to be prosecuted for genocide over his alleged involvement in directing Ethiopia’s security forces.” 28 He came under fire over his handling of cholera epidemics in Ethiopia and Sudan. He was accused of failing to investigate outbreaks of cholera, when he was Ethiopia’s health minister from 2005 to 2012. Birhanu Jula, a general of the Ethiopian army accused Ghebreyesus of helping rebel group Tigrays People’s Liberation Front (TPLF) [“a brutal and corrupt ethno-fascist political group mainly responsible for gross human rights violations and crimes against humanity in Ethiopia”] 29 procure weapons. Jula also said that Ghebreyesus is a member of the TPLF and a criminal, and that he worked in neighboring countries to get weapons. 30 As a result, President Trump decided to withdraw US funding of the WHO, which amounts to 60 million dollars. The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is now the largest non-state funder of the WHO, having donated more than 2 billion dollars in earmarked grants since 1998, which is more than the combined contributions from Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Russia and the UK. 31 The WHO and Corona On January 30th, 2020, the World Health Organization declared a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC) in relation to China’s “novel” Coronavirus.” 32 At this time there were only 150 “confirmed cases” outside of China. With a global population of 7.8 billion people, this statement is absolutely ridiculous, not to say totally criminal and fraudulent. Every year up to 650.000 people die of seasonal flu worldwide. Compared with 650.000 deaths, 150 deaths are certainly negligible. (The WHO however says that 250.00 to 500.000 people die of the common flu, every year.) Shortly before the WHO declaration on the 30th of January, a meeting was held from the 21th to the 24th of January 2020, with the following partners: the World Economic Forum (who is the driving power behind worldwide vaccinations), the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (the driving force behind world depopulation), the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations for the Development of Vaccines (say no more), GlaxoSmithKline (in 2012 they paid 3 billion dollars: because of the largest health care fraud in US history 33). There were also discussions with the IMF and the World Bank (MI6 says that Corona pandemic was traced back to a document at the World Bank dated 1978 34), the State Department and US Intelligence. 35. So, it seems that all parties agreed to go along with the criminal act of the WHO and Ghebreyesus. It all started with a big lie by the Bankers, the Vaccinators, the Depopulationists and the political marionets. Their goal being to vaccinate the entire world population. Should any reader still believe that the WHO is an honest, do-good public health watch dog, please read the following: the WHO offered 20 million dollars to the President of Madagascar to poison an organic cure for Corona, based on Artemisia, which was developed in Madagascar. 36 Also, the WHO made no mention of the use of Chloroquine as an effective Covid-19 treatment used in China and South-Korea, whereas they (WHO) formerly cited Chloroquine on the list of “essential medicines” 37 (which was used against Malaria and is a very cheap drug). On Jan. 16, 2020, the head of Pfizer research warned the Pfizer vaccines can/will lead to “sterilization of women [and men] for an indefinite duration”. 38 Since the WHO (and the World Economic Forum) are aggressively pushing the vaccination agenda, this means that it is proven that the WHO wants to depopulate the world. (More about vaccinations in Part Three or Four.) The United Nations (established on Oct. 24, 1945) “A tiny elite are coordinating all apparently unconnected events. They are creating the opposing “sides” which can then be brought into conflict to play one off against the other and create another force – New World Orderism. This was expressed most obviously and destructively in the way the elite created, funded, and brought capitalism and communism into conflict against fascism in the Second World War. This created the desired synthesis: the United Nations and the European Community.” 39 (Remember; Rockefeller donated the land upon which the United Nations building was constructed in New York.) “Bertrand Russel said that it was necessary to use the fear of nuclear weapons to force all nations to give up their sovereignty and submit to the dictatorship of de United Nations.” 40 |
“When George H.W. Bush became ambassador to the UN in 1972, he and his clique in the US Agency for International Development arranged the first official contract between the American government and the Sterilization League of America [!], which had, by then, changed its name yet again, to the Association for Voluntary Surgical Contraception.
Under this contract, the US government (taxpayer) began to fund this organization to do in non-white countries of the world what it already had done to children in North Carolina. In 1988 another contract was arranged which involved the American taxpayer spending 80 million dollars over five years to expand this work in 58 countries in Asia, Africa, and Spanish-America. Millions have been sterilized.” 41 In short: the UN, the WHO and other global institutions were set up to evolve into world powers (and from there into a world government), with the powers to control the lives of everyone on the planet, as we have seen happening in the year 2020. The UN coerced almost all countries of the world (190 out of 193), except Sweden, Nicaragua and Belarus, into compliance with the global criminal pandemic hoax. These countries had to sign a UN/WHO contract which forced the governments to follow the rules, like lockdowns, testing and mask wearing. In October 2020 the WHO suddenly said that “lockdowns are not primary means of controlling the virus.” 42 What changed is that a critical mass of decision-makers within the world’s intelligence and law enforcement organizations has realized the whole Covid-19 campaign is a massive crime against humanity. 43 So, the WHO was getting afraid of getting a massive indictment, which would cost them billions of dollars. Another proof of the fact that the UN is actually working towards world depopulation is that the UN was actively pushing the worldwide rollout of 5G in all countries, which is a lethal military weapon, as is told by Claire Edwards, who worked as an editor at the United Nations for 18 years. 44 If 5G would indeed be activated worldwide, it would decimate the world population. (See my article on 5G on my blog www.blackcoffeeandsunshine.nl) The Corman-Drosten Paper (set the standard for PCR testing around the world) A report written by virologist Victor M. Corman and virologist Christian Drosten (head of virology at the Berlin Charité, a university hospital in Berlin, Germany) (and co-written by Olfert Landt, Marco Kaiser, Marion Koopmans and Daphne Mulders from Erasmus University Rotterdam and Bart Haagmans from the RIVM), was published in Eurosurveillance, an European public health community platform), on Jan. 23, 2020, titled “Detection of 2019 novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) by real-time-RT-PCR”. This paper had an enormous influence worldwide, since it was accepted as the standard for worldwide testing of people (with the controversial PCR-test), whether people did have or did not have “Corona”. In response, a review was published on Nov. 27, 2020, written by 22 scientists (among others Pieter Borger), in which they analyzed the Corman-Drosten paper and found ten fatal errors. It would go too far for this article to go into the scientific details of these errors, but you can find them here: https://cormandrostenreview.com/report/. In normal English, the following problems (or mistakes or lies) came about:
As we will later see in Part Three or Four, the PCR test is absolutely worthless, is not developed for diagnosis, cannot be used as a diagnostic test, and can only find some genetic material that all sick and healthy people (and healthy animals and plants) have in their bodies. This means that all worldwide measures (like lock-downs) which removed the freedoms of people, were based on a lie. Rijks Instituut voor Volkshygiëne en Milieu (National Institute for Public Health and Environment, also called the “Rijks Instituut voor Volksverlakkerij en Manipulatie”) It would not be very interesting to report all lies, criminal statements and fraudulent actions of the RIVM, because they follow the orders from the WHO and the CDC, and work hand-in-glove with the Dutch government and Big Pharma, so I will give only a few remarkable things they said:
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) When we study the history of the CDC, a series of scientific fraud cases come to light. It looks like the CDC is more criminal than the WHO, Drosten, the RIVM, and the Robert Koch Institute together, and can be compared, at the criminal level, to for instance the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation or the Clinton Foundation. The CDC is a national public “health” institute in the USA, and was founded on July 1, 1946, as the successor to the World War II Malaria Control in War Areas Program. Preceding its foundation, organizations with global influence in malaria control were the Malaria Commission of the League of Nations and the Rockefeller Foundation [!]. 46 Joe Biden (wanted for high treason and fraud), has appointed the Jewish Rochelle Walensky as the director of the CDC on December 7, 2020. (80% of the Satanist Zionists (that orchestrated the so-called “Corona” “Pandemic” are Khazarian Jews.) I will list a few crimes of the CDC and then we will get into the more serious matters the CDC is involved in.
In 1976 there was the so-called “Legionnaires disease”, which occurred two weeks after a convention of the American Legion. At the end there were 182 cases, including 29 deaths. The CDC said it was an infectious disease and searched for a virus for five months. “The CDC and the sensational media coverage of the small and short-lived outbreak terrified the American public at large.” The real cause was later discovered: the Legionnaires had been drinking and smoking heavily during their bicentennial celebration, which damaged their immune system to such a low that they got pneumonia. 53 We saw the same scenario playing out when there were only 150 causalities outside China in the beginning of 2020, when the WHO, the CDC and Fauci declared this a “worldwide pandemic.” The problems and dangers of global institutions like the United Nations and the WHO By reading the above texts, one could get the idea that all persons who work at the UN or the WHO (or the RIVM etc.) are criminals and should be arrested. Fortunately, this is not the case. A lot of people working for the UN are honest, well-meaning people who want the best for every citizen on earth. (The same is true concerning the Jews: most Jewish people and citizens who live in Israel are people like people in any other country.) So, the crucial point is whether these organizations are run by positive or negative people, people who are serving others, or people who are only self-serving. Because the negative effects of self-serving directors and CEO’s, of these organizations are destroying the lives of billions of people worldwide. Personally, I have no objection to a world government, providing that they grant everyone personal freedom, abolish income tax, arrest all Cabal, give everyone a bungalow with a large garden and a swimming pool, give everyone free-energy devices for warming and transport, abolish all debt, provide natural health care for free, provide for free education and free universities, and forbid the use of digital or physical money. Conclusions of Part Two Based on the information given in Part Two, - which you can study for yourself using the sources and notes -, it is evident that there is a cooperation of individuals, companies, institutions and governments with the goal of global genocide, vaccinations as a means of depopulation and making slaves of all surviving people. (Other goals are: destroying the global economy, demolish cash money, making people dependent on social security so that they can be controlled financially; items that will be dealt with in later episodes.) Bill Gates (with his Foundation) has such an influence on all areas that have to do with health, like research, science, Big Pharma, vaccine producers, NGO’s, governmental institutions, governments, national health institutions, the main stream media and all social media, that all critical and independent voices and scientific studies are ignored, debunked, silenced and/or called “conspiracy theorists”, who “are a danger to national security and the world”. All the lies are thus sustaining themselves in this vicious circle. End of Part Two Contents of Part Three: the Germ Theory (the contagion myth), the Spanish Flu, the Plague and the real causes, Radiation Sickness, the real diseases of the so-called "Corona-patients/deaths", Electro High Sensitivity & "Corona", 5G/ 60GHz & "Corona": oxygen deprivaion, the 5G genocide in Wuhan. Notes Part Two 1. Makia Freeman: Nine Simulations, Drills and Laws that Planned and Prepared for the Coronavirus:
https://thefreedomarticles.com/9-simulations-drills-laws-prepared-for-the-coronavirus/. 2. Dark Winter: https://www.centerforhealthsecurity.org/our-work/events-archive/2001_dark-winter/index.html. 3. Makia Freeman: Nine Simulations, Drills and Laws that Planned and Prepared for the Coronavirus: https://thefreedomarticles.com/9-simulations-drills-laws-prepared-for-the-coronavirus/. 4. https://www.medicalcountermeasures.gov/barda/cbrn/project-bioshield-overview/. 5. https://www.arnoldporter.com/en/perspectives/publications/2020/03/the-public-readiness-and-emergency-preparedness. 5A. https://newsrescue.com/shrink-the-worlds-population-secret-2009-meeting-of-billionaires-good-club-gates-soros-buffet-bloomberg-rockefeller-cnns-ted-turner-etc/. See also this article in The Guradian. 6. Makia Freeman: Nine Simulations, Drills and Laws that Planned and Prepared for the Coronavirus: https://thefreedomarticles.com/9-simulations-drills-laws-prepared-for-the-coronavirus/. 7. http://www.agmiw.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/Transcript-The-Covid-Plan_Rockefeller-Lockstep-2010.pdf. 8. Olympics 2012 Opening Ceremony. 9. Senta Depuyd: Does the Corona pandemic Serve a Global Agenda? https://newagora.ca/does-the-coronavirus-pandemic-serve-a-global-agenda/. 10. https://archive.org/details/BranchPlan3560/page/n1/mode/2up. 11. https://wikispooks.com./wiki/Coalition_for_Epidemic_Preparedness_Innovations. 12. https://www.centerforhealthsecurity.org/event201/about. 13. https://www.washingtonpost.com/investigations/before-pandemic-trumps-stockpile-chief-put-focus-on-biodefense-an-old-client-benefited/2020/05/04/d3c2b010-84dd-11ea-878a-86477a724bdb_story.html. 14. David Icke: And the truth Shall Set You Free, p. 167. 15. Lonnie Wolfe: World Population is Top NSA Agenda: Club of Rome. The Haig-Kissinger depopulation policy. https://timelessmoments.wordpress.com/depopulation-plan/. 16. David Icke: And the truth Shall Set You Free, p. 168. 17. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/320641479_HCG_Found_in_WHO_Tetanus_Vaccine_in_Kenya_Raises_Concern_in_the_Developing_World. 18. Lonnie Wolfe: World Population is Top NSA Agenda: Club of Rome. The Haig-Kissinger depopulation policy. https://timelessmoments.wordpress.com/depopulation-plan/. 19. Steve Jones: NOW Plans to Depopulate Earth: https://rense.com/general64/pordc.htm. 20. Los Angeles Times: Dark Cloud over good works of Gates Foundation, 07-01-2007: https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-2007-jan-07-na-gatesx07-story.html. 21. https://davidicke.com/2020/06/17/a-man-of-great-influence-bill-gates/. 22. Robert Kennedy Jr. Exposes Bill Gates: “Bill Gates Buys Media to Control the Messaging”. https://survivalblog.science.blog/2020/09/07/bill-gates-buys-media-to-control-the-messaging/. 23. https://billgatesisevil.com/. 24. Encyclopaedia Britannica Volume 23, 1962. 25. David Icke: And the truth Shall Set You Free, p. 62. 26. David Icke: And the truth Shall Set You Free, p. 80. 27. The Canadian Encyclopedia: https://www.thecanadianencyclopedia.ca/en/article/brock-chisholm. 28. The Times/Sunday Times, 14-12-2020. https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/who-chief-tedros-adhanom-ghebreyesus-may-face-genocide-charges-2fbfz7sff. 29. Speak Project. https://projectspeak.net/why-did-trump-really-leave-who-ten-reasons-mainstreamers-will-deny. 30. SGT Report, 27-12-2020. https://www.sgtreport.com/2020/12/who-chief-tedros-ghebreyesus-faces-allegations-of-genocide/. 31. Speak Project. https://projectspeak.net/why-did-trump-really-leave-who-ten-reasons-mainstreamers-will-deny. 32. Michel Chossudovsky and Bonnie Faulkner: COVID-19 Coronavirus: The Crisis: “You Simulate and Then You Go Live.”, August 27, 2020. https://www.globalresearch.ca/covid-19-coronavirus-crisis/5706741. 33. https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/glaxosmithkline-plead-guilty-and-pay-3-billion-resolve-fraud-allegations-and-failure-report. 34. Benjamin Fulford: The so-called Covid-19 Pandemic has been traced to a 1978 World Bank Plot, 03-08-2020. www.benjaminfulford.net. 35. Michel Chossudovsky and Bonnie Faulkner: COVID-19 Coronavirus: The Crisis: “You Simulate and Then You Go Live.”, August 27, 2020: https://www.globalresearch.ca/covid-19-coronavirus-crisis/5706741. 36. https://greatgameindia.com/who-offered-20m-bribe-to-poison-covid-19-cure-madagascar-president/. 37. Senta Depuyd: Does the Coronavirus Pandemic Serve a Global Agenda? Childrens’Health Defense. 38. https://prepareforchange.net/2021/01/16/head-of-pfizer-research-cv-vacc-is-female-sterilization/. 39. David Icke: And the truth Shall Set You Free, p. 64. 40. David Icke: And the truth Shall Set You Free, p. 114. 41. David Icke: And the truth Shall Set You Free, p. 133-134. 42. https://dailycaller.com/2020/10/11/who-condemns-lockdowns-coronavirus/. 43. Benjamin Fulford: WHO backpedals on Covid-19 Scam as Criminal, Civil Charges Filed. www.benjaminfulford.net: 12-10-2020. 44. Claire Edwards interviewed by Kerry Cassidy (Project Camelot): https://projectcamelotportal.com/2020/11/25/claire-edwards-5g-covid-and-the-great-reset/. 45. https://cormandrostenreview.com/report/. 46. Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org./wiki/Centers_for_Disease_Control_and_Prevention. 47. https://www.honeycolony.com/article/cdc-corruption-a-betrayal-of-public-trust/. 48. http://whale.to/c/master_manipulator6.html. 49. Peter Duesberg: Inventing the AIDS Virus, p. 467. 50. Peter Duesberg: Inventing the AIDS Virus, p. 139. 51. Kerry Cassidy: https://projectcamelotportal.com/2020/08/06/dr-robert-young-viruses-hcq-and-more/. 52. Peter Duesberg: Inventing the AIDS Virus, p. 361-407. 53. Peter Duesberg: Inventing the AIDS Virus, p. 57. |
21. Corona & COVID-19: Part One: Crimes Against Humanity (11-11-2020)
Part One: A Concise Overview
Introduction In June 2019 I wrote, (in the article about 5G on this blog): “If diseases like brain tumor and dementia suddenly rise by 50%, - after the implementation of 5G - , the government will probably say that this is caused by a new virus and that all people must be vaccinated.” In June 2019 this was just wild speculation, but as we can see now, it has become true (except for the part concerning the kind of disease). I certainly did not know then that vaccination with nano-ID chips would be the end goal of the whole Criminal Corona Circus, or “Coronagate”, or Corona Scandal. In the first months of 2020 there was just too little information about the reality behind the Scandal, to write an article about it. So I started collecting bits of information on a daily basis, from April till October 2020, which resulted in 70 points or facts, published on my website www.orgonisenederland.nl. Only now that the total picture is emerging, can I start with the article. But the contents will be only temporarily valid, as important developments, whistleblower information, and evaluations are continuously emerging. The most difficult part was the virus part. I had to study (alternative, ’forbidden”) virology to understand the medical side of it, and was completely surprised to learn that viruses are not contagious at all. So the whole basis of the pandemic and all the world-wide measures collapsed as a house of cards. The complication is of course that not only the WHO and all the governments in the world are corrupt, fraudulent and criminal, but that the (official) science behind virology is also corrupt and fraudulent. So I had to be sure that all the information was correct, because I cannot publish anything that is not true. The information contained in the book “The Contagion Myth, Why Viruses (Including "Coronavirus") Are Not the Cause of Disease” by Cowan and Morell was vital. The other complication was that the WHO, governments of almost all countries, health organizations (such as the RIVM and Robert Koch Institut), and medical science were all criminal and corrupt, and were in fact waging a psychological war on the people. If I would write an article on my findings about the Corona Scandal, without delving deeper into the origins of this corruption, many people would just dismiss the whole article out of hand: they would not and could not believe that their trusted government and highly regarded science are not what they seemed to be. But this corruption is actually going on for thousands of years; only now is the system showing its real face. This is why I had to write a paragraph about the invisible controlling system, which people call the “elite”, or “Cabal”, “Illuminati”, “Deep State”, “Shadow Government”, or “Khazarian Mafia”. Summary The end conclusion of this article can be given in just three statements:
1. The Cabal / Zionists / Satanists / Bankers The name “Cabal” or “Illuminati” was originally used for the 13 (now possibly 12), of the richest families in the world, who allegedly controlled everything on the planet. Nowadays, people call any group or any person “Cabal” who is corrupt, criminal and misuses great power, and is largely unknown or invisible, or sometimes known by name, such as the Rothschild family. (The Illuminati is a secret Order, established by Professor Adam Weishaupt in the year 1771 in the state of Bavaria, in Germany). 1 According to Benjamin Fulford there are several competing groups who all want control of the people and the planet. The most criminal of these groups are the Satanists. 2. Corrupt politicians are, among others: Angela Merkel, Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton, Theresa May and Barack Obama, who are all descendants of the Rockefellers, or daughters of Hitler (Merkel and May). Other groups are: the Shia Muslims, the Sunni Muslims, the P2 Freemasons, the “Ur-Lodges” of the Freemasons (with among others: Obama, George W. Bush, Tony Blair, Christine Lagarde, Angela Merkel, Bill Gates and Sarkozy 3), the Gnostic Illuminati, the Satanic Zionists, the Rockefeller and Rothschild family, the Jesuits, the Vatican, China, and the Red, Blue, Green and White Dragon Societies. Almost all of these groups have now united against the Satanists, in order to organize a loose but structured planetary federation, with the purpose of cleaning up the planet, remove criminal dictatorships and free the people of debt slavery. 4 Known organizations and meeting platforms of the elite are, among others, the Bilderberg Group, the Trilateral Commission, the Council of Foreign Relations, the Club of Rome, the Club of Budapest, the Club of Madrid, Skull and Bones, the Rockefeller Foundation, the Committee of 300, the World Economic Forum, the Round Table, and the banks: the Federal Reserve Bank (and all national banks), the World Bank, the IMF and the BIS. In relation to the so-called “Corona Crisis”, the Khazarian Mafia has the most influence, working through the WHO, the World Bank, the Rothschilds, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the United Nations, and via politicians such as Angela Merkel. “Of course, the purpose of the entire operation [5G rollout + Corona] is to protect the “Rothschild family’s FIAT Currency and Country Debt money Laundering and Stealth State Capture operations of the Khazarian Mafia.” 5 After the Federal Reserve Bank went bankrupt on Feb. 16, 2020, the USA lost it’s (financial) power, so Rothschild and the Khazarian Mafia tried to keep this hidden from the public by organizing a “distraction”: “Corona”. 2. The Corona Crimes: Who, Where, When, How & Why Of course “Coronagate” is a huge crime, but also a crime just as any other crime, so we can deal with this crime as the police would deal with a crime, by finding the answers to the following questions: Who, Where, When, How and Why? (This section merely gives the simple facts. The deeper background is discussed in Part Two, Three and Four.) Who did it? One can say: “Who did it? WHO (the World Health Organization) did it!”, and this is true, but there is more than meets the eye. The WHO is a corrupt and criminal organization that is working hand in glove with Bill Gates (and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation), who wants to depopulate the world by means of vaccinations. But the WHO is still a tool used by people who have real power, like the main stream media are used as a tool by the big corporations. Behind the surface people like the Rothschilds, Rockefeller, the Central Banks, the BIS, the World Bank and the IMF organized the Corona Crime. Where was the Corona Crime committed? Everyone knows that it started in Wuhan, China. But the official story is of course bullshit: there was no “natural” virus which hit the market by chance. First, the virus was a computer model, and second: in Wuhan 10.000 5G towers were activated at the exact same time, which resulted in 2 to 6 (? still unknown) million deaths. Third, the “Corona pandemic” was planned years in advance, so this means that there cannot be a virus that suddenly, totally by surprise, came “from a wild bat and hit the fish market”. The main stream media said that these people died of a “new” “Coronavirus. Other locations where 5G was rolled out and the so-called “Coronavirus” infected and killed people were: northern Italy, New York, Spain, South-Korea and Iran. Many countries followed, like the USA, Canada, Australia, Europe, Japan, parts of South-America and only some parts of Africa. After a while Africa discovered that the WHO is a criminal organization, kicked the WHO out of Africa, and as a result, almost no other “Corona cases” were reported from Africa. When did the Corona Crime take place? On Jan. 30th, 2020 the WHO declared a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC) in relation to China’s novel coronavirus (2019-nCov) categorized as a viral pneumonia. The virus outbreak was centered in Wuhan, a city in Eastern China with a population of 11 million.”6 The first case of illness attributed to the so-called “Coronavirus” occurred in China in November 2019. The illness appeared in the United States in Jan. 2020. By the end of June 2020, health officials could cite ten million cases with a half million death’s worldwide. 7 In Germany, the number of people who tested positive went down drastically at the end of March 2020, almost flattening the curve. One week later the German government declared a nationwide lockdown. In November 2020, governments around the world stated that het number of positive tests went up again, and measures and lockdowns became stricter. (Of course this whole paragraph is based on fraudulent and dreamed up cases, (because the PCR test cannot test for viruses), so it has no use to elaborate on this any further.) How was the Corona Crime committed? Psychological Warfare The main stream media copied the lies of the WHO about a “new”, so-called “deadly virus”, without checking any scientific facts, and with the help of government officials and national “Health” organizations, instigated a deep fear among the people of the world. |
Electromagnetic Warfare
By rolling out 5G/60GHz people all over the world were poisoned with deadly radiation, with came on top of the already existing Wi-fi and 3G and 4G cell phone towers. Biological Warfare People who got any vaccine, (and older people who got the flu vaccine) were injected with body-foreign DNA and toxins like aluminum, which altered the human genome, and thus were not only poisoned, but their DNA and immune system was damaged on a structural level, which makes them more sensitive to radiation poisoning. Also, many vaccinated people were killed because of the toxins, or else got autism or chronic fatigue syndrome. 8 Chemical/biological and radiation poisoning causes radiation sickness, which cause oxygen deprivation and destruction of the membranes of the body cells and mutation of the cellular genetics. High Frequency radiation like 5G/60GHz, which absorbs oxygen, results in blood clotting in major organs, including the lungs, with deadly results. Since fear can also be a cause of disease, people who are very afraid can develop different kinds of disease (and even a new type of disease in the future) and can die of the consequences. The general goal of this war is depopulation of 90% of all people on the planet. Economic Warfare (update 01-01-2021) The plan of the bankers (Rothschild/Rockefeller/FED) is a "total reset". The worth of the petrodollar is about to crash (the FED/USA went bankrupt in Feb. 2020), and to keep the bankers money safe and at the same time force total economic control on all the people of the world, the bankers/Cabal/elite planned the so-called "Coronapandemic", or Coronagate or Corona Scandal. By vaccinating all people with nano ID chips, and to fade out cash money, the people can only get digital money by using their "Identity Bank Card" (nano ID chip in their brain). 9 When people "do not behave" according to the visions of the elite, these people are denied acces to their money. Since people rather would live than starve, they will behave. At the other spectrum, the good guys are also planning a "Global Currency Reset", which means that all countries are given an amount of physical gold (that was set apart for the people), with the condition that these countries are printing new banknotes which are covered by this physical gold. All debts of the people will be cancelled, - which the Cabal are also promising, so the people are being confused by these two contradictory plans and do not know which is good and which is bad. (See article No. 1 "The Global Currency Reset" on this blog, of 07-07-2015.) Why Did the Crime Take Place? Because China no longer wanted IOU certificates for the goods they delivered to the United States, they demanded gold for their products. But gold was something the U.S.A. did not have anymore: the USA went bankrupt on the 16th of Feb. 2020. China could easily become the biggest financial power in the world. To “punish” China, the Khazarian Mafia killed between 2 and 6 (?) million people in Wuhan with 5G towers, and the WHO declared that these people had a new “virus”, the so-called “Coronavirus”. The so-called “pandemic” was planned years in advance by the banks and the Rothschilds. In 2017 and 2018 millions of COVID-19 test kits were sold to many countriesd around the world. 10 A number of "news" platforms reacted to this information with the remark that this was "impossible" because the COVID-19 virus was only "discovered" in 2020, see HERE. Bill Gates and the WHO started with worldwide depopulation programs decades before that, by means of vaccinations, “murder by injection”, so to say. The reason for this was that the elite (or the banks, or Cabal or Khazarian Mafia), could not control all 7,5 billion people on the planet, so they wanted to get rid of about 90% of the masses, and vaccinate the rest with nano Identification chips, which are among the ingredients of the COVID-19 vaccine, to be able to track and control these people. 3. Fear: Psychological Warfare on the People Versus Fear of the Elite For the Masses Fear among the people The government officials created an enormous fear among the public, by saying that a “deadly virus” is out to get them, and that one can do nothing to stop them. Only vaccination is the solution. Once people are afraid, they will do anything the government says, no matter what they have to give up, like democratic and constitutional rights. Henry Kissinger: “The thing everyone fears is the unknown. When presented with this scenario, individual rights will be willingly relinquished for the guarantee of their well-being granted to them by their world government.” Suddenly, people who never trusted politicians, because they knew they were always lying in the past, instantly believed them, and started wearing masks (which are only dangerous and can stop nothing), avoided other people (because of the fraudulent social distancing measure), and cleansed shopping carts. In other words; the already brainwashed people got totally crazy and started behaving like zombies in a horror movie. The fearful elite The elite, who for thousands of years have been controlling the people by means of the money debt system (and other programs), were growing more and more fearful, especially after the year 2000, because the masses were waking up and becoming knowledgeable of their secret and criminal plans and systems. They are not able to control aware people, so they planned to kill 90% of all people, and control the rest with ID chips, Artificial Intelligence, 5G, and so on, to make sure that the awakened people form no risk anymore to their dictatorial and criminal empire. Of course this will not work, so they are getting more and more desperate en will try ever more drastic actions. 4. The Criminal Role of the Main Stream Media The criminal role of the main stream media (MSM) has been treated extensively in the four-part article on this blog (Part One: 02-06-2019), so I will only give a short summary here. The MSM are owned by about six multinationals, who control the output. Anything that is a threat to their agenda will not reach the public. Also, large corporations will stop advertising if critical articles are published which oppose their interests. Since about the 70s, all contents of television, newspapers, and since recent times also the social media, are under strict control and censorship. Any critical or objective journalist (who is working for the MSM), will be either fired, ridiculed, jailed or killed. It is even scientifically proven that the press cannot be truthful because of economic and political reasons. 11 Also, a large part of the political articles is written by the CIA. What they did concerning 9/11, and what they are doing now with Corona, is telling lies that are so gigantic, without going into serious questions, that real discussions are impossible: this is called totalitarianism. Jospeh Goebbels said the following about it: "Tell a big enough lie over and over again and the people will eventually believe that it's the truth." 12 (The politicians are source of the lies, but when the media are only copying the politicians, they are just as guilty and criminal, because the original purpose of the media is to watch over the democracy and fight totalitarianism.) End of Part One Part Two: “Planning the Crime, the Depopulation Agenda's, Bill Gates, The WHO, UN, CDC, RIVM (published). Part Three: the Germ Theory (the contagion myth), the Spanish Flu, the Plague and the real causes, Radiation Sickness, the real diseases of the so-called "Corona-patients/deaths", Electro High Sensitivity & "Corona", 5G/ 60GHz & "Corona": oxygen deprivaion, the 5G genocide in Wuhan. Part Four: Viruses, PCR-Test, Lockdown, Empty Hospitals”, Part Five: the People, the Opposition, Collateral Damage, the Future and What You Can Do”, are under construction. In these parts I will give all the details. Notes
20. Psychopathic Narcissism: Hidden Terror, Manipulation & Destruction (21-09-2020)
Because of personal circumstances (no, I’ve not been beaten into a hospital by a narcissistic woman), other work and time-consuming research concerning the so-called “Corona-pandemic”, this is the first article on this blog since June 2019. In this period, I worked on three subjects at the same time: 1. 9/11, 2. Corona, and 3. Narcissism. I decided to write an article on narcissism first, because it is largely unknown and very important to understand and discuss this subject on a wider scale (see par. 1: “Why this article?”) The research on “Coronagate” is going on daily (for a provisionary article, see my website www.orgonisenederland.nl). The subject 9/11 is still important because of the consequences concerning the constriction of civil rights and freedoms of the people, which is at this time, because of “Corona”, the most important issue for all people in the world. In this article, I will use common terms, avoiding psychological terms as “object-self”, “splitting”, “libido”, “transference”, “acting-out”, etc. I am not a psychologist, (although I studied developmental psychology during my study of pedagogics, and studied a lot of books written by Carl Jung and Erich Fromm), so my descriptions of narcissistic behavior, advice and conclusions are my own, based on my close experience with two narcissists, relevant literature and my intuition. 1. Why this article? If you are reading this, and you ask yourself: “Why this subject?” Or if you say: “Finally an article on narcissism!”, then this means that narcissism is a largely unknown, or a rarely published phenomenon. This is bad, because millions of people are the victims of narcissists; they are psychologically and emotionally damaged or crippled, often do not know that the person they have to deal with is a narcissist (and find out too late), and need a long time, - sometimes decades -, to heal and recover. And all this is scarcely known to the public. Most people think about narcissists as ego maniacs or persons who look too much in the mirror, who are often a nuisance to work with, and that’s about it. Concerning the professional area of psychologists, psychiatrists, therapists, layers, judges, youth care, and so on: very few professionals are able to recognize narcissists, and most of the time they will be manipulated by the narcissist and think that the narcissist is the sane person and that his (or her) victim needs psychological counseling. Many people have the impression that their partner only has “some problems”. If they would have known, they could have taken timely action, such as stepping out of the relationship. Authors who have studied narcissism, think that the number of narcissists reaches the millions worldwide: the estimated percentage is between 6% and 20%. This means that out of twenty people, one to five persons are narcissists. I asked my friends about this, and they all know at least one narcissist intimately, in their family, and/or in their social or professional circle. So, it is a great problem, which needs far more attention. They can be anyone and everywhere: your sister, your boss, your lawyer, your teacher, and most of the time: your partner. There are about as many female as male narcissists. Also, female narcissists can be especially cruel and sadistic. (In this article I use the words “he” and “his”, when narcissists are discussed, but these can be just as well be read as “she” and “her”.) 2. Types of narcissists Healthy and unhealthy narcissism First of all, I do not agree with some authors that there is something like “healthy” narcissism. What they mean by this is that babies, children and adults should have a normal and positive self-esteem, self-confidence, assertiveness and so on. This is true. But I suggest that we use these very words and not use the term “healthy narcissism”. After all, the word “narcissism” comes from the name “Narcissus”, who was a figure in a Greek myth who refused to answer the love of the nymph Echo, who was madly in love with him. As punishment, he was led to a spring to see his own image in the water. He did not recognize this image as himself (this is by the way impossible), fell in love with this image, fell in the water and drowned. (Depending on the book you read, the story is told differently, but the main fact is that Narcissus was not able to love another human being, as is the case with narcissists.) History of terms The term “narcissism”, actually: “pathological psychopathic narcissism”, originated in rather recent times. Until the 1930s there were mainly two categories of psychological anomalies: neuroses and psychoses. In short, neurotics were seen as curable, and psychotics not. In time, therapists noticed that there was a group of neurotics that could not be cured by the usual methods: they called these people “Borderliners”, as in between neurotics and psychotics. (These people were having brief periods of psychosis and were called “pre-schizophrenic, and later “Borderline”.) Later, the term “Personality Disorder” was introduced. The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM; latest edition: DSM-5, publ. 2013) is a publication by the American Psychiatric Association (APA) for the classification of mental disorders using a common language and standard criteria. The term narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) was coined by Heinz Kohut in 1968. There are three clusters: A, B. and C. Cluster A. contains paranoid, schizoid and schizotypal patients. Cluster B. contains borderline, histrionic, anti-social and narcissistic anomalies. Cluster C. contains avoidant, dependent and obsessive-compulsive behavior. Narcissism or Psychopathy? Antisocial Personality Disorder and Dissocial Personality Disorders are also called “psychopathy” or “sociopathy”. Most psychological characteristics which are named under “psychopathy”, are the same characteristics that narcissists demonstrate. One of the best books about Narcissism in Dutch is called: “Destructive Relationships Reviewed: Psychopathy, to Recognize and Handle”. So, the author treats narcissists as psychopaths. When you make a list of some characteristics that are demonstrated by psychopaths, like “inflated self”, “blaming others and refusing responsibility”, “lack of guilt or remorse”, “lack of empathy”, or “lying pathologically”, these can as well be listed under narcissistic characteristics. It is, however, more important to understand and recognize narcissism, than it is to put them in the right category or “Disorder” model. So, I will call all narcissists: “pathological psychopathological narcissists”, or for short “narcissists.” “Pathological”: because they are sick or insane, and “psychopathological”: because they are mentally ill. Most people think of serial killers with chain saws etc., when they read about “psychopaths”, so for this reason also, I chose the term “pathological psychopathic narcissist”. Types of narcissists Depending on the psychologist or therapist, we can find a subdivision of three or more types of narcissism. I will use the subdivision by Elinor Greenberg (because I think her book is one of the best books on narcissism). Greenberg gives the following types:
Greenberg: “Exhibitionist Narcissists openly display a grandiose sense of self-importance; they expect to be treated specially; they are preoccupied by fantasies of unlimited power, wealth, beauty or ideal love; they are indifferent to the feelings and well-being of others; they are exploitive in their personal relationships; and they react with extreme rage to what they perceive as humiliating slights.” (2) The Closet-Narcissist Greenberg: “Closet Narcissists are afraid to be openly Exhibitionistic and directly ask for the attention and admiration they crave. Usually they have experienced early and persistent humiliations, which have made them feel extremely conflicted about being in the spotlight.” (3) The Toxic Narcissist Greenberg: “Most of the Narcissists who give narcissism a bad name with therapists are what I call “Toxic Narcissists”. Their major way of dealing with their own sense of inferiority is by trying to destroy other people’s feelings of competence. Or they lash out at you resentfully because they are so consumed with envy for what they imagine that you have that they have not.” (4) 3. Psychological characteristics (of the Toxic narcissist) Because, as Greenberg has mentioned, the “Toxic” narcissist is the most dangerous, callous, ruthless, and at the same time the most invisible narcissist, (because he can perfectly show himself as completely “normal” on the mental level), I will only write about this type from now on, and refer to the other two types only if it is relevant for something or other. Before going into the causes of narcissism, I will give a list of typical narcissistic psychological characteristics. Later on, we will see that these are the result of a number of serious traumas experienced as a child, mostly between birth and the second year, in which too much or too little “nurturing” is given by the mother. I short: these babies or children experienced too little love (too much coldness) or have been sexually and/or emotionally and/or spiritually abused. In rare cases psychopathological narcissists are “born evil”; so, even when they were cared for in a loving way, these persons are showing mean, cold, sadistic and ruthless behavior for no understandable reason whatsoever. The following characteristics can be displayed: a narcissist: (5)
There are many people who think that they are important and have fantasies about successes and power. So, what is especially dangerous about a narcissist? This is a combination of a complete lack of love or empathy and the absence of any moral or emotional conscience: they have no guilt, remorse, social or moral responsibility, no sense of right and wrong, no feelings, no affection. They are stone cold, heartless, ruthless and manipulative to the extreme. Their head is completely “severed” from their body: that is why they cannot feel their own or other feelings or emotions. They live in a mental fantasy in which they alone play the lead part and all others are “extra’s”. That is why they are really “insane” in the true sense of the word. That is also why they are pathological liars: it does not occur to them that what they say is a lie: because to them everything is true: they are setting the standards. Also, when trapped in a lie, they show no guilt or remorse, because these are absent in their psychological make-up. They do not seem to understand that there is a difference between a lie and the truth. Because of this, they repeatedly can contradict themselves, even in the same sentence. The conclusion is that no normal conversation with a narcissist is possible, because it leads nowhere, they are absolutely unreliable, untrustworthy and irresponsible. Any conversation is senseless and a waste of time. When you are in a professional conversation with a narcissist and there is no need for an exchange of feelings of love, kindness, friendliness, empathy, warmth, affection or respect, the narcissist will very probably demonstrate intelligence, cleverness, shrewdness, wit, and could also be charming and humoristic. This is his “mental mask”; his rational half, which is severed from his heart and his body (see the paragraph 4: “The mental mask of a psychopathic narcissist”. With this mask, he can fool almost anybody, because people in general value rationality above feelings, and this is the most dangerous aspect of a narcissist. Also, because of the narcissist’s rationality and intelligence, people will not see that he is truly insane. The fact that one can have a rational discussion with an insane person, does not make this person sane. I once found a person sitting in my living room, in a house where several students and psychiatry workers lived. He was playing one of my records of Johnny Cash, and he talked quite rationally for a while about Johnny Cash and his songs, especially the ones about Indians. But after a while he said that he had killed five Indians in the garden that morning, who were hiding behind trees. So, I thought: wait a minute, something is wrong here. (Later it turned out that the psychiatry workers had decided to bring several mental patients to our home, because a home is a much more natural environment than a cold institution.) Such a mental person is clearly totally insane, but the insanity of a narcissist is invisible; you cannot tell from what he says. You have to observe all his actions, and what he does and does not, whether he has any feelings or empathy (he will always fail the empathy “test”: no apparent visible feelings or empathies). This is why discussions with narcissists in professional settings do not seem to give any problems, but behavior inside the home with a partner can be totally different. As a result, the “professionals” cannot believe or understand, that the “normal” and “rational” person they know, is called a “narcissist”. They think instead that the partner “has a problem”. The sense of shame is very profound, because deep down narcissists feel or think that they are nothing, a nobody, a void. I tried once to “scan” a certain person with my intuition (real intuition, which is above the mental level), and the only thing I got back was a great void, existing of exactly NOTHING, it was not even white, gray or black. Later I discovered that this person was a narcissist. This means that this person lacked any personality whatsoever, he was “not there”, “not at home”, only his logical, rational aspect was working. Narcissists will do anything to fill this void with power, show, manipulation, glamour, etc. In order to bring so much terror and fear to others, that these others are so misguided by their behavior, that they will not ever come to the conclusion that they are dealing with a narcissist, who is in reality empty, non-existing as a real person, cut off from the soul, or even cut off from the personality as a whole. 4. Examples of behavior In this paragraph, I will try to give a list of concrete, apparent behavior, stemming from the underlying psychological characteristics, which are given in paragraph 3. (6) (7) (8)
Which of the above aspects of behavior is stronger, and other weaker, depend on the kind of narcissist. In relationships, the most shocking and dangerous aspects are the inability to be warm and affectionate, to be genuine intimate (when they seem to be so, this is all show), and being cold and critical. (See paragraph 6: “Relationships and narcissism”.) 5. The mental mask of a psychopathic narcissist The narcissist seems to be very rational, reasonable and intelligent, but this is only a mask. This means that this side, the mask-aspect, is his way to deal with himself as well as with other people. He is a master in imitating normal people. He can imitate feelings, humor, respect, wit, affection, and so on, but all these are not real; it is a show. Some authors say that narcissists are actors, that they are acting and that their world is a stage. But I do not think they are able to act: to be able to act, to be a good actor, one has to be able to see oneself as a normal person and as an actor. To see and judge one’s own performance, one must be able to compare these two sides of oneself. A narcissist is not able to do this, he IS the actor, and is oblivious of his (real) personality. Because he is only the actor, he is a fake, a 100% complete, absolute fake. It is not known whether narcissists are conscious of their masks, but the mask is there. It is difficult for a sane person to see through the mask, because one of the possible versions of the mask is, for the narcissist, is to give the impression that he is mature, rational, reasonable, charming, humoristic and even wise, while these traits are in reality copied from sane persons. Only when the narcissist gets angry in a very childish way, like a two-year old, one can get a glimpse of the traumatized “person” inside: the mask falls off. The characteristics of the mask can be related to the “personality” of the narcissist: he can be charming, serious, pathetic, or “empathic”, quiet, or talkative, for instance. The fact that the narcissist does not have a real “personality”, meaning a whole, a Gestalt, of body, mind, heart and soul, does not mean that all narcissists are the same kind of robots, like clones from one original, that display exactly the same character. Every narcissist is unique, like a normal person is. Very convincing masks have built-in little imperfections, which are copied from sane persons, like fits of forgetfulness, getting angry about something stupid, avoiding someone’s eyes as a sign of “submission”, copying someone’s gestures, and so on. Masks have to be defended and maintained at all costs, or else the narcissist can get into a panic, which feels life-threatening to him. At the moment someone tries to rip off the mask, the narcissist can become very aggressive, furious, enraged, mad as hell. People who have to live with a narcissist, know this very well and have the feeling that a certain kind of behavior or certain words or gestures, can set off this rage at any random moment: they walk on eggs. That is why narcissist do not want to go in therapy: the risk of getting unmasked, is too great. At the other hand, because they are perfect in imitating rational persons, they can learn very quickly a set of tricks that can fool the therapist into believing that he is sane. (Most narcissist who go into therapy, by the way, have some “ordinary problem”, like depression, insomnia, relationship trouble, etc.) One can ask whether narcissists rationally know they are wearing masks and how far this goes: do they really plan in advance all their gruesome, horrible and/or sadistic actions? No, these come forth from the emotional toddler they are, is it an ad hoc, intuitive, trial-and-error behavior. Imagine a toddler walking with his mother on the street, asking for an ice cream. After this is refused, the child begins to whine, and when this has no effect, he suddenly decides to sit down on the pavement in protest. This is no deliberate, thought-out plan, which is considered and planned; it is a sudden emotional action. This is how the narcissist functions; emotionally, not self-conscious. Introspection, self-criticism, self-awareness, self-contemplation and self-examination are almost non-existing qualities. 6. Relationships What kind of partners are narcissists looking for? Narcissists want the love, affection, soul-connectedness, sensitivity, awareness and aliveness that they did not get as a baby or child (see par. 8: “Causes”), so they are looking mostly for highly sensitive persons (HSP). A relationship between a narcissist and a HSP is, indeed, a “match made in hell”. It is even reported that narcissists visit or join groups of highly sensitive people, to look for easy prey. To get the prey, the narcissist can be very charming, correct, affable, mindful and humoristic, but once the prey is conquered, all the mean, nasty, sadistic and abusive characteristics are revealed. All this sounds like deliberate planning, but it is also just an emotional or intuitive way to get what he wants. It is most likely that he does not even know what he really wants; he just follows his traumatized childish emotions. The greatest damage is done to partners who really love the narcissist: love forgives everything. How do I know that my partner is a Narcissist? If your partner exhibits any or all of the signs listed below, there is a very high chance you have a relationship with a narcissist (especially no. 1, 2, 3, 4 and 9): (9)
Most important of all: run! Sever the connection, avoid any further contact whatsoever, hide, and keep your new location secret. There is no other way, period. When this is no option, you can read further. How to communicate, deal, or better: “manipulate” a narcissistic partner is a course in itself. You have to be very cautious indeed and know all the above-mentioned characteristics to understand completely what you should do or say, or most of the time: not do or say. If you are someone who likes to confront people with their behavior and faults: forget it. This will definitely trigger shouting, rage, and anger, which is very exhausting and leads to nowhere. If you are more the ignoring type: also forget it: emotional outbursts are likely (remember: one of the main goals of a narcissist is to get attention and feeling great). If you are a Libra-like person who likes to compromise: this will certainly get you into serious conflicts. Is there anything left? In Transactional Analysis (TA), three types of communication are explained: 1. Parent-, 2. Adult-, 3. Child-communications. A Child-action (typically all sentences which begin with “I want”), will trigger a Parent-reaction (typically all sentences which begin with “You must”). Such a conversation will go on indefinitely, if not stopped by an Adult-reaction, which is neutral and factual, like: “what time is it?” So, in the first place, never fall into the Child-Parent communication maze or labyrinth. Must you give in then? It seems rather yellow, to give in all the time, act as if you listen, to not get mad or upset, and say he is right (of course). A narcissist will most of the time react positively when you are friendly and firm, and consequent. He hates surprises and inconsequential behavior. Do not ever go into a discussion with a narcissist: this is a complete waste of time, since a narcissist is totally unreliable and lies continuously. |
Do NOT react when he is insulting, disdainful or respectless. This is a test how far he can go, affect you and to find out what your breaking point is. Repeat endlessly that there are boundaries that cannot be over stepped. He will not understand that you have the right to a private life (or even a private room in your own house), but you can train him like a Pavlov dog, by being very consequent and saying the same words over and over again. Don’t do anything what he himself can do, like buying beer, look for his favorite T-shirt or Teddy bear, or clean up his mess. (10)
How to end a relationship with a Narcissist To end a relationship with a narcissist is certainly one of the most challenging undertakings that you will ever experience or have experienced in the past. If you say to the narcissist that you want to divorce or break up the relationship, the chance is that he will first get into a rage and then tell you that HE wants to divorce you, that it was HIS idea (because he always wants to be in control of the situation). He is able to libel and vilify you in the social media, follow you, call you continuously when you are not at home, etc. After you left, it is very important not to answer any phone calls, to not react on social media, to not listen to voice mail messages, to not accept postal packages, to not talk to him in any way. If you want you can save such messages for future reference, like in divorce cases. Keep your new address secret (unless you have an arrangement for child care). No contact whatsoever can be difficult at first, because you could not yet be in the phase of evaluating and recovering: emotional ties can be very strong. It helps when you can talk to good friends, sane people, who understand that you are dealing with a ruthless narcissist, and who will be there for you if you need them. Find a new love It is very possible that you are so damaged and traumatized that you could think or decide to never have a relationship again. There seems to be no solution or alternative in this decision; a new life with real love seems completely out of the question. That is why it is a good idea to get into a relationship with an empathic, loving person, as fast as possible: only this can resolve your trauma. They say that after an accident with a car, you should not avoid driving, but hit the road as soon as possible. This is a good example, because a relationship with a narcissist can be compared to a “serious accident”. You need to recover “behind the wheel”, so to speak. 7. Causes: disturbed emotional development as a child Most therapists and authors of books about narcissism agree on the cause: a disturbed, traumatized youth, especially during the first two years of life. When the mother is not able, for whatever reason, to satisfy the primary needs of the baby or child, certain reactions will develop in the child, like fear, physical disturbances, reversed mirroring, etc. Instead of receiving nurturing and love, the child is forced to behave in such a way that the mother does not go away, stops caring, does not get mad, etc., to be secured of continuing attention, nurturing and love. (11) This is of course a matter of conditional love, which is very traumatizing, incomprehensible, fearful and alarming for a young child, who needs and wants unlimited unconditional love. The child feels rejected and perceives itself as someone who is not worthy of love, empathy, sympathy, care and attention. Very important for the development of an independent true self is a successful, safe, emotional bonding with the mother. If a baby is not first loved, there is no basis for the judgement or evaluation of people or happenings, called a “feeling consciousness”. (12) Only a so-called “cognitive consciousness” will develop, which means that one knows rationally how to avoid being arrested or cast out because of laws and social regulations and agreements. This disconnectedness from inner feelings and relying only on rational judgement leads to the creation of a false self. The false self is an artificial protection created by the child, who has severed his feeling nature from his personality as a whole. Because self-awareness and introspection are non-existing, and there is no feeling consciousness, a narcissist is not able to learn from experiences. That is why he sees everything happening outside himself as a potential threat. The only way to deal with threats is either to control them, manipulate them, or destroy them. Only if this is accomplished, he feels safe. So, this is a rather sick way of living. Jan Storms gives several different causes (13), of which I will give only the most important:
8. Can psychopathic narcissists be cured? Most authors of books about narcissism are quite decisive in their believe that narcissism cannot be cured ever. Elinor Greenberg I almost was convinced of this myself, were it not that I am always searching for solutions and possibilities for everything and anything. Finally, I searched for the words “treatment of narcissists” on the internet, and to my surprise I found one of the best books written about narcissism, by Elinor Greenberg, a therapist in New York, in which she states very clearly that all this talk about the impossibility of curing narcissism is nonsense, that it can be treated and cured, although this can take 5 to 10 years of therapy. She has developed a unique method of treatment in 10 phases, which are mentioned on her website. (14) In the first stages, the emotions of the narcissist have to be understood and appreciated. No goals or future plans can yet be mentioned, and introspection cannot be asked or expected (this is normally required in most therapies). Over time new habits can be discussed and only later on will the therapist get in to the traumatized youth. She calls her method “Whatever it Takes”, because each individual patient needs a unique way of handling and communication. Alexander Lowen Alexander Lowen is a therapist who also treats narcissists, and he often uses physical treatment. For instance he touches the cheekbones to evoke emotions, hold tight patients who come in screaming until they calm down, or let patients rest with their shoulders on his bioenergetic stool (which you can make easily by placing a rolled-up yoga matrass on a kitchen stool), which force the patients to breathe deeply, (by standing backwards and laying their shoulders against the roll), in order to activate unconscious feelings and to relax a rigid body. Many of his patients were not able to shout, cry or even make any emotional sound, because they have shut themselves down emotionally: “As the person sustains the sound in this exercise, there comes a point, near the end of the exhalation, where the voice breaks. The sound that results is very much like a sob. Then, if the person can stay at the breaking point, a real sobbing starts.” (15). These patients may not have cried for years, so this method can do more on the physical-emotional and psychological level than talk can do. Assemblage Point Therapy There is a therapy called “Assemblage Point (AP) Therapy” (see my article on this blog of 15-01-2016), in which fractured Assemblage Points are brought together to the original one point, together with placing this Point on the right spot in the body. Any Assemblage Point (or Points) which are not located in the original right spot, symbolizes mental, psychological, emotional and/or physical problems. (The Assemblage Point is a kind of central energetic point between the shoulder blades at the back, - and between the nipples in the front of the body -, which exact location is the result of the total physical, emotional, mental and spiritual state of a person.) Most of the people in the Netherlands have their AP is split in three parts, which are also located in “faulty” positions (in plain language: they are the most brainwashed people of the planet). People with severe mental problems, including narcissist, could have their AP split in 4 to 8 parts, symbolizing a lot of trauma, depression, fear, aggression, suicide tendency, etc.; in other words: in the whole range of possible negative emotions and psychiatric anomalies. Unfortunately, there is no knowledge of the treatment of narcissists with AP Therapy, but if you know a narcissist and you can “trick” him into AP Therapy, this could work. (There is a good AP Therapist in Volendam (16). Other therapies As said, most narcissists will refuse to go in therapy because exposing their false self can lead to exposing their shame, their being a nobody and a loser. But some narcissists do want to get out of their miserable life, even as they are unconscious of the fact that they are a narcissist. So, these people need very careful handling and counseling, to “trick” them to getting them into a process of complete healing of body and mind, whereas they think that they are just working on some “problems”. Any other therapy, like Mentalization-Based Treatment, Interpersonal Psychotherapy, Transference-Focused Psychotherapy, Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing, Hypnotherapy, Gestalt Therapy, Jungian Psychotherapy, Psychoanalysis, Dream Work, Behavior Therapy, Emotionally Focused Therapy, etc., among the 170 listed therapies on Wikipedia (17), can certainly help people in some ways, but I doubt that any can cure narcissism. 9. Can victims be healed? Victims of narcissists can be healed, but it can take a long time, it can take drastic therapy, and above all: awakening to the real situation they have been in to. Mjon van Oers has written a good book about this (18), in which she describes how victims can free themselves of narcissistic abuse, how they can recover, learn to live according to their soul’s purpose, get back to their true self, including practical tips about for instance avoiding any contact with the (ex)partner. I will go over some aspects of her book. Information and knowledge Very important is the fact the most victims have no clue that their partner is a narcissist. When you believe that your partner only has “some problems”, you will never consider the possibility of narcissism. This problem is enhanced by the fact that the general knowledge of narcissism is minimal, and in case people know about narcissism, they think that it is just about egotistical people. More general knowledge is essential, hence this article, and I will ask you to spread this article as far and wide as possible. Communication, rest and travel Some people need to talk and other people find the calmness of nature soothing and healing. It is important to talk to understanding people anyway, because most victims have gotten very strange ideas in their head, thinking that these ideas are just normal, like feeling guilty all the time, or thinking that everything is their own fault, that they are a loser, a failure, that they are not fit as a partner, or that they will never want to go into a new relationship (this happens a lot). So, people who are sane can set you straight, straighten your crazy ideas and faulty thinking. It is also possible that you will get back to yourself on your own, using your intuition and being in nature. It is also a very good idea to travel: the further away you are from your home (your problems), the better you are able to see the truth for what it is. Also, a very good option is to talk to other victims or join a club of victims of narcissism. This is not what some people would like, of course, to hear nothing but misery, but the complete understanding of your own problems is almost impossible with people who have not dealt with narcissists themselves. Damage and healing, getting strong, physical exercise The damage that narcissistic partners or family members can cause, is almost unfathomable, inconceivable, certainly if you have never met a victim. When I attended a lecture about narcissism last year, I saw at least 8 women among the audience, who were so emotionally and psychologically damaged, that this was carved into their face. One wonders how they can ever heal themselves. You have to be very strong, or otherwise learn how to become strong. It is indeed difficult to rise above the cold and sadistic level one was into, to be treated as garbage, never be appreciated, etc. Bodily therapies or sports could be the first aid, like sauna’s, massage, Tai Chi, Qi Gong, swimming, hiking, walking, running, playing tennis (it is not a coincidence that psychiatric institutions have their own tennis courts), squash, etc. To loosen the muscles is not only good physical therapy, but, because memories are for a good part stored in the cells of the body, especially in the legs, old memories are freed and processed. Even just walking in nature is doing just that. 10. Psychopathic narcissists and children Upbringing The narcissistic parent is able to show himself as a “normal” parent and does everything one would expect from a normal parent, but there is no empathy, feeling or heart-felt communication with the children. The children then lack much needed love, which is unnatural and damaging. It is well possible that the children do not notice that this parent is communicating only on the mental or rational level, - as children most of the time will admire or respect their parents, in part because they are dependent - . When both parents are narcissistic, or one parent is narcissistic and the other parent is not able to give love and empathy (which is often the case), then the children can become so damaged, that they themselves can become narcissistic. (19) Easy prey Children are easy prey for the narcissistic parent: they are easy to manipulate, amendable, loyal and dependent. Because the narcissistic parent is very likely a child himself and can behave like a two-year old, this confuses the child(ren). They are also confused by his or her inconsequential behavior, sometimes being “interested” or “affective” (narcissists are never really interested in children), and at other times being tyrannical and uninterested. Being a parent is the ideal situation for a narcissistic parent to rule, control and manipulate. (20) I read about a case in which a mother urged her own son to commit suicide and at the funeral she acted like she was the most important person of all people present. Envy The narcissistic parent can become very jealous of his own child, when he sees that the mother gives her child(ren) loving affection. This is obviously very childish behavior, which is appalling for the mother and shocking for the child. It can be compared to the envy of a first child who gets a brother or sister and the motherly affection is directed away from the child, to the newborn. But as a grownup, the narcissistic parent’s behavior can be intentionally sarcastic, aggressive, offensive, ugly and injurious, which a small child will not do. Parental responsibility The narcissistic parent can try to get the total parental responsibility after a divorce, to hurt the partner. Because, as said, the narcissist is able to show himself as a “normal” and “responsible” parent, professionals such as lawyers, therapists and judges can be manipulated (by the narcissist) in believing that the (loving) partner has emotional or psychological problems and is not fit as parent. This seems unlikely, but this happens in many divorce cases. The loving partner could also have left the narcissist because of abuse, and when he or she was not able to take the children with her or him, the parental responsibility could be appointed to the narcissist, which is of course a hell for the loving parent. 11. Psychopathic narcissists as professionals in psychology, education, the judiciary system, etc. Because narcissists can be very rational and logic, and often try to get positions of power, they can become judges, teachers, lawyers, prosecutors, psychologists, child care workers, CEO’s, therapists, etc. They can do a huge damage to the people who work under or with them. They will, for instance, take children from their homes and parents, with sadistic pleasure, under so-called “child care regulations”, rule with authoritarian power over their patients as a psychologist, and so on. You can imagine yourself how they will rule, terrorize, manipulate and control people, without any conscience, by reading all of the above sections. 12. Cases Case One: Bora Bora was born in Indonesia as the daughter of a cold mother and an alcoholic father. She came to the Netherlands, as did her sister, who married a Dutchman. She was the favorite child of her father, who stayed in Indonesia. After her sister and her husband, during a vacation, went to her father to take care of some problems of the parents, Bora became enraged, thinking that she was no longer the favorite daughter. She went to Indonesia, spoke a few minutes with her father, then went to the neighbor across the street to keep talking for hours, - to “take revenge” on her father. Her father died three days later from a broken heart. Bora had a daughter, who left her mother eventually because life at home became unbearable. Bora then blamed her for destroying her life, and, when the daughter would visit her, Bora would often not speak to her for days on end, to “punish” her. Bora manipulated the son of her sister, who was a problem child, to set him up against his own mother and father-in-law and spread the word in Indonesia that he was a drugs dealer. Every member of the family was accused of a list of horrible things, that Bora was actually guilty of herself. (This is typical for narcissists: if you want to know what a narcissist is doing, just listen to what they accuse others of.) Narcissism probably was developed in her first years, as result of not being able to emotionally bond with the mother. As a teenager she was often beaten by her alcoholic father with a leather belt, which enhanced the already existing traumas. Case Two: Klaus Klaus is a married man with children. He manipulated and psychologically abused his wife for more than a decade, as result of which she thought that everything that happened in the family was her fault. She did not know at first that Klaus was a narcissist and thought that he only had “some problems”. She was not allowed to see or make appointments with other men, even when she contacted them for repairs in the house, advice about computers and Wi-Fi, or wanted to talk to male colleagues. He gave her a smart phone on her first birth day after their marriage, to continuously control and follow her. He could see on his phone where she went because they had a joint smart phone account and demanded to know why she went here or there. When she wanted to pack her things in the middle of the night to leave the home because of his aggression, he blocked the door so she could not leave. He often talked to her for hours in long monologues, keeping her awake while she tried to sleep after long days. He tried every trick in the book to talk her out of her wanting to leave, from verbal aggression, to pathetic begging and so-called “love declarations”. Totally unexpected, he filed a request at the court for divorce, so that he could say that it was HIS decision, and that HE had control over the situation. He did not have any real interest in the children and played the role of “the ideal father”. Also, he would instigate the children against their own mother. He accused her of everything he himself did to her. He would leave the house and return at any time of the day and night, had sexual affaires with other women, and slept elsewhere, leaving the care for the children to her. When she discovered that he was a narcissist, she slowly awoke to her true nature and her own personal values. He did not understand her process of changing and thought that she was under the influence of “black magic”, - since she was not the guilty and obedient slave he used to know anymore. He refused psychotherapy because he believed he was absolutely “normal” and maintained that his wife should see a psychiatrist. Klaus is still very much under the influence of his mother and is afraid of her opinions. After she went to live in a home of her own, he still did not understand why she left, because he still thinks that he is "the ideal man". (The names, places and countries of the described cases are imaginary, to protect the identities of the people concerned.) Satanists, Pedophiles and politicians Satanists and pedophiles who abuse, torture, eat and kill babies and children, obviously do not have a heart, and most of them could be called “malignant narcissists”. They are however pure evil, know what they are doing, do not have a mental mask, and admit in public their horrific behavior. So, they are not really narcissists. They are now being arrested and convicted by the thousands by (president) Donald Trump and his team. Compared to these monsters “Toxic Narcissists” are just naughty children who do not seem to know what damage they are causing. Many politicians are more likely to be “real” narcissists, and because narcissists do not have a conscience, they should be removed from politics, business, banking and all public offices. 13. Information for people who work with astrology Feelings: water As said, narcissists are disconnected from their feelings. Some psychologists or therapists think that everyone has feelings and that some people have locked these away, but this is not the case, as astrologers know very well. Feelings are of course “water”: water signs and water planets: Cancer and the Moon, Scorpio and Pisces. All the charts of narcissists I saw had hardly any water, or maybe one planet in a water sign, which means that they really do not have any feelings: they are functioning on the mental level (air), or are very practical (earth), or at the most “intuitive” (fire) (as one of the 4 psychological types: feeling, intuition, sensing and thinking (not real intuition) (1). This means that, first, they do not feel very much (have no compassion or empathy), and second: the balance between feeling and thinking is disturbed; their thinking is not based on, or corrected by their (gut) feeling. Since communication is largely a matter of expressed thoughts (which are emotionally loaded), this is of course a serious problem, when combined with a narcissistic personality disorder. Power, manipulation, aggression and tyranny: Pluto, Mars and Saturn Another characteristic of narcissism is manipulation and power. This is symbolized by Pluto, so very often Pluto takes a predominant position in the chart, e.g. near the MC, on the ascendant, conjunct the Sun, or as the ruler of the Sun sign (Scorpio). Authoritarian behavior falls under Saturn, so, a strong placement indicates the bully. When Mars (aggression) is also strong, together with strong placements of Saturn and Pluto, you will have the “ideal” combination for a narcissistic psychopath. Such people are inclined to become aggressive, and cannot control their own outbursts of rage, they are even surprised by these outbursts themselves: they do not seem to understand their own sudden aggression. This can be in the form of verbal aggression, but sometimes they can get physical, if the narcissism is worse. (If you have not been abused or molested physically as a victim, it is possible that your “learning method” in life is through emotions, and not via physical harm. It is then likely that you will also not get molested physically in the future (no guarantees!)). If you suspect someone of being a narcissist, but you see a few (two, three or four) strong personal planets in water (especially the Moon, the Sun, Mercury and/or Venus), it is hardly likely that this person is a narcissist (I have never heard of an “empathic” narcissist). There are a lot of people who behave in the most horrible ways but are not narcissists. You have to be very careful, not to stigmatize people: the chart has to be accompanied by (visual) evidence of narcissist behavior. Conclusion If you have read all the above sections, it will be clear that a complete conclusion of all aspects of narcissism is impossible. The conclusion can therefore be short. Narcissists can be found everywhere and cause the most psychological, emotional and sometimes physical damage in ways that are invisible to the untrained observer, especially behind the front door. They can completely destroy the lives of partners, family members, children or employees, without anything being done to stop them, or bring their crimes to justice. Most therapists think that narcissists cannot be cured or are not able to recognize their insanity. The public needs to be informed about this serious social “tumor” on a far wider scale, for instance in schools and universities, where they should learn how to recognize narcissists and how to protect themselves against these insane and ruthless criminals. Narcissists should be exposed, arrested and undergo mandatory specialized therapy, and if this does not help, sent to a mental institute, or, in cases of severe (physical) abuse, convicted and sent to prison. Notes 1. The 4 psychological types developed by Carl Jung are: thinking, feeling, intuition and sensing. Thinking and feeling are in polarity with each other, and so are intuition and sensing. One of the two polarity types is extravert, and the other is introvert (e.g. when thinking is extravert, feeling is automatically introvert). 2. Greenberg, Elinor: Borderline, Narcissistic and Schizoid Adaptations, 244. 3. Greenberg, Elinor: Borderline, Narcissistic and Schizoid Adaptations, 245. 4. Greenberg, Elinor: Borderline, Narcissistic and Schizoid Adaptations, 247. 5. Website. 6. Website . 7. Website. 8. Website. 9. Website. . 10. Oers, Mjon van: Narcistisch misbruik in de liefde, 73. 11. Ploeg, Piet v.d.: Narcisme te lijf, 33. 12. Ploeg, Piet v.d.: Narcisme te lijf, 55. 13. Storms, Jan: Destructieve relaties op de schop, 61. 14. Website. 15. Lowen, Alexander: Narcissism, Denial of the True Self, 168. 16. Website. 17. Website. 18. Oers, Mjon van: Narcistisch misbruik in de liefde. 19. Storms, Jan: Destructieve relaties op de schop, 111. 20. Storms, Jan: Destructieve relaties op de schop, 145. Sources: Fromm, Erich: Hart van de mens, Bijleveld, Utrecht, 1964. Graves, Robert: The Greek Myths: 1, Penguin Books, London, 1960. Greenberg, Elinor: Borderline, Narcissistic and Schizoid Adaptations, the Pursuit of Love, Admiration and Safety, Greenbrooke Press, New York, 2016. Lowen, Alexander, Narcissism, Denial of the True Self, Touchstone Books, New York, 1985. Oers, Mjon van: Narcistisch misbruik in de liefde, Ankh-Hermes, Deventer, 2019. Oers, Mjon van: Voorbij het narcisme in je relaties, familie en werk, Ankh-Hermes, Deventer, 2016. Ploeg, Piet van der: Narcisme te lijf, CCGT, Zoetermeer, 2014. Reich, Wilhelm: Character Analysis, Farrar, Straus and Giroux, New York, 1971. Sandler, Joseph: Freud’s “On Narcissism: An Introduction”, Yale University Press, London, 1991. Storms, Jan: Destructieve relaties op de schop: psychopathie herkennen en hanteren, Ankh-Hermes, Deventer, 2014. |
19. The Problem with the Main Stream Media, Part Four: Advertising, the Internet, Spiritual & Political Awareness, the Future,
Alternative News Sources, Conclusions (27-07-2019) (sections in sky-blue are later added)
Advertising & the Media
Advertisers dictate the contents of the media If you have read part one, two and three, it will be clear that corporations have an enormous influence on the content of the media. This influence is largely invisible, because companies cannot simply tell the government or the public: “We want to make more profit, so we want more direct control of all media, no government interference, decide what the media can and cannot publish, and to hell with the people.” That is why lobbying is so important. Politicians are also very aware of the power of the media, because they are depending on them, if they want to get re-elected. The politicians thus need the media and are also corrupted by the corporations. But some stories came out as a result of government hearings. For instance Big Pharma giant Proctor & Gamble said in a memo to the media that scenes in series or movies depicting people who are committing suicide by taking pills, must be cut.128 In the 70s, when tobacco advertising was still allowed, the CBS “Camel News Caravan” (!) told editors that any news footage will be refused if behind the filmed persons a “No Smoking” sign could be seen.129 The media comply, because their very existence is depending on the money from advertisements. Separation between advertising and media content is fading Robert McChesney, author of “The Problem of the Media” says: “Its job [advertising] was to sell a product or service and provide the revenues necessary to produce quality programming, over which it should have no direct control.” (In the USA there is no public television broadcasting, like in the UK or the Netherlands.) But since advertising has become the motor force in the media, the “barrier between the “church and the state” is under severe attack. The commercialization of culture is becoming so powerful that distinction between media and pure commercialism is ceasing to exist.”130 An example of this is showing a product in the content itself, which is called “product placement”. In the first James Bond movies, the producers found this “unseemly”, but in the last decade one can see product placement of cars, alcohol, watches, etc. Someone said that Bond now “has a license to sell”. This can be quite annoying for the public, because such movies look more like one great advertisement, than an interesting movie. An extreme example is a scene in the movie “La Menace”, in which Yves Montand plays the owner of a truck selling company. He answers the phone saying: “Volvo, ici Savin.” (The Volvo trucks are also filmed extensively). This is unrealistic. It is like a restaurant owner who would answer the phone saying: “Coca-Cola. Jim Spencer speaking.” Another disturbing phenomenon is “advertorials”; articles in (regional) newspapers which are in fact advertisements disguised as an article/editorial. If you miss the word “advertisement” at the top, you would read it like a news article, which is the purpose of course. In such a way corporations could, using so-called “scientific” “information”, make people believe that they need for instance, sunglasses to “protect” their eyes against UV-light. Commercialism is a threat to democracy Hyper-commercialism is a threat to democracy, because one cannot tell the difference anymore between independent content and content which is commercially based, be it in culture, politics, science, the media, art or education: all these areas have been heavily contaminated with advertising, sponsoring, and pushing the views of the elite. In this way, people cannot make important choices anymore based on reality, because reality has been replaced by an illusion. The Internet Some groups and people thought that the development and rise of the internet would lead to true democracy, to the empowerment of the people, because the government would not be able to control all communication between citizens. As we have seen in this article, the existing problems in the main stream media only became even more serious after the internet came in use. Meaning, that the untruthfulness of the media became worse. It is however a fact that doing research into the truth has become easier. (But this largely depends on the views and knowledge of the researcher: because any view can be backed by any statement that can be found on the internet - this is also the reason that lately, many people think that the earth is flat – which was a project of the Cabal to confuse people make them become incredible by people in their network, because they can find “confirmation” on the internet). It is also true, in principle, that social media can bring people together, for instance in the case of organizing demonstrations. It is, however, very interesting to know how the internet came into being, who benefits from it and who weaponized the social media and mobile phones. This story is told by Yasha Levine in his book “Surveillance Valley” (2017): “The internet came out of a 1960s military project to develop an information weapon. It was born out of a need to quickly communicate, process data, and control a chaotic world. Today, the network is more than a weapon; it is also a field of battle, a place where vital military and intelligence operations take place.”131 Levine discovered that the internet was rooted in the need for the USA to fight communism world-wide in the 60s. 132. “The internet came out of an attempt to build computer systems that collect and share intelligence, watch the world in real time, and study and analyze people and political movements with the ultimate goal of predicting and preventing social upheaval.133 This reminds me of the series “Person of Interest”, in which a software genius “professor” built hardware and software for the government which is capable of accessing any digital video camera in the world, any cell phone, hack any computer, use the camera and microphone of tv-sets, etc., and calculates and processes millions of data to come up with predicted crimes planned by “terrorists”. But also illegal activities planned by ordinary people. They called this “The Machine”. According to whistleblower Corey Goode, this technology really does exist and can watch everybody’s moves and communication in real time. All data in Facebook, YouTube, Google, Twitter, any telecom provider etc. is stored and sent to the servers of the NSA and CIA. That is, if you use a smart phone, a GPS device (like a GPS camera), a car with a board computer or GPS, a laptop, a tablet or a desktop. “In other words, the internet was hardwired to be a surveillance tool form the beginning.” 134 So, the internet was meant for control and repression of the people, not for liberation. “In 1969 a group of students at MIT and Harvard attempted to shut down research taking place at their universities under the ARPANET umbrella. They saw this computer network as the start of a hybrid private-public system of surveillance and control – “computerized people-manipulation” they called it – and warned that it would be used to spy on Americans and wage war on progressive political movements. They understood this technology better than today. More importantly, they were right. In 1972, almost as soon as the ARPANET was rolled out on a national level, the network was used to help the CIA, the NSA, and the US Army to spy on tens of thousands of antiwar and civil rights activists. It was a big scandal at the time, and the ARPANET’s role in it was discussed at length on American television, including NBC Evening News.”135 At least, this is something positive: it was aired by the main stream media! (This was possible because it was in the 70s; nowadays, this would be very unlikely.) In an article in De Telegraaf (24-07-2019): titled: "All-seeing eye for the police", a new system of camera control is mentioned, which is developed by the police ("Team Technisch Toezicht"). With this system all images from all security camera's, all Rijkswaterstaat camera's, all camera's from police bodycams, all camera's from NS-(railroad)stations and all camera's from helicopters and drones, are coupled, and can be seen at the same time. "Untill now, the images could only be viewed by the organization which installed the camera's", they say. So, this also exists in the Netherlands. If you want the whole story about the role of the Pentagon, about ARPA (now DARPA), the CIA, NSA, Project Igloo White, the RAND Corporation, Project Agile, ENIAC, IBM computers used by the Nazi during WWII, SAGE, John van Neumann, PRISM, CONUS, FEDNET, COINS, NFSNET, PSINET, DEA, NGA, SAIC, Eric Schmidt, Google, TOR (The Onion Router or the “Dark Web”), Facebook, Yahoo, Jacob Appelbaum, Edward Snowden, etc., you have to read the book yourself, because we have to move on to the next section. Well, one other thing: what would be the future of this weaponized internet? Complete Orwellian control of all people? It is said that the expected solar flare (around 2024) could burn out every computer chip. So, that would be the end of all control, but also the end of the life as we know it; we would be thrown into the stone age, and have to invent new technologies based on solar and etheric energy. Israel’s influence on the world’s media “Numerous well-funded, organized projects by and for Israel work to flood social media with pro-Israel propaganda, while blocking facts Israel dislikes. The projects utilize Israeli soldiers, students, American teens and others, and range from infiltrating Wikipedia to influencing YouTube. Some operate out of Jewish Community Centers in the U.S.” 136 Video’s depicting Palestinians killed by Israeli soldiers are likely to be deleted from YouTube channels by these groups: “People going to the channel saw a message telling them that the site had been terminated for “violating “YouTube guidelines” – implying that we were guilty of wrongdoing. We received no warning and got no explanation.” 136. (In this case, they got an answer by YouTube after five days that they did not violate any guidelines and the content was restored.) “Students work in four teams: “Content”, “Wikipedia”, “Monitoring” and “New Media”. The “Content” Team is responsible for original content in a news format, The “Monitoring” Team is responsible for monitoring efforts while reporting and removing anti-Semitic [sic] content from social networks (The program conflates criticism of Israel with antisemitism), the “New Media” Team is responsible for social media channels, the “Wikipedia” Team is responsible for writing new entries and translating them into languages that operate in the program, updating the values of current and relevant information, tracking and preventing bias in the program’s areas of activity.” 136 Critical remarks about the government of Israel and antisemitic comments are both seen as “antisemitic”, which means that Israel does not tolerate any criticism aimed at the state of Israel, and will attack any critical remarks about Israel on the internet, including news sites. In the Wikipedia Team “there was a prize for the “Best Zionist Editor” – the person who over the next four years incorporated the most “Zionist” changes in the [Wikipedia] encyclopedia. The winner would receive a trip in a hot-air balloon over Israel. 136 The prize seems appropriate (hot air in the media), but the general public is and will be influenced and indoctrinated by these actions. Although Israel occupies large Palestinian territories, violates a number of international laws and kills any Palestinian child, woman or man in a cruel and sadistic fascist genocide, many people in the world think that “Israel has the right to defend itself” or that “Palestinians occupy Israeli territory”. This is the result of endless pro-Israel “journalism”. A BBC editor said: “We wait in fear for the phone calls from the Israeli’s.” 137 When the BBC dares to air news footage or a documentary in which the words “Israel attacked” are used, instead of “Israel retaliated”, thousands of angry e-mails are to be expected from pro-Israel internet “attack” groups. “They cite, in particular, their campaign against CNN, which saw them sending up to 6.000 e-mails a day to the chief executive.” 138 Such e-mails are not always as polite as one would expect: “Robert Fisk of The Independent has been told that his mother was Adolf Eichman’s daughter, that he belongs in hell with Osama Bin laden, that he is a “hate-peddler”, a leading anti-Semite and proto-fascist Islamophile propagandist and a pedophile.” 139 Investigative journalist John Pilger was told “that he was a demonic psychopath, a Nazi and that the murder of his family was “not a bad idea.” 140. Spiritual & Political Awareness There is a distinct difference between spiritual and political awareness. I wondered why a lot of spiritual people nowadays are extremely naïve concerning the most important events in the world. If you were to ask them who caused 9/11, the answer will almost always be: “Muslim terrorists”. One would think that people who are spiritually aware, are also aware of what really goes on in the world. But it seems that most of them have no idea. Why is it then that many popular musicians and actors in the 60s were at the same time spiritually and politically aware? People like John Lennon, Bob Dylan, Bob Marley, Jane Fonda and Joan Baez were. My vision is that the main stream media, during the “Golden Years of Journalism” in the 60s and 70s - although somewhat controlled -, could get the truth out about many important issues. Today, no matter how “spiritual” you are, you have to unbrainwash yourself and do serious research, otherwise you will just be a mind controlled (“spiritual”) sleepwalking zombie who believes every lie of the MSM. The Future and the Media The “future of the media” is hard to predict, so I called this section: “the future and the media”. So, we have to do a little speculation. One thing is certain however, and that is that the current state of the media is caused by (corrupt) government regulation and the corporate power (which is again influencing the government). Elite journalists are in bed with the elite, but they are also brainwashed and indoctrinated, just like the rest of the people. They can change. For example: when the public view went against the Vietnam war, the journalists changed their opinion also and suddenly all newspapers were against the war. But the main reason is the government. The USA is nowadays a plutocracy (or a police state), and Europe, Africa, Asia, South-America, Canada and Australia are following their orders. Only Russia, China, Venezuela, Eritrea, Iran, Cuba, and some other countries are trying to fight US imperialism. As long as this goes on, the MSM will not change. The power of the USA is waning however, and in the autumn of 2019 the USA could become bankrupt. At some point in the future, the power balance in the world will change, the people will rise, and everything will change. This is possible in the year 2024 and during the years thereafter. The new powers can simply force the MSM to publish the truth, or else all publishers, broadcasters, editors and journalists will be fired and replaced by honest people. This is not just wishful thinking: great cosmic energies, like the solar flare (expected in 2023 or 2024) and the beginning of new great cosmic cycles, will have large effects on everything on earth. The future is bright (although it can become darker for some time because of 5G). The Future: Open Source Everything? Former CIA agent, whistleblower and truth-activist Robert David Steele proposes a system of complete (media) openness in his book “Open Source Everything”. What Robert David Steele is promoting is nothing less than total openness, empowering the people, bury the rule of secrecy, real democratic participation by the citizens in all important decisions, and to make public all secret documents. In one word: “Panarchy”. |
In the ideal state of panarchy, every citizen is fully actualized, deeply steeped in integrity and intelligence, and able to participate creatively in the constant social reproduction of their world.” 141 Robert David Steele is not just some ex-CIA spook who saw the light; he studied Plato, Buckminster Fuller, Teilhard de Chardin, Arthur Koestler, and is one of the deep-insider informers of Benjamin Fulford. What does this all mean concerning the main stream media? First, he advised Donald Trump to “eject the press corps” and create a “Presidential Media & Open Source Intelligence Center” in the White House from which the president can provide factual information to the public about everything. This includes a two-way vehicle for communicating to every citizen and for receiving from all citizens tweets, emails, images, and other materials processed into a presidential dashboard that allows the President and “surrogages” to “drill down” by issue, demographic, even budget line item.”142 Second, the media are to be unified with the other seven communities: Academics, Civil Society, Commercial, Government, Law Enforcement, Military and Non-Government/Non-Profit. 143 “This new meme unifies the knowledge and grassroots experience of the eight communities of intelligence, so the human collective becomes the “one body, one mind” implied by the term “noosphere” - a psychic collectivity.144
Communicating without government/NSA control In the meantime, we the people, have to find a way to communicate without being watched every second by the NSA via the internet and smart phones. There is a new program called “Activity Pub” (downloadable at www.joinmastodon.org), which should give a system of person-to-person and person/group-to-group/person communication outside the channels of Google, Facebook, YouTube, (or whatever provider that is sending all their data to the NSA servers). After reading “Surveillance Valley”, I have to say that this does not sound very credible. I tried Activity Pub, by the way, but I was repelled by the mundane remarks which were posted, - given the opportunity of an important integral independent medium - , like: “I really liked the chocolate cake she baked and tonight I am going to have fun in the bowling center and drink a lot of beer.” It is not a good idea by the way, to encrypt your e-mails or use the TOR (“dark web”) software, because this can be hacked and also you are making yourself suspect. TOR has been hacked by the FBI (Levine: "Surveillance Valley, p. 261). There is also the "MeWe" website, which would be outside the control of the NSA and the CIA: https://mewe.com/. I made an account on August 4, 2019. Alternative sources of Information The following list is my choice of non-commercial websites which are giving daily or weekly news, background news, weekly deep insiders news, articles by independent journalists, and so on.
De Andere Krant De Andere Krant is a unique Dutch physical newspaper. Each edition is dedicated to one topic, the latest one (summer 2019) being 9/11. It is spread by volunteers around the country. One can order papers at: www.deanderekrant.nl. Conclusions
End Conclusion There is only one end conclusion possible: everything is turned upside down, like in Orwell’s “1984”. (Last found example of this: “Israeli settler groups are turning the Israel-Palestine narrative on its head, accusing Palestinians of trying to illegally steal land in the West Bank’s Area C.” 145) UPDATE: LINK In this interview by (main stream media) news site RT, Prof. Dr. Martin Pall says that "the media have been corrupted by the industry", as an answer to the question by RT why there is so little coverage of the dangers of Wi-Fi radiation and 5G (see 9.40 min. in the interview). Link to same interview on YouTube END OF ARTICLE Notes 128. Bagdikian: The New Media Monopoly, 240. 129. Bagdikian: The New Media Monopoly, 237. 130. McChesney: The Problem of the Media, 145. 131. Levine: Surveillance Valley, 267. 132. Levine: Surveillance Valley, 6. 133. Levine: Surveillance Valley, 7. 134. Levine: Surveillance Valley, 8. 135. Levine: Surveillance Valley, 8. 136. Link: IsraelPalestineNews. 137. Link: IsraelPalestineNews. 138. Edwards & Cromwell: Propaganda Blitz, 62. 139. Davies: Flat Earth News, 124. 140. Davies: Flat Earth News, 123. 141. Steele: Open Source Everything, 23. 142. Link: Phibetaiota.net 143. Steele: Open Source Everything, 73. 144. Steele: Open Source Everything, 73. 145. Link: Mintpress. Sources 1. Assange, Julian: The Wikileaks Files. The World According to US Empire, 2016. 2. Bagdikian, Ben: The New Media Monopoly, 2004. 3. Bailey, Alice: Begoocheling, een wereldprobleem. 4. Belgraver, Alexander: Eerlijk nieuws zonder censuur, 2019. 5. Bowen, Russel S.: The Immaculate Deception. The Bush Crime Family Exposed, 1991. 6. Charney, John: The Illusion of the Free Press, 2018. 7. Chomsky, Noam: Media Control, 2002. 8. Cook, Fred J.: Maverick, Fifty Years of Investigative Reporting, 1984. 9. Davies, Nick: Flat Earth News, 2009. 10. Dorsey, Herbert: The Covert Colonization of Our Solar System, 2016. 11. Friedman, Alan: Spider’s Web. Bush, Saddam, Thatcher and the Decade of Deceit, 1993 12. Edwards, D. & Cromwell, D.: Guardians of Power. The Myth of the Liberal Media, 2006. 13. Edwards, D. & Cromwell, D.: Propaganda Blitz, How the Corporate Media Distort Reality, 2018. 14. Epstein, E. Jay: News from Nowhere, Television and the News, 1974. 15. Fromm, Erich: Anatomie van de menselijke destructiviteit, 1987. 16. Fromm, Erich: De gezonde samenleving, 1973. 17. Hamelink, Cees: De mythe van de vrije informatie, 1978. 18. Hansen, Terry: The Missing Times. News Media Complicity in the UFO Cover-up. 2000. 19. Herman, Edward & Chomsky, Noam: Manufacturing Consent, the Political Economy of the Mass Media, 1994. 20. Holiday, Ryan: Trust Me, I’m lying. Confessions of a Media Manipulator, 2013. 21. Klein, Naomi: The Shock Doctrine, The Rise of Disaster Capitalism, 2007. 22. Krishnamurti, J.: The Network of Thought, 1982. 23. Marcuse, Herbert: A Critique of Pure Tolerance, 1965. 24. Marcuse, Herbert: De eendimensionale mens, 1968. 25. Marcuse: Herbert: An Essay on Liberation, 1969. 26. McLuhan, Marshall: Understanding Media, the Extensions of Man, 1994. 27. McChesney, Robert W.: The Problem of the Media, Monthly Review Press, New York, 2004. 28. Orwell, George: Nineteen Eighty-Four, 1987. 29. Perkins, John: Confessions of an Economic Hit Man, 2005 30. Philo, Greg & Berry, Mike: More Bad News from Israel, 2011. 31. Sedgwick, David: BBC: Brainwashing Britain? How and Why the BBC Controls Yoir Mind. 2018. 32. Skolnick, Sherman: Ahead of the Parade. A Who’s Who of Treason & High Crimes, 2003. 33. Skolnick, Sherman: Overthrow of the American Republic, 2006. 34. Steele, Robert David: The Open Source Everything Manifestation. Truth & Transparency, Truth & Trust, 2012. 35. Steiner, Rudolf: Geesteswetenschap en geneeskunde, Uitgeverij Vrij Geestesleven, Zeist, 1985. 36. Ulfkotte, Udo: Gekochte journalisten/Bought Journalists, hoe de CIA het nieuws verkoopt/How the CIA sells the news, 2017. 37. Vltchek, Andre, Exposing Lies of the Empire, 2015. |
18. The Problem with the Main Stream Media, Part Three: Fake News, Blogs, Television, Public Opinion, Truth & the Media and the History of the Press (16-07-2019) (Sections in blue are new or updated topics)
1. Fake News
Definitions Dave Lindorff: “Historians say the term “fake news” dates from the 19th century era of “yellow journalism” [tabloids], but the term really took off in 2016, during Donald Trump’s run for the presidency. It described several different things, from fact-free, pro-Trump online media to sensationalistic and largely untrue stories whose only goal was eyeballs and dollars. During the primary season, Trump began labeling all mainstream media stories as “fake news”. “The New York Times, the Washington Post, the network [tv] news programs and even National Public Radio, have all responded to being called liars and “fake news” fabricators by promoting themselves as “the reality-bases community.” 92. According to Frank Ho the term “Fake News” was used by the elite in relation to 9/11, when the term “conspiracy theorist” was contaminated and a new term had to be introduced to debunk the researchers who began to publish books about the real story about 9/11. 93. (“Fake News” is not a new expression or a new word. It just consists of two words, like “rotten apple”. False news has been around probably since the existence of the press.) The war on serious independent internet sources Trump was right of course, to call journalists of CNN, the New York Times and the Washington Post “Fake News”, because they are. But the elite turned it around and started to attack independent alternative news sources and called these ”fake news”. During this war, a lot of serious websites have been destroyed. Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, and Google are censoring certain topics, and even WordPress has taken down independent news websites made in WordPress: investigative reporter Jon Rappoport’s blog has been taken down by WordPress.94. Facebook erased 800 independent news pages in 2018.95 Wikipedia pages had been censored before that. Steven Greer said once that, while correcting text about him on Wikiepdia, that at the same time it was changed back to the lies again, within seconds! So, Wikipedia pages cannot be trusted at all, whatever the subject. Google made changes, “to make it harder for users to access what it called “low-quality information” such as “conspiracy theories” and “fake news”. Three months later, World Socialist Web reported that the visits to their website dropped with 70%”. Also, Global Research, Counterpunch, Consortium News, WikiLeaks, Alternet and Truthout experienced sharp drops in ranking, and even Amnesty International. 96. The Avaaz campaign group has recently showed its true colors. Avaaz bills itself as a social action group bringing “people-powered politics to decision-making everywhere”. On 19-05-2019 they mailed their subscribers with “The urgent threat of disinformation and how we can protect ourselves.” In this mail they also claimed that “Russia leads the pack – their huge troll farms employ legions of people to set millions of fake accounts to spread disinformation.” This bullshit about Russian interference is what the Empire also tried to do to get rid of Trump. Avaaz claims it accepts no money from governments or corporations, but it is tied to other social action groups Res Publica and Moveon.org (which has been partly funded by left-wing Hungarian-American billionaire George Soros) – and its co-founders, Ricken Patel an Tom Perriello, have a history of supporting a US imperialist agenda. Ricken has previously worked for the US State Department and Amnesty International, while Periello is a former US congressman who voted in favor of continuing the wars on Afghanistan and Iraq.” 97. Even e-mail providers are attacking real news. After I sent an e-mail to a friend of mine in the USA with the “Hillary Clinton Body Count List” (a list with all the people she had killed), the next morning I received an e-mail from his provider Verizon (comparable to KPN in the Netherlands) which said: “Your e-mail address has been placed on our black list and you can no longer e-mail with this person.” On July 15, 2019 the Consortium News website was taken down by malware, after streaming a program defending Julian Assange. Every article published since 2011 got the 404 Not Found notice. In August 2019, the facebookpage of Desirée Rover was terminated. She wrote about the dangers of vaccines. She is now on MeWe. A more aggressive way to destroy real news by the elite is to take the lead or start lying themselves: “Thus, for every event that needs to be controlled as to public perception and opinion, where choking of readership isn’t enough and killing a journalist isn’t possible, another solution is chosen. If one alternative theory, perhaps one that fits better than the “fake” theory chosen by the controlled media, poses a threat, simply “drown it. To do this, platforms are created, mysteriously funded alternative media sites that the main stream media mentions continually, that Google pushes traffic to, whose wild and obscene videos are protected by YouTube and whose homicidal pronouncements are ignored by authorities. Any time a real source, a real whistleblower with real information on government complicity in terrorism or large scale corruption, comes forward, and they are not jailed or forced to flee the country, their revelations are overwhelmed with spin, fluff, smears, and an endless stream of conspiracy theories carefully engineered. ”98. Fake News Example: 9/11 A famous example is the announcement on BBC and CNN that WTC 7 Tower “has either collapsed or is collapsing”, while behind the newsreader we can see building 7 still standing. So, the elite had their “news” story ready long before the actual collapse of the building, but the media made a little mistake by airing it too early. 99 2. Blogs Top media manipulator and Blogs specialist Ryan Holiday is telling his story in his book “Trust Me, I’m Lying, Confessions of a Media Manipulator” (2013). If you are not in the business of media manipulation, these stories sound at the same time unbelievable, outrageous, incredible and hilarious. He was able to create a rumor, based on an absolute lie, about a company on local blogs, which he created on a false name only for that purpose, than write local newspapers about this “news” on this blog (about his own lie), and as a result these newspapers copied this lie on a blog with a larger public and sometimes it would be printed in national newspapers like the New York Times. So, the idea is created that the topic already exists. If this rumor was negative enough, the attacked company could lose millions. Politicians also know the secrets of manipulation: “Vice president Dick Cheney leaked bogus information to an attention hungry reporter for the New York Times, and then mentioned his own leak on “Meet the Press” to help convince us to invade Iraq.” (Holiday, p.221) When we look at what he said about journalists and the news sites on the internet, his experience was that 89% of all journalists use blogs as a source of news or facts, 50% use Twitter and 66% use Facebook (Holiday, p.20). No wonder that the “news” cannot be trusted. He says bloggers are dishonest, vicious, irresponsible and inaccurate because their paycheck depends on it (Holiday, p.47). “A writer needs to rack up roughly one hundred thousand views to make even one thousand dollars – a tough fight when you’re jostling for share of voice against the thousand-plus writers who there each month.” (Holiday, p.43) The most powerful blog is a blog in which the writer is angry. “Blogs are important because they are read the most by the elite.” Two very important other factors are speed (“speed is everything”), and traffic (“traffic is money”). Holiday sometimes hired writers and his only criterium was speed: “We need people that can get the story out in minutes and can compose the bigger opinion pieces in a couple of hours, not a couple of days.” (Holiday, p.42) Holiday even created a non-existing Democratic politician who was running for president during the elections! 3. Television: “News” broadcasted by networks Edward Epstein, who did a scientific study during three months of the television networks, was told by president of CBS Richard Salant: “Our reporters do not cover stories from their point of view. They are presenting them from nobody’s point of view.” (Hence the title of his book: “News from Nowhere”.) News for television is produced in a group, it is a group effort. A group of journalists and camera men work for a network and the network is under control of supervision groups in New York or Washington. (Even the New York Times admitted in June 2019 that it sends stories to the US government for approval before publication.100) Only those tv-journalists are hired who have no “bias”, no “commitment”, no “political views”, and are not “dogmatic”. Most journalists that Epstein met were totally non-political and agnostic, they did not have any religion. They only have to report “events”, any personal views or critical standpoints are forbidden. Once a story is done, it is sent to the headquarters of NBC (owned by General Electric), CBS (owned by Viacom) or ABC (owned by Disney) in New York, where the stories are edited, sometimes re-edited or completely rewritten, processed, and then sent back to the networks to be aired. In this way there is total control over the contents from above, by the elite. Malcom X: “The media is the most powerful entity on earth. They have the power to make the innocent guilty and to make the guilty innocent, and that’s power. Because they control the minds of the masses.” Where speed is the most important factor for blogs and news sites, the number of viewers is the most important item for television. “There is no economic incentive to spend money on searches for original information, or intelligence gathering, since it is not presumed that scoops, exclusive or original reporting significantly increase the audience, and hence the revenue, for network news.” 101. Drama “Television is not expected to reproduce newspaper stories on film; it is a totally different medium.” a young producer explained. 102 A story must have drama: “It should have structure and conflict, problem and denouement, rising action and falling action, a beginning, a middle and an end.” 103. The highest power of television journalism is not in the transmission of information but in the transmission of experience… joy, sorrow, shock, fear, these are the stuff of the news.” 104. False video’s, false images and lies In August 1992, millions of people were shocked to see photographs of a supposed Bosnian “deathcamp”. But the story was a lie. The ITN crew had filmed from inside a fenced-in area, so the Bosnian refugees looked like prisoners seen through the fence. By also using a very skinny man in the center of the frame, it looked like a Nazi concentration camp. 105 In a 2011 BBC coverage of the war in Libya, “Libyans are celebrating liberation on the Green Square”. In reality people are seen waving Indian flags. The images are not the Green Square, and the people are in fact Indians from India. The truth is that Libyan civilians are being terrorized by the NATO sponsored rebels. Death and destruction are replaced by images of celebration and liberation. 106 When the MSM published the so-called “terrorist attack” on Brussels on 22-03-2016, they used a fake video footage, which was in reality a video of a terror attack at Moscow’s Domodedovo airport on 24-01-2011, posted on YouTube in November 2013. 107 What we rarely see on tv are demonstrations against governments or presidents. To know whether people are demonstrating in large numbers against the government in Spain, Greece, Germany or any other “democratic” country, we have to search the alternative news sites on the internet. (The NATO war on Libya and Ghadaffi is a story in itself, but there is not enough space to comment on this. However, it is imported to know that the main reason for the war on Gadhafi and Lybia was that he planned to create an independent African money system, independent from the US dollar, backed on gold, for the whole of the African continent. This could not be allowed by Wallstreet, the Rockefellers, the Rothschilds, and the oil and war industry of course. (The murder of Gadhafi was ordered by Tony Blair, because Gadhafi had dirty secrets about him of fraudulent business.) Saddam Hussein was also attacked by the USA because he started selling oil for Euro's instead of dollars.) BBC “The public is trained to believe that the BBC is the world’s “best” news broadcaster; a relentlessly, fair, honest and impartial provider of facts about national and international events.” “In reality the BBC habitually protects power, the monarchy, and an unjust and inequitable class system.” 108 BBC editors are embedded in the corporate and political power structure. An example is the attack on Jeremy Corbyn, in a BBC Panorama Special broadcasted in July 2019, titled: “Is Labour Anti-Semitic?” “The partisan tone was set from the opening shot: A young woman whose name was not revealed tearfully claimed to have been abused with antisemitic taunts at a Labour Party conference.” On further investigation, this woman appeared to be Ella Rose, a senior official in the Jewish Labour Movement and a former worker at the Israeli embassy in London. Hey, does this not ring a bell? Exactly: the daughter of the Kuwaiti ambassador who tearfully said on live television that “babies were left on the floor to die in a Kuwaiti hospital”. (See the section about Iraq in Part Two.) In reality, anti-simitic remarks made by Labour members were minimal, - and even went down after Corby became the leader - , whereas the Conservative Party’s racial prejudices were far more substantial, but this was omitted in the Panorama video.109 This BBC broadcast was clearly a partisan attack at Corbyn, just as the extremely partisan articles in the first half of the 19th century in the USA were, where each newspaper owner could use his own paper to vent his support for a certain president. (See the section: “The History of the Press in the USA”.) Laura Kuenssberg, Political Editor of the BBC once said: “I would die in a ditch for the impartiality of the BBC.” After 35.000 members of the public had signed a petition, calling for her resignation because of bias, she replied: “I’m not going into that.” 110. Charney says that people have to believe in the freedom and accuracy of the press, otherwise they could become crazy (see the section “The illusion of the free press” in Part One). The Dutch “NOS Journaal” has also been accused of lying. On September 8, 2014 the NOS reported that Vladimir Putin “as good as ignored” the BBC journalist John Sweeney. In the short video footage one could see Putin walk away. In reality Putin turned to the journalist and they had a conversation that lasted for two whole minutes. This is one of the many lies which are told in the MSM about Putin, in order to make him look like “the evil communist enemy”, in the continued attempt by the Cabal to trigger World War III. See also: "BBC: Brainwashing Britain? How and Why the BBC controls Your Mind" by David Sedgwick. |
4. The Public
Public trust in the media In 2014, Edelman did a world-wide survey about trust in the media. The Dutch people trusted the social media the least of all people, but at the same time they trusted the main stream media the most. 111 In another survey the Germans trusted the main stream media even more than the Dutch. On the top of the list of countries who did NOT trust the main stream media were Estonia, Hungary, Greece and Croatia. A poll done in the USA showed that in 2016 32% of the public had confidence in the MSM, against 72% in 1976. 112. “Like citizens of other countries, citizens of the USA want to believe that their leaders are trustworthy.” So, they have more trust in media which support their leader, than media who are critical about their leader. For instance: “A Republican who supports Donald Trump has a very low view of the media, which have scorned him, but a high degree of trust in the president.” 113 In Germany only 5% of people under thirty watch ARD, according to Ulfkotte. 114. So, we can say that the overall trust in the MSM is going down, except for the (older) Dutch and German people. The Dutch newspaper NRC (2014) mentioned a survey by the Sociaal en Cultureel Planbureau (SCP) which stated that older people and people with a lower education watch television, while younger people and highly educated people watch the internet. 115 We saw in different sections above that the internet is no solution: many people follow the MSM on the internet news websites, like the online New York Times. Also, the main stream media have such a strong image of “trustworthiness”, and such a large distribution, that the internet is just not an alternative for the larger public. This also means of course that the main stream media have enormous potential, if and when they are used for the benefit of the public (and are non-commercial). More about this under the section “The Future and the media”. See The Edelman Trust Barometer for the latest overall results. "Trust in the Media" results: see page 42 of THIS LINK. Public opinion A Chinese saying is: “A wise man takes his own decisions, an ignorant man follows public opinion.” So, what is public opinion worth? What to think of many polls in the USA which said that people find torture “an acceptable way to treat those people”? Assange, 96. 116 And what to think of people who thought that Obama was a humane, peace loving president, while in reality he killed more civilians in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya and other countries, than George Bush, and even killed American citizens abroad with drones. See the complete list of Obama’s lies, crimes, misdeeds and scandals: here 117. Everything he did was illegal, because, being born in Kenya and not in the USA, (which is required for a president), he was an illegal president. Obama, whose real name is Barry Soetoro, was already recruited and trained by the CIA and DARPA when he was 25 years old. After his “presidency” he tried to get political asylum in Kenya because he was afraid to be indicted for crimes against humanity, but they did not want him. (This was not so strange, since a lot of criminal politicians have become afraid after the execution of George Bush Sr.) Herbert Marcuse had this to say about public opinion: “In Plato, rationality is confined to small number of philosophy-kings, in [John Stuart] Mill, every rational human being participates in the discussion and decision – but only a rational being. Where society has entered the phase of total administration and indoctrination, this would be a small number indeed, and not necessarily that of the elected representatives of the people. The problem is not that of an educational dictatorship, but that of breaking the tyranny of public opinion and its makers in the closed society.” 118. In other words, even at the time of his writing (1965) the people (in the USA) were so brainwashed and indoctrinated that there were hardly any “rational” people left, needed to make important decisions. Since about the year 2000 however, more and more people have awakened, and more and more demonstrations are held throughout the world, as the Cabal is losing power steadily and rapidly. It could even be that the main stream media are the last bastion to be conquered. 5. Truth and the Media How is it even possible to know what is really going on in the world, including on the deepest decision-making levels and concerning the deeper meaning of what is seen on the surface, when the following is happening: A. The elite media owners think that they have the “right” ideological world view and the unique right to use “their” media to vent their ideas; B. Editors of newspapers and broadcasters who are toeing the party line for their elite bosses. C. Elite main stream media journalists who have internalized the values of the elite and are happy to belong to the higher society and to be the mouthpiece of the elite. These problems have become worse and worse since the 80s and the introduction of the internet has only made the problem bigger, not lesser. The main stream media are still seen as the most trusted news bringers by the public and the internet has become the “alternative media”, which are not to be trusted. Only a small number of people are doing investigative research, which has become more difficult because of the resistance of the brainwashed public and the fiercer attacks by the MSM/elite. So, it is impossible to get to know the truth about what is going on in the world using the MSM. But it is possible to do research and find the truth, as many independent investigative reporters have proven. You only have to avoid the main stream media, read a lot of books, read the websites of the independent reporters and news organizations, not watch television, not read national newspapers, and not trust certain sources, like Facebook, YouTube, Wikipedia, Twitter etc. But it is at the same time also important to unbrainwash yourself from the lies given by the media, schools and universities in the past, and replace these with the real knowledge of the real history of the world. (Since this cannot be a tutorial of how to do all this in detail, you have to find this out by yourself.) A closing remark could be that “the truth” has never been a criterium in the main stream media. Nick Davies writes in “Flat Earth News”: “….Reuters was not concerned with the truth. The agency would try to provide an accurate account of what was being said and might sometimes add an accurate account of an opposing point of view: “But it isn’t an agency’s job to start choosing between these voices and saying who is telling the truth.” 119 Even according to the "Fairness Doctrine" (1949-1987), - which was in operation during the "Golden Years" of journalism -, and tried to guarantee that broadcasters of radio and television stations gave enough noncommercial free time to public interest subjects and present fair and balanced coverage of controversial subjects, "truth was no defense". (Epstein, 68) The idea that the MSM can only give two opposing viewpoints and cannot simply state what is true, seems so normal nowadays that people seem to forget what the real task of the media is: to be a watchdog and report any anti-democratic activities by the powers that be, which can only be carried out when the media organizations, editors and journalists are completely independent from commercial and political interests. As Hannah Arend has said: the truth has become an opinion. And the people are left in the dark because they do not know which viewpoint is the right one (in case one is true; often both viewpoint s are wrong). 6. The History of the Press in the USA “The mercenaries and parasites of the Press, who prostitute its more than royal power, and dishonor a noble profession, will find it easy to mock at things too wonderful for them to understand; for to them the price of a paragraph is more than the value of sincerity.” 120 This sounds like it was written recently by an independent reporter, but the above sentence was actually written in the 1870s by Helena Blavatsky, founder of the Theosophical Society. Has the press always been so partisan and has nothing changed since 1870? No, a lot has changed, but it seems that history is repeating itself now. The concept of objective, neutral journalism did not emerge until the 20th century. In the 19th century newspaper owners used their papers to support their favorite president and did not hesitate to attack any other view by any other newspaper. So, Blavatsky’s remark concerned this period, in which “objective” journalism simply did not yet exist. “President Lincoln faced press criticism – from some Northern newspapers – that would make the treatment of Lyndon Johnson during Vietnam, Richard Nixon during Watergate, or Bill Clinton during his impeachment seem like a day at the beach.” 121 Throughout this era, socialists, feminists, abolitionists, trade unionists, and radicals came to regard the mainstream commercial press as the mouthpiece of their enemies and established their own media to advance their interests. 122 In 1923 the American Society of Newspaper Editors (ASNE) was formed which issued professional codes of ethics for journalists to follow. However, journalistic autonomy existed purely at the whim of publishers, who still held all the legal and economic power. “During the 30s, prominent journalists such as George Seldes and Heywood Broun struggled for a vision of professional journalism that was ruthlessly independent of corporate and commercial influence. Seldes advocated a journalism that would aggressively ferret out the truth on behalf of democratic values and the dispossessed.” 123 Some members of the Newspaper Guild even wanted the journalists to own the newspapers. But this never happened. It took decades for the professional system to be adopted by the major journalistic media. For instance, the Chicago Tribune’s owner Robert McCormick kept using the Chicago Tribune to advocate his own far-right views. (According to Sherman Skolnick the Chicago Tribune, - whose stockholders were members of the Rockefeller family and the British Royal Family -, covered up the July 9, 1999 assassination attempt on Al Gore as his plane, Air Force Two, flew over Chicago.”) 124 However, it was a myth that journalism could actually be neutral or objective. Decision making is an inescapable part of the journalistic process, and some values have to be promoted when deciding why one story rates front-page treatment while another is ignored.”125 From then on three biases have been built into the professional codes that journalists follow and that have decidedly political and ideological implications, which remain in place to this day. The first bias is that professional journalism regards anything said by official sources like presidents or prominent public figures or PR spokespersons, as the basis for legitimate news. The second bias is the avoidance of contextualization. Contextualization was very strong during the partisan journalistic era: it attempted to place every important issue in a larger political ideology, to make sense of it. Today, it looks like newspaper articles are trying to confuse the public, rather than to bring understanding. The third bias is that professional journalism smuggles in values conducive to commercial aims of owners and advertisers and to political aims of big business. 126. The best era for professional journalism spanned from the 1950s to the 1970s when US journalism had relative autonomy to pursue their stories and considerable resources to hone their craft. 127 Although the “golden age of journalism” must not be overrated (because journalists still kept quiet about the activities of the world’s wealthiest and most powerful individuals), some great journalists have done brilliant work for the main stream outlets, whose contributions to building a more democratic society have been immeasurable. During the 80s relaxation of media ownership led to wave after wave of media deal making and mega-corporations. For these big corporations media autonomy became nonsensical. The only goals were making more profit, becoming larger and holding the journalists on a leash. The above mentioned biases helped stimulate the birth and rapid rise of the public relations industry. Britain has now [2009] more PR people (47.800) than journalists (45.000). More and more newspaper stories are based on PR-articles rather than on research. Since articles written by PR people are per definition commercially and/or politically biased, this is certainly not a good development. With the introduction of the internet, articles for the major newspapers on line websites, have to be written so quick, that any research which was maybe done before, went out of the window because lack of time: in 5 minutes time, one cannot do a lot of research. An investigation done by the Cardiff University showed that at least 80% of all newspapers articles contained second-hand, mostly unchecked material. In other words: in at least 80% of all articles, the facts are not checked (Nick Davies, p. 96). END OF PART THREE Notes 92. Link: The Attack on “Fake News” is Really an Attack on Alternative Media 93. Frank Ho, De Andere Krant, derde editie: 9/11, June 2019. 94. Jon Rappoport’s Blog taken down by WordPress. 95. Link: Facebook deleted 800 pages. 96. Edwards: Propaganda Blitz, 224. 97. Link: RT: “Is Soros-linked Avaaz group a credible source on fake news”? 98. Link: Gordon Duff: Press and the Miltarization of Fakery 99. Link: BBC Foreknowledge of 9/11 Collapse of WTC Building Seven. 100. Link: www.informationclearinghouse.info/51828.htm 101. Epstein: News from Nowhere, 260. 102. Epstein: News from Nowhere, 39. 103. Epstein: News from Nowhere, 4. 104. Epstein: News from Nowhere, 39. 105. Link: Bosnia Death Camp. 106: Link: Libya. 107: Link: Brussels. 108. Edwards & Cromwell: Propaganda Blitz, 143, 144. 109: Link: BBC-Corbyn. 110. Edwards & Cromwell: Propaganda Blitz, 154. 111. Link: Public's trust in the media. 112 + 113. Link: Why do good people become silent or worse about 9/11? 114. Ulfkotte, Bought Journalists/Gekochte journalisten, 18. 115. NRC, 20-12-2016. 116. Assange, Wikileaks, 96. 117. Link: Crimes of Obama. 118. Marcuse: A Critique of Pure Tolerance, 106. 119. Davies: Flat Earth News, 102. 120. Blavatsky: Isis Unveiled, 4. 121. McChesney: The Problem of the Media, 58. 122. McChesney: The Problem of the Media, 59. 123. McChesney: The Problem of the Media, 65. 124. Skolnick: Ahead of the Parade, 22. 125. McChesney: The Problem of the Media, 68. 126. McChesney: The Problem of the Media, 72. 127. McChesney: The Problem of the Media, 76. |
17. The Problem with the Main Stream Media, Part Two: Propaganda, Lies & Silence (10-06-2019)
Killed and Jailed Journalists
Obviously, the ruling elite needs to control its narrative and is not happy with journalists who publish secrets which could awaken the public. The people could then hit the streets and demand the truth. When threats, harassment and lawsuits by the government do not work, the next step is to kill the journalists. This is an extreme measure of course, which will also serve as an example for other journalists. However, there are various other reasons behind the murder or killing of journalists. One reason is angry people in countries which are destroyed by the elite. Reporter Andre Vltchek was almost killed by angry people in Egypt who thought that he was an elite journalist, representing western powers. He was told by an Egyptian revolutionary: “Keep your cameras hidden. There are snipers all around. They killed our friend – a reporter – right in front of the Palace.”48 If George Bush Jr. or Sr. would have walked through Falluja, Iraq, for instance, without armed guards, he would have been hanged on the village square. George H.W. Bush was well aware of this risk when he said to a reporter: “Sarah, If the American people ever find out what we have done, they would chase us down the street and lynch us.”49 A third reason is that in lawless countries like Afghanistan, journalists are considered fair game, as reporter Udo Ulfkotte experienced: “…that in Afghan war zones (long before the first soldiers arrived) one was considered fair game as “nonbelieving foreigner, on which the Mujahedin fired at will. For instance, the American journalist Daniel Pearl has never understood that I did not trust war parties in war zones. Muslims cut off his head while fully conscious….Also the Swedish journalist Nils Horner did never protect himself. He was always unarmed and did not want armed guards. He was shot dead by supporters of Islam ideologies. Also German photographer Anja Niedringhaus, …was shot dead as so many others in Afghanistan.”50 A fourth reason for killing journalists is when secret operating groups do not want their cover blown, in case a reporter would suddenly show up in their secret camp or hiding place. For instance IS, (or ISIS, Daesh or al Qaeda, or the “White Helmets” in Syria) would probably kill any journalist in such a situation, in order to prevent that the reporter would gather evidence that they are paid by the US Army, Saudi Arabia, Germany, The Netherlands, Belgium, or any other country who supported the terrorist groups in Syria (according to Putin, 40 countries economically supported international mercenary groups who were fighting Assad, including G20 member.51 Accidents also happen. An example is famous Magnum photographer Robert Capa, who walked on a landmine in South-east Asia. About journalists who were killed by the government: because “democratic” governments generally do not want to be viewed as criminals, these murders are often masked as “suicides”, “heart failure”, “cancer”, etc. Even a new word has been created for these killings: “suicided”. Sherman Skolnick: “A reporter of a Philadelphia newspaper, attending the trial every day, was likewise murdered [was shot dead in his home]. He apparently began asking forbidden questions about the Yakuza links.52 Journalist Kashoggi was killed and dismembered when visiting the Saudi consulate in Istanbul on 02-10-2018.53 In Bagdad a Reuters journalist was shot dead in 2007 from an US helicopter, as was seen in a video that was shot from the very helicopter, released by WikiLeaks under the heading “Collateral Murder”.54 In 2018 66 journalists were killed worldwide for various reasons, according to “Reporters Sans Frontiere”, a French journalist organization. 2012 and 2007 showed a record of 88 killed journalists. In 2019, to this day (10-06-2019), 19 journalists were killed.55 The number of journalists who were jailed for doing their work in 2018 was 251, “near a record high” according to “The Globe and Mail”, a Canadian news site.56 Propaganda What is propaganda? Robert David Steele: “Propaganda, put most simply, is the development of manipulated (i.e. not truthful) information and the delivery of that information to an audience in such a way as to impress upon them views and beliefs that are not rooted in fact or deliberate dialog.”57 Since John Charney has scientifically demonstrated that the press cannot be truthful per definition, we could say that all main stream media “news” is “propaganda”. Most people will think of “Nazi propaganda”, when the word “propaganda” is used, but it was actually used in England before WWI, to create hate against the Germans. Goebbels said in a speech after WWI about England: “ They [England] spoke of children’s hands chopped off, eyes poked out, women raped, and old people tortured. Long years of anti-German propaganda campaign persuaded the whole world that Germany was a nation of barbarians, uncivilized and inhumane, and that it was the moral and cultural obligation of the rest of the earth to destroy Germany and to break its power.”58 (Also was said in the English propaganda, that Germans had cut off the breasts of Belgian women, which was used by author Peter Cheyney in his "Dark" series of novels ("Dark Duet - 1942, "The Dark Street" - 1944, etc.), in the form of the figure Ernest Guelvada (who was a Belgian working for the English Secret Service during the Second World War), whose hatred for the Nazi's was based on "the cutting off of the breasts of his girl friend in Belgium by the Germans" - so this was transferred tot WWII. These books, which are about the secret war against Nazi's in England during WWII, were very popular among English soldiers wo were fighting at the front. ) Also the Americans used it to fool the public that a World War [One] was necessary: “The population was extremely pacifistic and saw no reason to become involved in a European war. The Wilson administration was actually committed to war and had to do something about it. They established a government propaganda commission, called the “Creel Commission”, which succeeded, within six months, in turning a pacifist population into a hysterical, war-mongering population which wanted to destroy everything German, tear the German limb from limb, go to war and save the world.”59 This sounds all awfully familiar. It reminds us of what Bush Sr. and Bush Jr. said about Iraq, and the Kuwaiti girl who said on the news that “Iraqi soldiers had thrown babies on the floor in a hospital in Kuwait and left to die.” This was a powerful, emotional propaganda lie, more so because it was on television. Millions of people all over the world believed it, and the American people were then brainwashed enough to support the war against Iraq. Andre Vltchek was told by international criminal lawyer Christopher Black: “Wars cannot be conducted without propaganda, and as the wars are themselves are total wars – that it, wars targeting civilians as well as military forces – so the propaganda techniques used are total, using every aspect of communication and penetrating all levels of society.”60 The Thatcher regime almost paralleled the CIA spending for propaganda: “When Margaret Thatcher took office in 1979, the British government was spending 27 million pounds on the Central Office of Information, which runs its PR departments. In less than ten years, that figure rose more than 500% to 150 million pounds in 1988.”61 This means that the people are paying for their own brainwashing and indoctrination. When a war is well on the way or nearing its end, the people become more rational again: “As a result [of 9/11], almost no one was prepared to say no to an immediate war – 90% of the US public supported attacking Afghanistan. In contrast, by March 2011, 64% of Americans said the Afghan was “not worth fighting for”.62 The Ten Commandments of War The content of Arthur Ponsonby’s book “Falsehood in War-time, Containing an Assortment of Lies Circulated Throughout the Nations During the Great War” (1928) 63 can be summed up as follows: 1. We do not want war. 2. The opposite party alone is guilty of war. 3. The enemy is the face of the devil. 4. We defend a noble cause, not our own interests. 5. The enemy systematically commits cruelties, our mishaps are involuntary. 6. The enemy uses forbidden weapons. 7. We suffer small losses, those of the enemy are enormous. 8. Artists and intellectuals back our case. 9. Our cause is sacred. 10. All who do doubt our propaganda, are traitors. So, not much is changed since 1928, when we recall George Bush saying: “All who are not for us, are against us”, and all the other propaganda commandments that were made to make the public enthusiastic about going to war with Iraq and Afghanistan. The above commandments remind us of the four ministries of George Orwell’s book “1984”: “The Ministry of Peace concerns itself with war, the Ministry of Truth with lies, the Ministry of Love with torture and the Ministry of Plenty with starvation.” The Party slogans are: “War is Peace”, “Freedom is Slavery” and “Ignorance is Strength”. 64 The whole situation is more or less turned upside down: people who were led to believe by propaganda that they are living in a democracy support a war mongering criminal government which tells them that they want to bring “democracy” to “dictatorships”. Andre Vltchek: “Some would ask: How could crime be packaged as altruism? It can, of course, in those societies that perceive “reality” after getting stoned on huge daily doses of advertisements and propaganda, two sides of the same coin, two synonyms of lie and deception. In order for the brutal Empire to pose and be considered as the savior of the world, first the analytical thinking of people has to be damaged, their ability to think has to be sharply reduced.”65 Above all, the public has to be kept in fear; this is done by propaganda and “terrorist attacks” which are actually organized and carried out by the government’s secret agencies. “As a result, “terrorism” is always something the enemy does.”66 The World turned upside down by the media since 1979 When we look at an article published in “De Volkskrant” in July 1979, 67 the objectivity and honesty is almost shocking, compared to the hateful smearing campaigns by the US backing media of today. The article is titled: “Somoza’s War with Israeli Weapons” [!]. A few sentences will suffice: “It is just completely amazing that we have to determine that without the enormous weapon deliveries by Israel, Somoza and his mercenaries would long have been chased away. When at the end of last year, the liberation front almost won the dispute, Israel sent airplanes with the most advanced weapons with great speed, which turned the chances towards Somoza at the cost of the lives of thousands of people. While the IMF in other cases used strict conditions, like the freezing of salaries and the cutting off of collective facilities, it acted in Nicaragua as an instrument of the White House and the Pentagon. As the situation is now, it would be no surprise if in a short time, under a democratic constitution, in South American Tribunals not only their own tyrants and the CIA, but also Israel will have to stand trial.” The view of newspaper/editor is clear: US imperialism, the CIA, Israel, the Somoza-dictatorship and the IMF are wrong, dictatorial, inhuman, cruel and despicable. When we compare this with an article by Hans van Zon in “De Gelderlander” published in 2019 about Maduro and Venezuela 68, we can see that the view of the journalist is against the democratic chosen president Maduro: the Secretary of State and the former chairman of parliament are accused of “ruling” a drugs gang, the IMF says that “what happens in Venezuela is one of the greatest human tragedies without war violence”, “on top of the monkey rock [!] sit the “Boligarchs”, “the image cuts through the soul, four children stand by a coffin”, and: “the socialist dictatorship [!] of Nicolas Maduro crushes their existence”. The USA has failed, in plain view of the whole world, to commit a coup to try to steal Venezuela’s oil by trying to place the US marionet Juan Guaido in power and overthrow Maduro. De Gelderlander journalist is totally backing the imperialism of the USA and the IMF. So, this is one example of the subtitle “The enemy of the state is the enemy of the press.” In reality, Maduro is doing the same thing as the Sandinist government in Nicaragua: trying to rebuild the country into a true democracy and fighting the American imperialism and imperialistic influences of the IMF, and letting the people benefit from the oil sales. An article as the above from 1979 would be absolutely impossible today. The newspaper would receive thousands of e-mails per day from Israel supporters all over the world who would demand the resignation of the journalist (even as he said in his article that he provided shelter for Jews during WWII). But far more likely, the journalist would not work for De Volkskrant at all, because he would be an impermissible threat to the elite, including the USA, Israel, the CIA, the Federal Reserve, the IMF, the World Bank, and the military industrial complex. Lies A few of the biggest media lies of the recent past are: 1. “Iraq has weapons of mass destruction.” 2. “9/11 is organized by Osama bin Laden and executed by Muslim terrorists.” 3. “MH17 is shot down by Russia using a surface-to-air missile.” 4. “Saddam Hussein is caught, convicted and hanged.” 5. “Princess Diana is killed in a car accident.” In all these cases media outlets copied PR stories who were placed there by the government (or told on tv), and without any research or criticism were printed in the newspapers or broadcasted on tv. This is not about individual journalists who were "lying" or “biased”: a journalist could get in big trouble for doing this. For television, journalists are heavily screened on political views, “leftish” ideas, or any outspoken ideologies: “if any trace of bias would be found”, they will not be hired. Also, when someone would be “committed”, a “true believer”, “dogmatic” or an “advocate”, CBS would not hire such a person.69 At the same time, the rule is that government spokespeople can be trusted, so there is no need to check the facts. Whatever the president [of the USA] says, is automatically national news: “we are in the business of supplying national news and whatever the president says or does is by definition national news”, one NBC assignment editor explained”70 Because of several facts and changes in the media, especially since the 80s, - and getting worse since the internet - , such as economic pressure, budget cuts at newspapers, governments threats, control over all corporate owned media, and increasing CIA influence on the media, there is no time for fact checking, research or critical questions, and journalists who seem to try this, will find themselves without a job in no time. So, to sum up what kinds of lies we can see: 1. lies at the source, 2. lies which are copied from the wire or from speeches by politicians on tv without checking, 3. self-censoring by journalists, 4. consciously not reporting events, because the government would not approve, 5. silence about certain topics, because this is ordered from above, 6. absolute silence about certain topics, because of complete ignorance by the |
media, and 7. biased journalists, mainly because of indoctrination and brainwashing. (Lie Nr. 4 (Saddam Hussein) will be discussed in the section “A case of media complicity in waging wars: Iraq”. Lie Nr. 3 (MH17) will not be discussed: it is too complicated for this article. Lie Nr. 5 (Diana), see article No. 12 on this blog of 02-10-2017.)
Silence A few topics that the main stream media are completely silent about are: chemtrails, the hazards of high-frequency radiation (e.g. cell phone towers) and 5G, the dangers of vaccination, UFO’s and extraterrestrials, the secret space program, capital crimes and treason by (former) heads of state (Bill and Hillary Clinton and George H.W. Bush to name a few 92), and of course absolute silence about the role of the main stream media itself - and at the same time blaming the social media for “fake news”. People are becoming more and more aware of the ever increasing chemtrails in the skies and will notice the complete media silence concerning this topic. Weather stations are told that this is a forbidden subject because of “national security “and Greenpeace is bribed to say nothing about it or will even fiercely deny it when questioned about it by the public. The same goes for the increasing awareness of the dangers of vaccination. A Dutch government Secretary has even asked a large bookseller (Bol.com) not to sell critical books about vaccinations anymore! Of course, UFO’s are still a very controversial subject, although The New York Times internet site has published a report by the Pentagon that UFO’s are real (see the article about UFO’s on this blog). Recent information (since 2015) from whistleblowers about the secret space programs are however totally taboo. One could say that it is important to know when a civilization has developed space travel and has colonized the moon and other planets. But even the facts that the Nazi’s built a base on the Moon in the 40s, and the Americans and Russians, in a joint program, landed on Mars in May 1962, is kept completely silent.71 Contacts between government officials (or the military industrial complex) and extraterrestrials are even more taboo.71A Spiral of Silence: Why hard core and avant-garde people will speak out Elisabeth Noelle-Neumann describes in her article “Spiral of Silence” in the “Journal of Communication” why people ignore plain evidence and yield to group pressure: they are afraid that they are getting isolated. This is called “pluralistic ignorance”. In this theory some people see through the lies but are afraid to tell the truth because they could be socially isolated, and as a result keep silent (as in the “New Emperor’s Clothes by Andersen).72 However, in this case people must have access to evidence and truth and have to be aware of the difference between the lies in the media and the real truth. Most people are nevertheless so much indoctrinated and brainwashed by the MSM that this is not possible: they just have a false belief system, they have no knowledge of certain true facts that society is unaware of. Noelle-Neumann thinks however that there are two types of people who will speak out, in defiance of isolation: the hard core and the avant-garde. Hard-core people are already overpowered and have nothing to lose, like Assange. Avant-garde people are the intellectuals, artists and reformers who express the new ideas in society. “Those who belong to the avant-garde are committed to the future, and thus by this necessity they are also isolated, but their conviction that they are ahead of their time enables them to endure.” 72 Needless to say is that these hard core and avant-garde people first have to de-brainwash themselves and have to do deep research, before they are able to speak out about what they have discovered. Fortunately, there are a number of investigative journalists who speak out on their own websites (see Part One). A case of media complicity in waging wars: Iraq “The democratically elected Prime Minister Mohammed Mosaddegh, a true patriot who introduced great social change in his country, [and nationalized the oil industry], was overthrown in a CIA and M16 arranged coup, in 1953.” 73 Then there was the government of the US marionet Shah Reza Pahlavi.74 In 1958 Abdul-Karim Qassim took control of Baghdad and overthrew the monarchy of the Shah. This movement was widely supported by the people and it is still referred to as the revolution of the 14th of July.75 “On February 8, a military coup in Baghdad, in which the Baath Party played a leading role, overthrew Qassim.” “The CIA had funded the Ba'ath Party - of which Saddam Hussein was a young member - when it was in opposition.” "The CIA were definitely involved in that coup. We saw the rise of the Ba'athists as a way of replacing a pro-Soviet government with a pro-American one.” Besides the execution of Qassim the CIA murdered thousands of lesser known political figures.”76. “However, by the late 1980s it was apparent that Saddam did not want to follow Saudi Arabia in becoming a slave and ally to the USA. This was a major frustration and a great embarrassment to the first Bush administration.”77 “In August of that year [1990], the American mass media kept telling us that Saddam Hussein was the leading devil on the planet. That as an aggressor, he had invaded Kuwait, a former British colony.” Sherman Skolnick said: “There was plenty that the oil-soaked, spy-riddled monopoly press did not tell us, such as: that in the 1980s, George Herbert Bush had secretly been Saddam’s business partner and that, together, they had extorted tens of billions of dollars in “protection money” from the weak oil sheikdoms. For the decade of the 1980’s, this partnership profited by upwards of 25 billion per year, for a total of upwards of 250 billion dollars for the decade, making the Bush/Saddam pair two of the wealthiest people on the planet.” 78 Saddam was led to believe that the USA would do nothing if he invaded Kuwait.79 “The American press-fakers peddled a knowingly false satellite photo showing Saddam’s troops supposedly gathering on the Saudi/Kuwait border for an invasion of Saudi Arabia. It was a blatant fraud, calculated to garner the world’s support for what Daddy Bush was doing.” 80 “To manipulate the public into supporting the war, the daughter of Kuwait’s Ambassador, Nayirah, gave false testimony, coached by US PR company Hill & Knowlton, by saying on tv that “They [Iraqi soldiers] took the babies out of the incubators [of the hospital in Kuwait City], took the incubators, and left the babies on the cold floor to die.” 81 “Right before the bombing started, in mid-January, a major Washington Post-ABC poll revealed something interesting. People were asked , if Iraq would agree to withdraw from Kuwait in return for Security Council consideration of the problem of Arab-Israeli conflict, would you be in favor of that? By two-to-one, the population was in favor of that. So was the whole world, including the Iraqi democratic opposition. Certainly, nobody in the press had said that it would be a good idea.”82. “At the close of the Persian Gulf War in 1991, upwards of 150.000 Iraqi conscript troops were returning to Iraq, in effect under a white flag of surrender. On the “Highway of Death” occurred the most ghastly war crime in the history of the world. President Daddy Bush ordered US military aircraft and ground units to kill those surrendered troops by shooting them in the back, from the air and on the ground. Bush also ordered US military bulldozers to bury the slaughtered Iraqi troops. some of them still alive, in mass, unmarked graves in the desert.”83 In 2003 the United States invaded Iraq for the second time in a little over a decade. Economic invasion and hired killers had failed.84 “After the September 11th attacks, the George W. Bush administration made a false accusation that the Iraq government had Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMDs) which led to a US invasion eventually toppling Iraqi President Saddam Hussein. “[American journalist] Judith Miller and the New York Times played a crucial role for the Bush administration. Miller wrote one of the main articles on Iraq’s “WMDs” that justified the Bush administration agenda to topple Saddam Hussein. The article was not just “fake” news telling a lie that deceived the public, it destroyed a sovereign nation. The US war against Iraq killed more than 1,4 million Iraqis and more than 4,400 US troops and tens of thousands permanently injured.”85. (The real reason for the US war on Iraq is not mentioned in the main stream media: it was the decision by Saddam Hussein to be paid by Euro's in stead of dollars for his oil, made in Dec. 2000, - at the request of France and other European countries -, although the MSM published the fact itself. The entire value of the dollar (which are printed with virtually no costs bij the "Federal" "Reserve" "Bank" (which is not national, not a bank and they do not have any "reserves"), is based on the world-wide oil trade with dollars, which is why it is called the "petro-dollar". If other countries, for instance OPEC countries, would also get the idea to want to be paid in Euro's, this would be the end of the dollar and with it, the end of the USA.) “By the time the shooting started on March 20, 2003, Saddam, according to very knowledgeable sources, had already left the country. The exit was arranged by the Moscow government, with the knowledge of not aid of the Paris government, and with the full knowledge and connivance of Prime Minister Tony Blair and George W. Bush, all supervised by Daddy Bush. Just as the deadline passed on Wednesday, March 19, 2003, the CIA with the US military brass covered up these and other events herein described by a much-trumpeted effort to supposedly assassinate Saddam in Baghdad, using bunker-busting weapons. It was a treasonous fraud...”86 Saddam Hussein flew to Minsk airport and lives in Moscow (if he is still alive today).87 Then began the theatre of “capturing Saddam Hussein” (15-12-2003), even after the US government had said in March 2003 that Saddam died after the bombing of his bunker. “The US military did themselves not capture, in Dec. 2003, Saddam Hussein. He [a nephew of Saddam Hussein] was seized by the Kurds and held by them for the US ransom. The pay-off they demanded was for 40 billion dollars and the promise that Kurdistan will be a separate nation. The Bushies took over the custody of Saddam Hussein. Thereafter, to double-cross the Kurds, [instead of paying the 40 billion dollars], Georg W. Bush ordered the American CIA to murder, by bombing, hundreds of Kurd leaders and followers at a Kurd meeting where many hundreds of Kurds were also severely wounded.”88 Saddam Hussein had at least three doubles, and the man who was captured by the Kurds was a nephew of Saddam and one of his three doubles. The Kurds did not know that he was not the real Hussein. When Saddam’s wife and daughter visited the nephew in prison they said: “It’s not him!” 89, 90, 91. Also Saddam’s mistress said he was not the real Saddam: she said that the giveaway was the eyes. One of the most remarkable differences with the real Saddam were his teeth: while Saddam had perfect teeth, the nephew had very bad teeth.90 Saddam Hussein also had a small tattoo on the back of his left hand, which was missing on the hand of his nephew. Instead, they brainwashed him into believing that he was Saddam Hussein himself. The whole period, from the “capturing” until the “hanging” of “Saddam Hussein” was a very embarrassing media show, which the world just swallowed as the truth. (Because the last part of the hanging was not shown in the media, it is said that the nephew was not really killed.) It was the intention of the US government to destroy Iraq as a nation, as a culture, as a people, and its history, which has pretty much become reality. (Let’s not forget that Mesopotamia, which was located on the borders of Iraq and Iran, was the birth place of culture, astronomy, mathematics, art, medicine, technology and religion. When people robbed the Museum in Bagdad from all the priceless historical artefacts, the American soldiers did nothing.) This could not have been done without the deliberate help of the media. If or when large international global tribunals are going to be held where the criminal elite will stand trial, they should not forget to indict journalists like Judith Miller for crimes against humanity. END OF PART TWO Notes 48. Vltchek: Exposing Lies of the Empire, 230. 49. Link: George H.W. Bush’ remark to reporter Sarah McLendon, 1992. 50. Ulfkotte: Bought Journalists, 90. 51. Putin: ISIS funded by 40 countries, including G20 members. 16-11-2015. 52. Skolnick: Ahead of the Parade, 97. 53. Link: Journalists in 2018. 54. Assange: The Wikileaks Files, 86. 55. Link: Reporters San Frontieres. 56. Link: The Globe and Mail. 57. Steele: Open Source Everything, 17 58. Link: Calvin College: The German Propaganda Archive. 59. Chomsky: Media Control, 12. 60. Vltchek, Exposing Lies of the Empire, 723. 61. Davies: Flat Earth News, 86. 62. Assange: The Wikileaks Files, 368. 63. Link: Propaganda in World War I, an Illustrated account. 64. Orwell: 1984, 246. 65. Vltchek, Exposing Lies of the Empire, 335. 66. Assange: The Wikileaks Files, 94. 67. De Volkskrant, 07-07-1979: “Somoza’s oorlog met Israëlische wapens”, W. Hazenberg. 68. De Gelderlander, 23-05-2019: “73 moorden per dag: Venezuela is veranderd in een hel”. 69. Epstein: News from Nowhere, 207 70. Epstein: News from Nowhere, 145 71. Salla: Insiders Reveal: Secret Space Programs & Extraterrestrial Alliances. 71A. Dorsey: The Covert Colonization of Our Solar System, 57. 72. Link: Elisabeth Noelle-Neumann: Spiral of Silence 73. Vltchek, Exposing Lies of the Empire, 517. 74. Vltchek, Exposing Lies of the Empire, 517. 75. Link: Angel Fire.com: Iraqi’s Ruler Page 76. Link: “The Devil in the Details: The CIA and Saddam Hussein.” 77. Perkins: Confessions of an Economic Hit Man, 184. 78. Skolnick: Overthrow of the American Republic, 157. 79. Bowen: The Immaculate Deception.The Bush Crime Family Exposed,147. 80. Skolnick: Overthrow of the American Republic, 158. 81. Edwards & Cromwell: Propaganda Blitz, 3. 82. Chomsky: Media Control, 58. 83. Skolnick: Overthrow of the American Republic, 160. 84. Perkins: Confessions of an Economic Hit Man, 211. 85. Link: Global Research: The Lie of the 21st Century: How Mainstream Media “Fake News” Led to the U.S. Invasion of Iraq. 03-08-2017. 86. Skolnick: Overthrow of the American Republic, 173. 87. Skolnick: Overthrow of the American Republic, 310. 88. Skolnick: Overthrow of the American Republic, 274. 89. Skolnick: Overthrow of the American Republic, 310. 90. Link: Aangirfan: “Saddam’s Wife and his Teeth”, 30-12-2006. 91. Link:Rense.com: More Bush Chicanery? Saddam’s Double Hanged?” 92. Hillary Clinton killed John Kennedy Jr. and now also killed her brother. |
16. The Problem with the Main Stream Media, Part One: The Enemy of the State is the Enemy of the Press (02-06-2019)
(Sections in blue have been edited after publication on 17-06-2019)
Introduction During the three months after the day on which I threw away my television set in 2013, I discovered that I had been brainwashed and indoctrinated throughout my life by the main stream media. I have not been reading national newspapers very much because they had become far too expensive, except while passing the newspapers stands at gas stations and supermarkets, to get a quick glimpse at the covers, but the content was the same as on tv. So, beginning in the summer of 2013, I started looking for alternative news sources on the internet and it took me a couple of years to find the “deepest” insiders blogs, websites and documentary’s, of which the most important were paid services, but I gladly paid for these. Nowadays I am pretty much un-brainwashed, de-propagandized and un-indoctrinated. I realized that this was a threefold process: 1. it appeared imperative to stop watching tv altogether, 2. it was important to find at least 5 to 6 different alternative reliable (internet) news sources to be able to do comparative research about what happened in the world, 3. it was necessary to read about the real history of the world of the last 100 years or so. Half of the critical books about the main stream media which I found, contained already information about what really happened. At first, I tried to skip these chapters because I was just interested in the critique about the media. But as time went on, I realized that just reading truthful news about today’s world would not detoxify my brain from all the lies I had downloaded since my childhood. So, I started to read about what really happened in Vietnam and Korea, about the true story of WWI and WWII, the true origin of Israel and the occupation of Palestine, about the war against the democracies in South-American countries, why there are dictators in African countries, what really happened in Syria, the truth about Eritrea, the true reason of the war in Yugoslavia, and so on. During the seven months I worked on this article, a different picture of the world began to appear. The image that the main stream media are pushing is so completely different from the real world that I cannot watch tv or read a news paper anymore without becoming physically ill. Also, I realized that getting to know the truth about a certain topic, like 9/11, did not do the job. In 2004 I received a DVD about the 9/11 lies, so I started my own research. At a certain point I had learned so much that I could have given a lecture of 12 hours at a stretch about all the lies and anomalies of the official 9/11 story. But this did not lead to a clearer view of the totality of the news. If I had known then that the worst source was the brainwashing tv-propaganda, I would have kicked out the tv set a lot earlier. This article focusses mainly on the media in the USA, the UK, Germany and the Netherlands. All European countries, Canada, Australia, Japan, and large parts of Asia are strongly under the influence of the USA, but the situation in Europe is the worst. Investigative reporter Andre Vltchek: “I have lived and worked on all continents, and I have to testify that Europeans are easily the most indoctrinated and the worst-informed people on the planet”.1 Disclaimer Since the reader could be in any stage of the de-brainwashing phase, it is possible that certain parts of this article could be hard to believe. All I can say is that I read thousands of pages of books written by serious investigative reporters who were on the ground doing research all around the world, books and studies by scientists and by other deep-researchers, I used logic, my intuition and discernment to compare all the facts and topics, to be able to exclude anything that seemed unreliable or false. Also, I first made 843 references, before writing the article, just to be on the safe side. Definition of "Main Stream Media" In this article the Main Stream Media (MSM) are viewed as mainly consisting of the national newspapers (the “press”) and national television. Although magazines, movies, radio broadcasts, cable tv, local newspapers and book publishers are also part of the main stream media, and they are owned by the same five multinational corporations that own the press and tv. The main focus is nevertheless on the “press” (national newspapers) and television. The Purpose of the Media “The primary purpose of gathering and distributing news and opinions is to serve the general welfare by informing the people and enabling them to make judgements on the issues of the time.” We can read this in the “Statement of Principles” by the American Society of Newspapers.2 The media of today have diverted from this definition so far that it seems virtually impossible to turn the ship around. We can certainly not expect any beneficial state interference, and also the economy is pushing the media into their current role. The result is that the MSM are giving the public a completely distorted image of the world. Also, according to Bagdakian: “It robs the public of a chance to understand the real world”3 Of course, an “image” of the world is something different than a concrete experience of the world. The first can be called a “belief system”, whereas the latter is the experienced, concrete daily reality. That’s why investigative reporters on the ground are so important: they experience the world on a concrete, daily basis – and this has also an impact on their belief system of course - .) A belief system can be easily changed, manipulated or altered, and that is exactly what the MSM are doing. And this is done intentionally, with great skill and expertise, sometimes with actual “Programs” or “Operations", like “Operation Mockingbird”, but generally by brainwashing and indoctrinating media workers from the top down, (journalists are also people), letting everyone in the media know that it is not in their interest to rock the status quo, threats made by the government, the CIA and advertisers, to uphold an illusion of “democracy”, “humanitarian goals”, and “fighting evil countries/dictators/terrorists”. (More about this topic in the sections “Truth and the Media” and “The Public”.) So, I guess we have to wait until the whole society is changing, including politics and the economy. This will have to start as a grass roots movement, because anything democratic must come from the people. We are seeing already more and more people becoming active on environmental issues. (See also the section “The media and the future”.) The Illusion of the Free Press I have found three scientific studies of the MSM: one about television (“News From Nowhere” by Epstein, 1974), one about the influence of the elite on German journalists (by Uwe Krüger, 2014), and one about the “Illusion of the Free Press” (by John Charney, 2018). I will use the latter for this section because it is recent, very scientific, deeply analyzed, objective, and because any other source or view can be compared with it. Charney analyzed all critical books about the MSM written from 1644 till today, and analyzed the internet and social media up till 2018. His scientific conclusion is that the press cannot be truthful because of political, economic and social reasons [my wording]. Also, the added new sources of the internet and social media have only made the existing critique more valid and more serious. So, the situation is even worse now. Because of the changing economic trends since the 80s, there are hardly any main stream media investigative reporters left. Together with the demand of speed concerning news sites and blogs on the internet, journalists do not have the time to check the facts of a story and most of the time copy a story from the “wire” (like Associated Press), which is written by a political spokesperson or a PR-person. The elite (also called “the powers that be”, “the Cabal”, Illuminati, “the military-industrial complex”, “deep state”, “the shadow government”, etc.) use the MSM to push their agenda onto the public, so that for instance planned wars are accepted as “just, necessary and humanitarian”, so that the public will enthusiastically support these and parents will send their sons and daughters to their death for “the good cause”. Any truth about the real ideologies and policies of the elite and the corporations (e.g. expansion, colonialization, control, power, depopulation, warfare, stealing oil, gold, diamonds and other natural resources) have to remain absolutely hidden from the public view. (More about this topic in the section “Propaganda”.) Charney’s end conclusion is nevertheless rather strange: “The illusion of a free press is an epistemological necessity”4 Meaning: people have to believe that a free press is a remote possibility (an illusion), otherwise they cannot handle the connection between the view which is given by the media and their view of the real world, will become crazy and will end up in a psychiatric ward. His motivation is the following: “Even if we know that the press is far form being free and independent, even if we know that it is subject of a series of constraints that severely affect how it portrays social reality, we still cling to the illusion of the free press. We do it because we need it. In fact, if we renounce the illusion, we renounce social reality itself.” It is possible that some people would get insane when their world view would collapse if they would be confronted by information about the secret space programs for instance, or about the treaty Eisenhower signed with aliens in the 40s, or about the slave colonies on Mars, with millions of people, run by Germans. Many people cannot even cope with the truth about 9/11: they have said that they will not and cannot believe it, after they have heard the facts. Charney covered only the "scientific" literature about the media, and since there is a lot of information available which is not "scientific" but nevertheless very important, one of the things he missed was the CIA program known as “Operation Mockingbird”. The Media and the CIA From the article: “The CIA and the Media: 50 Facts the World Needs to Know” by Professor James Tracy, 5 I can only discuss a few of these facts. “Operation Mockingbird” took off during the years of the OSS (Office for Strategic Services, 1942-1947), the forerunner of the CIA. A mockingbird is a bird that imitates the songs of other birds. In this case the CIA imitated their own songs in the main stream media network: the newspapers, tv and radio broadcasters, publishers, magazines, etc. Hundreds of journalists were paid by the CIA. The CIA also had their own “training center for journalists”; they also had their own publishers who look independent to the public. The main activity was to place CIA developed reports before journalists, who copied or cited these reports which would then be cited throughout the wire services around the world. “A CIA operative told Washington Post owner Philip Graham in a conversation about the willingness of journalists to peddle CIA propaganda and cover stories: You could get a journalist cheaper than a good call girl, for a couple hundred dollars a month”6 Former reporter at the Frankfurter Algemeine Zeitung (FAZ) Udo Ulfkotte: “Another controllable number: 74% of all German reporters let themselves be bribed willingly.”7 A few important media sources that “work” with the CIA are: The Washington Post, New York Times, Newsweek, Los Angeles Times, NBC, CBS, AP, ABC, UPI, Reuters, Hearst Newspapers, Wall Street Journal, Time, Fortune and numerous foreign press services such as the Rome Daily American. Bob Woodward, (known from the movie “All the President’s Men” which is about the Watergate story), was himself a Pentagon Operative, who did not know how to use a typewriter when he started at the Washington Post as a “journalist”, and who was – in the movie - fed information by “Deep Throat” in a parking garage; in reality his own throat, because he just told the Washington Post what he was allowed to tell by the CIA director. 8, 9 (The real purpose of the publication of the so-called “discovered secrets” of Watergate was to remove Richard Nixon as president.) An example of the complete manipulation of the media and the public view was the Warren Commission’s Report on the murder of JFK: “I have never seen an official report greeted with such universal praise as that accorded the Warren Commissions finding when they were made public on Sept. 24, 1964” recalled investigative reporter Fred Cook 10 To get an idea of how much money the CIA used for propaganda: just in the year 1978 alone the CIA spent 265 million dollars for propaganda purposes, which was the same as the total combined budget of the three major news corporations.11 Some newspapers needed no manipulation because the management was “owned” by the CIA, (Time, Newsweek, New York Times), or the chief editor was a very good friend of a CIA director (Katherine Graham/Washington Post and Henry Luce/Time and Life magazines). An example of CIA manipulated news was a CIA operation in relation to the war in former Yugoslavia. Because the USA wanted to steal the natural resources of Kosovo and Serbia, they organized a war between Bosnia and Serbia. The goal was to break up Yugoslavia in a few independent states. CIA agents were sent to Yugoslavia with millions of dollars, to manipulate NGO’s, politicians and opposition leaders. Genocide was planned and it was decided that Serbia would be the scapegoat for the genocide. In order to start this war, propaganda was needed for the main stream media, to create hate against Bosnia. CIA agents wrote the ”official statements” which were sent to the tv stations. The news presenters read these documents literally, live on the air, without knowing that it was written by the CIA, because it was handed to them by the chief of the tv station – who must have known, so the tv stations were complicit.12 Former German journalist Udo Ulfkotte confirms this method: “So one day the BNB, the foreign intelligence agency, came to my office at the Frankfurter Allgemeine, in Frankfurt. and they wanted me to write an article about Libya and about Muammar Gaddafi. I had absolutely no secret information regarding Colonel Muammar Gaddafi and Libya, but they gave me this secret information, and they just wanted me to write, to sign the article with my name. I did that, but it was an article that was published in the Frankfurter Allgemeine that originally came from the German foreign intelligence agency.”13 “Operation Gladio” (60s till the 80s) was a collaboration between western secret agencies and NATO, which carried out bombings and shootings which were then sold to the public as “terrorist attacks”. This is not to say that this is just a thing of the past. Former CIA agent and author of the book “Open Source Everything” Robert David Steele: “The CIA manipulation of the news media is worse in the 2010s than in the 70s.”14 Also, the more recent “terrorist attacks” as in Oslo, Madrid, London, Boston, Las Vegas, Paris, Brussels, Moscow, New Zealand, Nice, and Berlin, etc. were carried out by secret services from different countries (who work very close together). What the Elite or Alpha Journalists Do Most enlightening is the book “Bought Journalists” written by Udo Ulfkotte, a German journalist who worked for the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (1986-2003) and broke free from the media-system that is manipulated by the secret services, NATO and organizations that work for American interests in Europe. Concerning the CIA he said: “Because as I began to understand during the years I was working abroad was that almost all foreign reporters from American or British newspapers were at the same time working for the national secret services.”15 And: “…in the summer of 2014 Human Rights Watch published a long report about the restrictions of the “freedom of the press” because of an increasingly intensive supervision by the American secret services”.16 It is normal for elite journalists, says Ulfkotte, to be invited by big corporations or corrupt governments, to fly around the world first class, sleep in 5 star hotels, get drinks and food, drive around in SUV’s, all for free, paid by these corporations (e.g. Coca Cola, Thyssen-Krupp, Volkswagen, Dell, Boeing, Nestlé), in exchange for a positive story in the newspaper. Once he found a woman sitting on his bed in a hotel in Namibia, and later found out that this was a “free service” paid for by a certain corporation or government. He was a welcome guest in the holiday mansion of Conrad Adenauer, La Collina, at lake Como, Italy, which was at a few minutes distance by a ferry from the Rockefeller Foundation in Bellagio. “Top politicians ferried from La Collina to the Rockefeller Foundation to get instructions for their political behavior”.17 The main purpose of the CIA and the NATO was, according to Ulfkotte, to get in contact with journalists, get to know them, and inviting them to parties and conferences, in order to “become friends” (read: “friends of the USA”). Once the journalists were used to this kind of relationships, they could not write anything negative anymore about the USA. They had the feeling that they belonged to an elite society, where they were very privileged and shared the same views and ideologies as the elite. So, this was actually a purely psychological indoctrination, because they were never directly told what to write and what not to write. But they understood very well that writing anything negative about the USA was taboo, and also could cost their job or even their life (as Ulfkotte found out: he died of a “heart attack” on 13-01-2017.) Organizations such as the Trilateral Commission, (founded by David Rockefeller), the Bilderberg Group (at the 2018 Bilderberg meeting were present: Anne Applebaum/Washington Post, Peggy Noonan/Wall Street Journal, and George Osborne/London Evening Standard18 , the Atlantik-Brucke, the German Marshall Fund, the International Institute for Strategic Studies and the Goldman-Sachs Foundation (among others), were instrumental in getting elite or “Alpha” journalists to work for them. Corporate interests were all important. Elite journalists knew also that they could not discuss Ulfkotte’s work: “no mainstream German journalists were allowed to write about [my] book, or he or she will be sacked.”19 Nitwit or Brainless Journalists Reflect the Thoughts of Humanity An interesting remark by Rudolf Steiner about brainless journalists: "Especially in journalism we can see the curious fact that brainless people can be very good journalists, because due to their brainlesness, they possess the ability to not express their own views, but to express the spirit of the time."19A So, we can see what the people think, in such articles, which is also interesting for researchers. |
Government Harassment and Threats
“Even in the Bundestag [the German parliament] was said (116th assembly) that a FAZ [Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung] publisher “was kicked out”, reported Ulfkotte20 This publisher was Paul Sethe, one of the founders of the FAZ. Also, FAZ publisher Jurgen Thern was fired, as was Hugo Muller-Vogg, after working for 24 years at the FAZ21 “Angela Merkel had called for a meeting of all German journalists in 2008 and compelled them to work according to a “common course”. One experiences something similar in banana republics, where coup plotters occupy the radio stations to bring their truth to the public.”22 A recent example of government influence on the media in France: “French journalists are being threatened with jail time for reporting on leaked documents revealing the country´s complicity in the Saudi-led war in Yemen after they refused to answer questions from anti/terror police”23 Also, in the Netherlands the government does not like journalists who are not in line. French Journalist Florence Hartmann was arrested by security guards of the International Criminal Court in the Hague on March 24, 2016, for “contempt”. She spent six days in prison. What did she do? She reported about the real perpetrators of the war in Yugoslavia: USA and the western countries (see the section “The media and the CIA"). Because there are no other courts for appeal besides The Yugoslavia Tribunal, the judges of the ICC were at the same time the prosecutors and the judges in her case, so, this is certainly a case of criminal harassment, also because nothing that she wrote was not already known.24Another Dutch story about threats made by the government towards journalists: In a report by the Dutch Journalists Organization (NVJ) Alex Brenninkmeijer states that “Journalists have to receive more protection by the Justice Department”.25 “97% of the (Dutch) journalists think that all the threats [from society] form a threat to the freedom of the press.” Among the mentioned perpetrators are: criminals, conspiracy-thinkers, corporations, Moroccan and Turkish youth, but also: “the government”. The Dutch government had threatened journalists with lawsuits and “other acts of retaliation”, according to journalist Wilfried Takken in this Dutch newspaper article 26 One wonders if the Justice Department will ever look into this matter. All the more so since former top bureaucrat at the Dutch Justice Department and homosexual child rapist Joris Demmink was never found guilty, even as the evidence against him was very strong 27,28 This case demonstrates that the justice system in the Netherlands is corrupt. A related story is reported by Ulfkotte: “Another informant showed me a children’s playground at Fuggerstrasse in Berlin, where men could let themselves drive by slowly to pick out children, which were then delivered for child sex, prepaid.” 29 Corporations and the Media Although it is very close to the truth, journalists do not generally get their instructions from the Rockefeller Foundation, like the politicians in the above section. It is a little more complicated. One problem is the influence on the media by the corporate world. There are five large multinational corporations which own all the media in the world, not only the newspapers and the television networks, but also radio stations, cable tv stations, magazines, local media, movies and many book publishers. So, they have control over massive amounts of information that is coming into the public domain. But the people are influenced most of all by newspapers and even more by television. The big five are: Time Warner, Disney, Murdoch’s News Corporation, Bertelsmann and Viacom. When we take Bertelsmann as an example; they own more than 296 tv and radio stations, magazines, publishers and music labels all over the world, including all RTL tv and radio stations.30 Bertelsmann was the main publisher for the Nazi’s during WWII, so this is certainly interesting. They also work together with corporations as Siemens, Deutsche Bank, GlaxoSmithKline, all very suspect organizations for various reasons (among others that they profit from wars and sick people). The Rockefeller family owns CBS, NBC and ABC via the majority of the shares in United Air Lines, who owns these broadcasters.31 Arthur Temple, former chairman of Time Inc. (now Time Warner), seemed to have said: “What our country needs worse than anything is freedom from the press. The press is absolutely intolerable today”.32 Another remark by Bagdikian: “The influence of media corporations on broadcast laws, for example, is an example of the results – almost complete disappearance of serious national and worldwide news from local radio and television stations.”33 So, you have to be very naïve to believe that the large corporations do not have any influence on the freedom of the press. Bagdikian about television and radio: “The airwaves, the broadcast frequencies on which most Americans depend, happen to be public property. For all practical purposes these public airwaves have been expropriated by giant media corporations.”34 In the Netherlands we have Media House, who owns NRC, De Telegraaf, Metro, De Limburger and the daily newspapers of Holland Media Combination. And there is "De Persgroep", who owns: Algemeen Dagblad, Volkskrant, Gelderlander, Trouw, De Stem, De Twentsche Courant Tubantia, Het Parool, Brabants Dagblad, Stentor and the Provinciaalse Zeeuwse Courant, and also QMusic and AT5.35 No wonder that exactly the same articles (from “the wire”) can be seen in different newspapers, especially when it concerns propaganda from the Empire, in which for instance Russia and Venezuela are “evil” or “socialist dictatorships”. Investigative Journalism Investigative journalism in the main stream media is virtually nonexistent today. I did find however a few exceptions: 1. the research done by the Boston Globe in 2002 concerning the abuse of children by the Catholic Church in Boston (of which the movie “Spotlight” is made), See here, and the report from journalists who travelled to Syria to see what the people had to say. I also found a critical article in the Nieuwe Rotterdamse Courant (NRC) of 09-12-2014 about Gaza: “Europe gives aid, but Israel demolishes the projects again”. One of the projects was Yassar Arafat International Airport, built in 1998, which was funded by Germany, Sweden and Spain with 9,5 million euros, and was destroyed by Israel in 2001 and 2002. An article in a Dutch newspaper with criticism about Israel is very rare because the Dutch government is extremely pro-Israel. (The Netherlands like to uphold a smokescreen of “justice”, with the International Criminal Court in The Hague, which is totally incompetent and probably corrupt, so for the Dutch government to support the criminal fascist Israeli government which violates a number of international laws, is very strange.) What is investigative journalism? A journalist who is researching a certain subject on the ground, gathering facts, evidence, statements and opinions, talking with relevant witnesses, researching books, documents and articles, as long as it takes, to come to a rational, logical conclusion, which is as true as it can get using his higher intuition, and which validity can be checked by the reader. There are still investigative journalists, but they are almost always independent, their articles are posted often on critical and independent websites and often have their own blog or website. Journalists who work for a newspaper or tv or radio station are under a number of restricting circumstances and conditions, like the demand for speed (to write an article for an internet news site journalists have about 5 minutes time), demands and threats from advertisers and the government, self-censoring, PR propaganda, brainwashing by the CIA and the government, other journalists, the public (“public opinion”), competition with other newspapers or other media, the fear of being fired (or killed) when telling the truth, greed, and last but not least: the ambition to become a famous Alpha journalist who can live among the jet set and can travel around the world for free because everything is paid for by the big corporations and governments. Investigative Journalists There have always been brave investigative reporters. To name a few: Sherman Skolnick, John Pilger, Gary Webb, Noam Chomsky, Raymond Bonner, Charlie Leduff, Howard Zinn, Sydney Schanberg, Andre Vltchek, Fred Cook, Maria Ressa, Serena Shim, Melody, Günther Wallraff, and Carmelo Abbate. A few of these were murdered, like Gary Webb and Serena Shim. Gary Webb discovered in 1996 that the Nicaraguan “Contras” were supplied with guns by the CIA, which were paid for by the CIA cocaine traffic in the USA. (It was not publicly known very well in those days that the CIA paid for most of their black projects with drug money, especially from Afghan heroin.) “Gary Webb´s story was attacked merciless by the New York Times, the Washington Post and the Los Angeles Times, all of them supported by official stories, including the CIA itself. Webb resigned in Dec. 1997, a highly successful career ruined.”36 (Maybe it is no coincidence that Jason Bourne´s “real” name, - in the movies -, is David Webb.) German investigative reporter Gunther Wallraff started to work under cover first in 1969, when he published "13 undesired reports" in which he described what he experienced when acting the parts of an alcoholic, a homeless person, and a worker in a chemical’s factory. In 1985 his book “Ganz Unten” (Dutch title: “Ik, Ali”), in which he reported his working conditions as an undercover immigrant factory worker, created much noise in Europe. One of his other courageous activities: in 1974 he chained himself to a lantern post in Athens, Greece, and handed out flyers about the Greek military dictators. He was arrested, tortured by the secret police, and sentenced to 14 months in prison. They thought that he was a Greek dissident because he did not carry any identification with him, which was on purpose.37 Sherman Skolnick and Andre Vltchek I will discuss the work of two investigative journalists a little more detailed: Sherman Skolnick and Andre Vltchek. Sherman Skolnick (1958-2006) was one of America’s most courageous and outrageous independent journalists, and an attorney who was fiercely battling the corrupt judiciary system. Because of his work twenty corrupt judges and forty corrupt attorneys went behind bars in the period 1969-1993.38 In 1971 he started to make public the results of his investigative work by means of twenty telephone lines which played recorded articles. Later he was the producer of the Chicago Cable tv show “Broadsides”.39 Collections of his articles can be found in his books “Overthrow of the American Republic” and “Ahead of the Parade”. Bob Woodward was very afraid of Skolnick because he feared that Skolnick would blow his cover as a fake journalist during lectures or court hearings.40 He was working on a book about air plane sabotage, but could never publish it: the printing was stopped at the publisher and no copies became available.41 He had discovered, among many other secrets, that admirals and generals wanted to arrest the then President Bill Clinton for treason (Clinton had sold highly classified information about missiles to the Chinese). On the way to Washington their plane crashed which resulted in the death of everyone aboard (17-04-1995).42 Clinton had a spy at the Pentagon (Monica Lewinsky), who found out about the planned move of the admirals and generals, and Clinton had the plane sabotaged 43 (Interestingly, Trump was asked by the military if he wanted to become president. Initially, the military brass wanted to arrest president Obama for treason. But they thought that this would possibly look like a coup d’etat to the public, so they chose for a more legal way.) 44 Skolnick was put on Hillary Clinton’s “enemy list” because he knew some dirty secrets about her. (Fortunately, he was not placed on her “kill list” – Bill and Hillary had quite a number of people killed because these people had evidence that could have put them behind bars for the rest of their lives -). He also had discovered that the body parts of executed Chinese political prisoners were sent to the Rockefeller owned University of Chicago Hospitals in Illinois for transplantation. The body parts were handled by the Chinese Secret Police in the USA 45, 46 Skolnick always called the main stream media: “the oil-soaked, spy-riddled, monopoly press”. Andre Vltchek is still among us and is an independent reporter (he does not want to be called a “journalist”), novelist, filmmaker and philosopher. His articles are collected in his monumental book “Exposing Lies of the Empire”, of 8oo pages. Vltchek lives and works all over the world and has done research on the ground, speaking with people who live on almost unreachable locations, in countries as Venezuela, Indonesia, DR Congo, Egypt, Eritrea, Cuba, Ukraine, Chili, India, Syria, Namibia, Japan, etc. His articles are specially important if you want to know the true history of many countries, what the USA exactly did to “colonize”, destroy and control these countries, which countries are real democracies (like Eritrea) and why the media/USA call these countries “socialist dictatorships”47 why common people in countries like Indonesia, Thailand, Syria and Venezuela know far more about the real policies of the USA than people in Europe. He is very truthful, mad as hell (about the destruction of the world by the “Empire”), and a tireless worker. His book “Exposing Lies of the Empire” is eye-opener for sleep-walking Europeans and a must-read for anyone who has a heart for people and democracy. END OF PART ONE In part two, three and four the following topics are planned: Killed Journalists, Propaganda, Silence, Case: Iraq, Fake News, Blogs, Television, Public Opinion, Truth & the Media, the History of the Press, the Internet, Alternative News Sources, The Future and the Media. Notes 1. Vltchek, Exposing Lies of the Empire, 720. 2. Link: Frances T. Shure: “Why Do Good People Become Silent – or Worse – About 9/11? “ 3. Bagdikian: The New Monopoly Press, XVIII. 4. Charney: The Illusion of the Free Press, 119, 145, 147. 5. Link: Tracy, James: The CIA and the Media: 50 Facts the World Needs to Know” 6. Link: Global Research: “The CIA is one of the Main peddlers of fake news.” 7. Ulfkotte: Bought Journalists, 195. 8. Skolnick: Overthrow of the American Republic, 284. 9. Link: Frances T. Shure: “Why Do Good People Become Silent – or Worse – About 9/11? “ 10. Cook: Maverick; 50 Years of Investigative Reporting, 276. 11. Davies: Flat Earth News, 226. 12. Link: CIA- agent Robert Baer: “Schuldbekentenissen van een CIA agent.” 13. Link: “Udo Ulfkotte Blows the Whistle on Himself.” 14. Link: Tracy, James: The CIA and the Media: 50 Facts the World Needs to Know”, point 45. 15. Ulfkotte: Bought Journalists, 45. 16. Ulfkotte: Bought Journalists, 24. 17. Ulfkotte: Bought Journalists, 81. 18. Link: Deelnemers Bilderberg Conferentie 2018. 19. Link: “Former Newspaper Editor Who Exposed CIA Found Dead.” 19A. Steiner: Geesteswetenschap en geneeskunde, 246. 20. Ulfkotte: Bought Journalists, 226. 21. Ulfkotte: Bought Journalists, 226. 22. Ulfkotte: Bought Journalists, 236. 23. Link: “French Journalists Face Jail for exposing government lies about Yemen war.” 24. NRC, 30-03-2016: “Schandalige opsluiting van journalist in Den Haag.” 25. NRC, 26-06-2017: “Justitie moet journalisten meer bescherming bieden”. 26. NRC, 26-06-2017: “Justitie moet journalisten meer bescherming bieden”. 27. NRC, 22-01-2017: “Advocaat Turkse jongen wil alsnog rechtszaak Demmink.” 28. Link: “Omgekeerde wereld: Demink wordt beschermd door Openbaar Ministerie i.p.v. aangeklaagd.” 29. Ulfkotte: Bought Journalists, 87. 30. Link: companies owned by Bertelsmann. 31. Skolnick: Ahead of the Parade, 58. 32. Bagdikian: The New Monopoly Press, 176. 33. Bagdikian: The New Monopoly Press, 151. 34. Bagdikian: The New Monopoly Press, 259. 35. Belgraver: Eerlijk nieuws zonder censuur, 13. 36. Davies: Flat Earth News, 130. 37. Link: Biographie Gunther Wallraff. 38. Skolnick: Overthrow of the American Republic, XI. 39. Skolnick: Overthrow of the American Republic, XI. 40. Skolnick: Overthrow of the American Republic, 383. 41. Skolnick: Ahead of the Parade, 43. 42. Skolnick: Overthrow of the American Republic, 2. 43. Skolnick: Ahead of the Parade, 72. 44. Video “Trump asked by the military to become president”: removed from the internet. 45. Skolnick: Ahead of the Parade, 301. 46. NRC-23-08-1997: “Ruim tien executies per dag.” 47. De Gelderlander: 23-05-2019: “73 moorden per dag: Venezuela is veranderd in een hel.” |
15. 5G: Silent Warfare (04-03-2019)
Some people think that 5G is just the next generation of Wi-Fi (after 4G), but this is definitely not the case. The technology of 5G is seriously different and far more dangerous. The plan is to place antennas every 100 meters and to launch 200.000 new satellites, with power that is about 20 times stronger than with 4G. So, every square meter on the planet will be under the lethal radiation, including all mountains and all oceans, all animal, plant and sea life. Does this sound a little exaggerated? Not according to many doctors, scientists and whistleblowers. Technology They say that because the part of the spectrum that is used for radio frequencies, for such things as radio, cell phones, tv, satellite communication, all military tactical and war communication, Wi-Fi, etc., has almost reached its maximum capacity (is this even true?), the people behind the scenes (military, multinationals, technocrats) have come up with the unholy plan to use another part of the spectrum: between 30 and 300 Gigahertz. Because frequency and wavelengths have a set correlation, this means that shorter wavelengths are necessary: of a few millimeters. (The total range of “radio” waves is from 3 Hertz to 300 Gigahertz, and the corresponding wavelengths are between 1 kilometer and 1 millimeter). The wavelength of 1G, 2G, 3G and 4G is between 65 cm and 12 cm. These waves can travel through brick walls (but not through thick concrete). The towers are placed high so the radiation travels through and above the houses. With 5G the wavelength is only a few mm, and these waves are blocked by brick walls (buildings). The “solution” is to boost up the power 20 times. To give some numbers: the Austrian safety limit is 0,6 Volts/m, the actual Wi-Fi radiation is around 6 V/m. But 5G will radiate 60 to 125 V/m. The safety limit for biological organisms is 0,1 V/m, as is determined by scientists, and 0,3 V/m is called the "genocide limit". (The official limit for the Netherlands is 61 V/m.) To get this power with 5G, square flat phased array antennas are used, similar to the HAARP antenna’s in Alaska (2,3) (but can now be made on a very small scale. A 50 GHz base station can have 64 to 1024 antennas and the size will only be 4 inches square (10x10 cm). This means also 64 to 1024 pointed beams, instead of one wide beam with 4G. The 5G towers will be placed low (about 2 meters from the ground) and will directly beam (horizontally) at people and houses, in combination with the beams from 200.000 satellites. Also, phased array antennas have the capacity to concentrate and steer the radiation to a point where the energy is at its peak, - say at 300 meter or 50 km - , (compared to 2/3/4G cell phone towers in which the energy diminishes with the distance), and generating more power than the sum of the antennas. This makes distance irrelevant. They can also beam at a specific target, like a person or a someone’s head or eye. Inside a 5G smart phone there may be (16) tiny antennas, all working together to track the nearest tower. As much as 20 Watts can be generated, against an average of 2 Watt in a 4G phone (9). A 5G tower can generate no less than 900.000 Watts (9), and the radiation is going right through your body when you are walking between someone’s phone and a tower. 5G is 400 times higher than the “genocide limit”! In September 2018 5G tests were carried out by HS on Hoefkade 3 in The Hague, which caused the death of 238 sparrows: the sparrows just fell dead to the ground, sometimes more than a hundred at once. (10) This is the first proof witnessed by citizens, that 5G is lethal. (Very interesting: in the tv series FlashForward hundreds of birds fell dead from the sky in Africa as the result of a secret experiment with large radiaton towers.) See also here: Canada: also sparrows.) The technology of 5G has not been tested. Everything that comes on the market, from children’s toys to bicycles tot cars, is tested for all kinds of possible hazards. 5G is not tested. This makes 5G illegal. This is not surprising, since most military weapons are “illegal”, (because harmful or lethal), and 5G is a military weapon, so it is per definition not “safe”. In fact, 5G is a Directed Energy Weapon (or can be used as a Directed Energy Weapon) (6), according to Mark Steele, an expert on military technology (14). Very disturbing is the news that the “health” regulating organizations (like the FCC (24) and the ICNIRP (20) have recently updated the national maximum radiation limits: the new limit in Switzerland for instance is now 200 V/m, instead of 61 V/m (7). This is proof that the “health” organizations are working hand-in-glove with the telecom corporations. Concerning the skin penetration: with “normal” (Wi-Fi) radiation atoms, molecules and cells can be charged with electricity and moved around, but with 5G the electrically charged atoms, molecules and cells become antennas themselves and therefore penetrate much deeper into the body (9). Very important, especially for people who used wired modems, is that 5G is per definition wireless (this is called Fixed Wireless Access (FAW). The cable networks could be disconnected but this will not happen very soon because of the investments in copper wires and optic fibers. 5G test locations in the Netherlands are: Valthermond (Drenthe), Groningen and The Hague, as far as I know. Haarlem and Apeldoorn want to be the first “smart cities (21) in the Netherlands, which proofs how ignorant the city councils are. Countries in which 5G net work preperations are made are: USA, South-Korea, Sweden, Estonia, Japan and China. Houston and Dallas want to be among the first "smart" cities in the USA. Summary of the 5G technology For people who have little time or have trouble with technology, this is a short summary or conclusion:
On September 23, 1998, 66 satellites were launched for the use of the first satellite phones. As a result of this the national (US) death rate rose from 4% to 5%, EHS people (22) got headaches and nose bleeds, and thousands of pigeons lost their way. Since about the year 2000, the IQ of people has dropped with 60% (!) (19), the number of deaths among young people with cell phones caused by brain tumor tripled, dementia in Britain has become the number one killer, and millions of EHS people can only leave their homes shielded by anti-radiation clothing and helmets. The body is for a large part electric: the brain functions are electric (EEG), the heart is triggered by electric pulses (ECG), the nervous system generates electro-magnetic currents, the skin has electric resistance (lie detectors), the muscles react to electricity, etc. Only De Gezondheidsraad thinks that people are bags of salt water (the SAR test for cell phones is based only on the heating up of salt wate: see here. So, it is no miracle that millions of people are suffering from cancer, diabetes, dementia, Alzheimer, infertility, memory loss, loss of concentration, insomnia, burn-outs, fatigue, leukemia, miscarriages, heart failure, strokes, MS, suicide, headaches, blood cancer, melanin reduction, ADHD, depressions, impotence and chronic fatigue syndrome, since the ever-increasing microwave radiation (although several disease have multiple causes). According to Barrie Trower, a worldwide ban on all microwave radiation is needed within 10 years, or else only 1 in 8 children will be born without defects, and in 5 generations most animals and insects will die out (rats that were exposed to microwave radiation in animal tests were all dead after 5 generations). Needless to say, 5G will be disastrous for EHS people and very dangerous for all other people. Reactions by scientists, physicians and whistle blowers to the 5G plans When scientists and experts start using words like “insane”, “5G is lethal” or “this is insanity”, it would be wise to pay attention to what they are saying, and scientist Martin Pall and expert on military technology are saying this. An “International Appeal to Stop 5G on Earth and in Space” (11) has been launched and has now (15-02-2019) 48.523 signatures (from scientists, doctors, environmental organizations, citizens ). This is directed to the United Nations, the World Health Organization, the EU, the Council of Europe, and governments of all nations (see here.) |
Second, scientists and doctors have called for a moratorium on 5G: “The 5G Appeal” (17), (see here). In the Netherlands there are several organizations which have launched a protest campaign, (see here, and here). Most interesting are the YouTube video’s with/from Mark Steele and Martin Pall. See also “Sources” at the bottom of this article. Who is responsible? In a very general way, market forces, money, greed, ignorance, power and technological development without moral or spiritual development are responsible for the dire situation on this planet. When we dig deeper, all kinds of organizations, corporations and governments come into focus: telecom corporations, health organizations, national governments, the military industrial complex, main stream media, technological industries, and so on. If we dig deeper still, a very discomforting picture arises: the telecom corporations, the health organizations, the national governments and the main stream media all appear to work together, or in other words: are all corrupt. Essentially because of the money and/or power. An example: ex-CEO’s of KPN and Telfort said on national television (Zembla) that they expected from the Dutch government that they would not take the citizen’s health complaints seriously (i.e. deny that microwave radiation is dangerous), and if they would not comply, the telecom corporations wanted back the 3,8 billion euros, which the government received from the telecom corporations for selling the radio frequencies, plus the 3,8 billion euros that they had invested. (The Italian government was recently paid 6,55 billion euros for the selling of 5G frequencies, so there is little chance that Italy will publicly announce that 5G is dangerous any time soon. see here.) Concerning the task of the government to protect people’s health: the Dutch government is basing their national health regulations on the advice of the Gezondheidsraad. The Gezondheidsraad uses obsolete and faulty tests and standards in the full knowledge that these are obsolete and faulty. So, everyone is corrupt and millions of citizens who trust the government to protect their health (this is the constitutional duty of the government), get sick or die. The Dutch government created a law (just in time) which says that it is unlawful for citizens to sue the government in all matters of health, because they knew very well that the government would go broke if millions of people would come with claims. If diseases like brain tumor and dementia suddenly rise by 50%, - after the implementation of 5G - , the government will probably say that this is caused by a new virus and that all people must be vaccinated (because they cannot admit that Wi-Fi is dangerous because of the deal with the telecom corporations). So, there is a large, dirty secret brewing under the surface, which can burst any moment, when the critical amount of people wakes up. What can you do? Now is the time to look at your life objectively and ask yourself if you really need all these devices like tablets, smart phones, lap tops, Wi-Fi routers, smart watches, DECT phones, microwave ovens and smart meters. A few decades ago I read somewhere that the elite would manufacture advanced technological gadgets in the future, with which they could control the people (23), and the people would even want to buy these! I could not believe this, but this is exactly what has happened. The criminal and corrupt corporations earn billions because the people buy their stuff. If you really want to live (or survive), throw away everything that radiates microwaves. You can even have a better internet connection with cables. The next thing to do is get informed, give other people information, support protest campaigns, get organized, go to meetings, give lectures, demonstrate. The main stream media are complicit in the whole scam, so you will probably not have heard about the successes. In Italy a judge ruled in favor of a citizen by stating that all Wi-Fi must be removed from a school. In India people succeeded in removing cell phone towers from a populated area, in the Utrechtse Heuvelrug the local government refused to install new 5G street lanterns with LED’s, Wi-Fi, microphones and cameras (5G), because of the protest of its citizens, in libraries in France Wi-Fi is forbidden as a result of the complaints by the employees, all 50 smart meters were removed from the basement of an apartment building in the USA within one hour after the company received a letter from one of the occupants – who could not sleep anymore - about the dangers of radiation. And so, the list goes on. If you are getting unexplained headaches, disorientation, insomnia, etc., after 5G has been installed, it could be wise to buy protective clothing and shielding for your bedroom. Alternative technology The strange thing is that alternative technology exists but is not used. Optic fibers are safe, fast and cheap and can provide for all internet communication in the world (although it makes it easier for the NSA to copy all communications of people to their servers). Light technology exist that can beam light beams with information from the ceiling in an office to workstations which is completely safe. An alternative technology for all wireless telephone communication exists which is 100% safe and is also cheaper, but we are forced to use the most dangerous technology. This certainly leads to the question why. Why is the most dangerous technology forced upon us? See also my article about microwave radiation on this blog (article No. 8). On the positieve side According to Benjamin Fulford the financial CEO of Huawei Technologies Meng Wanzhou, is arrested because she was trying to roll out the 5G network very fast. Of course the main stream media cannot criticize the bosses they are working for, so she was allegedly arrested for fraud. (Benjamin Fulford, 04-02-2019. This information was forwarded to him by agents from several secret services. If this is true, it is very positive that guys behind the screens are working for the good of humanity and the earth. In 1987 then-president Ronald Reagan said during a speech for the UN: "Perhaps we need some outside universal threat to make us recognize this common bond", (meaning that aliens could attack the earth - which the Cabal are trying to fake now - ). In this case the universal threat is 5G: will the people of the earth unite because of this universal threat? One of the requirements of growth is negativity. Possibly 5G is negative enough for the global uprising and cooperation of all people. So, spread the news. Conclusion: 5G is a Weapon of Mass Destruction. Sources Books 1. Haas, Michiel, prof. dr. ir.: Elektrostress & Gezondheid, 2011. 2. Freeland, Elena: Chemtrails, HAARP, and the Full Spectrum Dominance of Planet Earth, 2014. 3. Freeland, Elena: Under an Ionized Sky, From Chemtrails to Space Fence Lockdown, 2018. 4. Manning, Jeane: Angels Don’t Play This HAARP, 1995. Internet 5. Bio Initiative Report 2012 on the dangers of microwave radiation. 6. Directed Energy Weapons: www.newworldwar.org/dewintro.htm 7. Dringende Warnung von Hans-U Jakob (Gigaherz.ch). 8. European Resolution nr. 1815 on the Health Risks of Radiation. 9. From Blankets to Bullets. 10. Hundreds of birds dead from 5G experiment. 11. International Appeal to Stop 5G. 12. Julian Rose about 5G. 13. Let’s Talk About Tech: https://letstalkabouttech.nl/ 14. Mark Steele: Thee Dangers of 5G. 15. Martin Pall about 5G. 16. Save Us Now: https://www.saveusnow.org.uk/ 17. Scientists and Doctors Warn Against 5G. 18. Smombiegate: Exposing the Truth and Dangers of 5G and EMF. 19. Welt-im-Wandel.tv: Dringende Warnung vor 5G. 20. New satellites mass production. Video: 5G Apocalypse - The Extinction Event Notes 20. ICNIRP: International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection, a private organization. 21. In smart city every wireless device is connected to the grid, see The Internet of Things: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_of_things 22. EHS: Electromagnetic Hyper Sensitivity. 5% of the population is EHS: in the Netherlands this is 750.000 people. 23. Mind control is not the topic of this article, but this is possible with 5G. See Elena Freeland. 24. FCC: Federal Communications Commission, an agency which regulates communications like radio, tv, wire, satelliets in the USA. But it does not even has a health department (!) More information: website with more than 75 links to websites about 5G http://www.ukfamilylawreform.co.uk/wifi.htm |
14. UFO's (11-10-2018)
This article is about UFO’s only, it is however necessary to give some information about extraterrestrials, the media and what astronauts, politicians and professional witnesses have said. (“ET’s” will be a future article.) Since most of the public is more or less aware of the UFO-phenomenon, it would not be very interesting to write an article trying to prove the existence of UFO’s (by giving a long list of UFO-sightings); one can find thousands of articles on the internet and thousands of books that are trying to do just that. A few (positive) articles, written by the US Air Force, have also been published in the main stream media through the decades. The starting point for this article is therefore that UFO’s and ET’s exist. Since 2015 mountains of new information have become available for the public, especially via “Cosmic Disclosure” on Gaia tv (www.gaia.com), Project Camelot (www.projectcamelotportal.com) and David Wilcocks www.divinecosmos.com, (which is the reason it took me 10 months to update my research). So, this is a general article with some new information and some less-known information about the Roswell case. Definitions Kenneth Arnold came up with the term “flying saucer” when he saw from his air plane a row of ships of unknown origin flying in formation above a mountain ridge near Mount Rainier in Washington State on June 24, 1947. These had a crescent shape and looked somewhat like a saucer from a cup of coffee. The name “UFO” (Unidentified Flying Object) became the most popular. Other names that are given are: ODIL (Onbekend Ding In De Lucht, Belgian), OVNI (Objeto Volador No Identificado, Spanish), Ether Ships (e.g. Meade Lane), Vimana’s (ancient India), ARV (Alien Reproduction Vehicle – reverse engineered ET UFO), ETV (Extra Terrestrial Vehicle). The ET UFO’s do not use rocket engines of course, can silently hoover, make right-angle turns that would be deadly for any human, can shoot up vertically with enormous speed and can be visible or invisible to the human eye (alter their frequency). They have been seen for thousands of years and are mentioned in ancient Indian texts and in the Bible (as “burning wheels” etc.). Not all UFO’s come from outer space however. Origins In (and before) the 40s most UFO’s that were seen were from outside this planet. Since 2015 information has come out that the Nazi’s were developing anti-gravity ships in the 20s and 30s. The famous fly-over in Washington DC in 1952 were Nazi UFO’s. One of the ships they built, the “Hanebu-III”, was an anti-gravity bell-formed ship powered with mercury that could reach 40.000 km/hr. The Americans have one of these in a hangar. The Nazi’s had their own “Roswell”: a UFO crashed in the Black Wood. Completely apart from the Nazi’s, a spiritual association in Germany, the VRIL Society, led by Maria Orsic, received telepathic information from an extraterrestrial civilization which contained blueprints of a thought-controlled anti-gravity space ship. The Nazi’s took over this project when a ship was built and so they had two alien technology sources to reverse engineer UFO’s. Because they could not weaponize these vehicles, they could not use these to win the war. They moved their most advanced technology with very large U-boats to the Antarctic where they built a base under the ice, in a gigantic cavern. Also they received a brandnew ship from an alien race. The Americans also had this technology because American spies that were sent to Germany during the war brought back information about very advanced technology, which was so advanced that the Americans at first did not believe it. They brought thousands of Nazi scientists to the USA under “Project Paperclip” between 1945 and 1959. War criminals like Wernher von Braun and Arthur Rudolph were given high positions in secret projects, passports, housing, salaries and so on. They reverse engineered crashed and downed UFO’s like the one in Roswell, New Mexico. Eventually they developed very advanced ships at Area 51, S4 (Nevada), Lockheed Skunk Works, Boeing and other places. The famous sightings in Belgium in 1989 and 1990 were caused by the American built TR-3B’s, a triangular anti-gravity nuclear powered black vehicle with lights at the bottom. Today, these are old-school: the ships that they now can build are capable of time travel, teleport, cloak, use worm holes (or “star gates” or “portals” – which can be natural or artificial). They can go to the Moon in 10 minutes. As a result of this, they developed several secret space programs, which are called Secret Space Programs (SSP), - like Solar Warden, ICC (Interplanetary Corporate Conglomerate), Dark Fleet and IDARF (Interplanetary Defense And Reaction Forces) - and over a period of time, more countries, and even very rich families, developed their own SSP’s, like Russia, China, India, South-Africa and Brazil (the BRICS countries.) Extraterrestrial UFO’s, as far as reported, originate from Mars, Venus, Saturn, Jupiter, the Moon, Andromeda, the Pleiades, Betelgeuse, Lyra, Alpha Centauri, Sirius A and B, Orion, Zeta Reticuli and from far away galaxies and planets with names like Koldas, Kaath, Galdonia, Pyrole and Korendor. Because they use magnetic and/or etheric/temporal drive and time travel, - but more advanced than the American ships - , they can go from Andromeda to the Earth in a split-second. Shapes and size of extraterrestrial UFO’s The disc-shape is the best known, but other shapes that are seen are: spherical, triangular, cubic, pyramid-, cigar-, crescent-, and bell-, Delta- or V-shaped. Because they can alter their shape, any form is possible, so the form is not so important. The seize can vary from a few inches in diameter (for instance as remotely controlled information gathering probes), to motherships that are as large as the moon, or even larger. Motherships can be used as “planets”, meaning that thousands of people live in the ship their whole life, and the ship can go wherever they want. Deep insiders have seen organic ships that are thought controlled, even so that (ET) pilots can use their own DNA to “grow” a ship. The DNA of the pilot then matches that of the ship perfectly, in order “fly” (or teleport or time travel) it by thinking. Ships can even be self-conscious and can use their own will concerning to where they want to travel, like the space ship called “MINERVA”. Roswell The Roswell case is certainly the most famous case concerning crashed UFO’s (which could either have been crashed due to failure or shot down by the military). Even a tv-series about the Roswell case (called “Roswell”) was aired between 1999 and 2002. Near Roswell, and Magdalena, New Mexico, three UFO’s crashed in 1947 – one of these was only discovered in 1949 -. The military were experimenting with a new type of ground-to-air radar and some ET-races were not aware of the dangers of this. This type of radar emitted very strong HF signals which could have a disastrous effect on the navigational system, once a ship was maneuvering in the atmosphere using the existing natural electromagnetic waves of the earth. The beings in the ship were not “Greys” but beings that came from Sirius or Zeta Reticuli (this means they were Asian looking with bald heads and normal eyes; not with the big black eyes as they are portrayed everywhere). In this case they did not have permission from their superiors in the mothership that was outside the atmosphere, to enter the atmosphere. They ignored their warnings and could not control the ship anymore once they were hit by radar, and the effect this had on the ships was like an electromagnetic storm with lightning that struck the computer of the ship. |
At the soul level they knew that this mission was possibly lethal, but they did not know this at the personal level. The general purpose (of this race) was to create an enigma on earth, a mystery, for all people. To wonder, ask questions, wake up the people. The reason they choose New Mexico was that they knew that survivors would be captured by the military – because this place was near the only base in the USA where they kept an atomic bomb - , who would keep them alive to get advanced technology. One being survived for a couple of years and was called EBE-1 (Extraterrestrial Biological Entity). He was brought to Kirtland Air Force Base and then to Los Alamos. He died around 1952. The bodies of the dead beings were placed in deep freeze and sent to Wright Patterson field in Dayton, Ohio. Because of the conversations an Air Force captain had with the surviving being, technology was developed like laser, microchips, digital computers, cell phones, and so on.
Astronauts and politicians Several astronauts saw UFO’s while orbiting the earth, and on the moon, but were forbidden to talk about this. Also their memories were erased in certain cases, after returning from space. Neil Armstrong, after landing on the moon during the Apollo 11 mission saw very large ships sitting on the rim of the crater they landed in, who were observing them. (They did go to the moon in 1969, although photographs and films were shot in the movie studio in London, which was used by Stanley Kubrick, in case the mission would fail.) Because the transmissions were rerouted through another station for censoring, the public did not see this, but a few independent radio amateurs could receive it. Edgar Mitchell told rather much about what he saw and knew, and this reached the public. As did Gordon Cooper, Frank Borman, Scott Carpenter and James Lovell. Cooper testified before a UN Committee. Some presidents of the USA were “in the loop” (got information from the CIA), and some were not. President Eisenhower was furious when he discovered that there was a secret group at Area 51 studying UFO’s and working with ET’s which did not want to give any information to him. He threatened to invade Area 51 with his regular army and then they told him a little of what they were doing. Reagan was informed and as a result he decided to build a shield (SDI or “Star Wars”) to protect the USA against an “alien invasion”. Gorbachov knew also much. J.F. Kennedy learned about UFO’s and Roswell from Secretary of Defense James Forrestal in 1945, who wanted the public to know this – and as a result was killed. JFK did not have the time to make this public. The Russian president Medvedev said during a press conference that every new Russian president received a briefcase with information about ET’s and the codes for the nuclear bombs, when he thought that his microphone was switched off. The National Press Club Conference – May 2001 Steven Greer organized a press conference on May 9, 2001 (at the National Press Club in Washington DC), where people who served at the US Air Force, US Navy, US Army, radar installations, CIA, FBI, DIA and NRO, US Navy, US Army, NORAD, worked at Boeing, Lockheed, etc., could give their testimonies about what they experienced concerning UFO’s and the cover up. Greer knew that they only wanted to talk as a group, because they knew that any one person who would talk, could be easily silenced. Many testimonies are quite shocking, but in the end, it is more shocking that the main stream media are completely silent about this. Beginning in September 2001, the subject of UFO’s was not on anyone’s mind because of 9/11. Still, after 17 years, the media are suppressing everything that has to do with ET’s. In the 50s however, the Air Force published a serious article in LIFE magazine (07-04-1952) about visitors from space. But somewhere in the 50s the lid came down and everything was officially denied. Reasons for secrecy and redicularization Official reasons that are given to keep the subject secret are: the public would panic, "there are no UFO's’, "ET’s do not exist", "it is a national defense matter" (secret), "all UFO’s are weather balloons or hallucinations", religious people would go crazy, etc. The real reason is that the people in power, have this power because of the money debt system, the oil & energy industry, Big Pharma and the war industry. ET-contact would certainly lead to the information that none of this is necessary, which means that the elite would lose their power overnight, because of a global uprising of the people. Especially shocking is that the elite has the knowledge to cure all diseases and to age regress people, and that they do not want this to share with the people. (Completely free and non-polluting (etheric) energy could have been implemented more than a hundred years ago for heating and cooling homes, and for transport.) Another real reason was that the military knew that they were no match for the ET’s with their very advanced technology, so they were not able “to protect the citizens”. New movement There is a relatively new movement that want all the information to come out. Many professionals who have knowledge about the UFO and ET phenomenon want to inform the public. The elite want this also, but they want this to last 50-years, whereas the other party want all the information published in its totality at the same time and as soon as possible (even as they do not know whether people can cope with it), possibly in 2023 or 2024. This phase began with a (forced) publication about information that the Pentagon had about UFO’s, in the online New York Times edition of Dec. 16, 2017: that UFO’s are real. https://www.nytimes.com/2017/12/16/us/politics/pentagon-program-ufo-harry-reid.html. (This message has been deleted.) The NASA is also, very slowly, releasing information about the conditions on Mars and other planets. For decades there was “no life”, “no atmosphere” and “no water” on Mars, but now they are telling that there is water, plant life and a “very thin atmosphere”. Furthermore, almost all countries which have UFO-files, have published these on the internet, (except the Netherlands). Different kinds of publications about UFO's by several governments: (click on this link) USA: 2011, New Zealand: 2010, Brazil: 2009, Denmark: 2009, Canada: 2009, UK: 2011, Russia: 2009, Ireland: 2007, France: 2006, Australia: 2007, Japan: 2007. Movies and tv series A few film directors and sf writers, like Lucas (Star Wars), Spielberg (ET), Kubrick (2001, A Space Odyssee), Gene Roddenberry (Star Trek, Earth Final Conflict), Asimov (Bicentennial Man, I Robot II), Philip K. Dick (Total Recall), were informed by the military in order to let them produce movies and series to “warm up” the public, so that the people could get used to the idea that we are not alone. Star Wars, Star Trek, Earth Final Conflict, Total Recall and other films and series are based on real and/or historic information. One deep insider said that the anti-gravity aircraft carriers in the movie “Captain America, Winter Soldier”, look exactly like the real ones. Another said that the food-replicators from Star Trek already exist – although you have to push a button: when you say: "Tea, Earl Grey, hot", nothing happens - . Postscript 8-11-2018: Astronomers from Harvard have studied a cigar shaped asteroid, since it was discovered in October 2017 by the Pan-STARRS 1 telescope in Hawaii, and have said that it is possibly a space ship. CNN article. Sources Because of the many sources I used, there is no place here to list them, but a PDF containing the sources can be downloaded below: ![]()
13.2. Reincarnation Part Two: Karma (13-12-2017)
The literal meaning of karma is “action” or “effect”, and is derived from the Greek “Karoti”, which means “he does”. Karma is the Law of Cause and Effect, or with one word: “Harmony”, because the universe wants to restore disrupted balance. A disturbance can be caused on the human level, but also on the atomic, cellular, organic, vegetational, animal, mineral, planetary or solar system level, etc. If we would know what we did in our previous lives, we would understand our personal karma, but it is quite another thing to be aware of, let alone understand, the situations we are going through as the result of family, group, race, national or world karma. Not everything that happens though is the result of karma. There are “bad luck” accidents, new encounters with people, the starvation of millions of people, and physical conditions that are designed by the soul, which are not karmic. But no less than 50% of all encounters take place because of past incarnations. Karma is not the law of “retribution”, but a just and impersonal, natural law. Most people believe that there are causes and effects on the physical plane, but do not believe that hurting other people would cause an effect on themselves. But every action, thought or emotion has an effect. The soul is the driving force of personal karma and its resolution. This means that as a soul we have decided to take on certain karma in a certain life, and other karma in another life, to be able to grow spiritually. Resolving karma In theory every harmful action against somebody else starts a chain of unending karma. But this chain can be broken when you forgive the person who has hurt you. Then the karma stops. To forgive oneself is just as important, because the self and the other are - on a higher level- the same. So a full forgiveness is impossible without forgiving oneself. When you have resolved all your karma, it is important not to create new negative karma. This is possible by not hurting anyone physically, emotionally, psychologically, mentally or by doing nothing while action is needed to help someone. An Avatar (like the Christ) can sometimes mitigate the effect of some karma. But “God” (or a priest) cannot resolve our karma, because this would mean that it would go against the balancing effect to restore harmony in the universe. The Christian belief that the Christ died for the sins of the Christians (or that a priest can forgive your sins) is a fantasy and is also very dangerous for other people (victims), and self-misleading for the one who believes this. It gives people a free ticket to hurt others without seemingly to cause any effects on themselves. Also, if they really believe they can get away with this, - as the elite (or Cabal) believe (they believe that they are above the law and above God) - , they are in for a surprise. Examples of karma There is physical karma, "symbolical” karma, emotional karma, and so on. An example of physical karma: a professor who was born blind had been a member of a barbaric tribe in Persia in a former life, whose custom it was to blind its enemies with red-hot irons, and it had been his work to do the blinding. An example of “life-goal karma”: T.E. Lawrence (Lawrence of Arabia), who united the Arab tribes in the fight against the Turkish domination, - for Arab independence - , was a military strategist in the middle ages and died before fulfilling what he conceived unconsciously to be his incarnational purpose. |
A young girl who was afraid of closed spaces died when the roof of a cave collapsed on her in a former life. (Most phobia have a karmic background.) In general there is more positive karma than negative, but as positive things are being viewed as “normal”, we give these less attention than negative situations which are of course more intense. An example of positive karma is a successful New York composer, who had served in a past life as a teacher of musical classes, was in another life a German woodcarver of musical instruments and before that was an Atlantean who went to Egypt and became a musician in a temple of worship. To be coarse or laugh at other people’s misery can also have great consequences. A woman who on the age of 36 was stricken by polio and spent the rest of her life in a wheel chair, had laughed at Christians who were crippled in the arena in Rome in the time of Nero.
Resolving karma faster in this time Because the Earth and the human race are going to a higher frequency (from the third to the fourth density), time is accelerating, soul-inspired lessons are learned faster and karma is resolving quicker. The more advanced someone is (spiritually), the quicker the resolution of karma, meaning that you can almost wait for the effect after you have done something. Most people who are now dying will not reincarnate on this planet again. So if you think you have any unresolved business with a friend, a partner or a family member, now is the time to do something about it, to work it out and to forgive. So, if we could reach a conclusion, it will be that we have only a vague idea what karma is, because we are involved in a soup or matrix of all kinds of karma at the same time, not knowing which is caused by what. All we know for certain is that we are creating new karma every second. Sources Bailey, Alice: A Treatise on White Magic. Bailey, Alice: A Treatise on Cosmic Fire. Bailey, Alice: Esoteric Healing. Bailey, Alice: Telepathy and the Etheric Vehicle. Blavatsky, Helena: The Key to Theosophy. Blavatsky, Helena: The Secret Doctrine. Blavatsky, Helena: The Secret Doctrine Part Three. Cerminara, Gina: Many Mansions. Creme, Benjamin: Maitreya’s Teachings: The Law of Life. Creme, Benjamin: Maitreya’s Mission Volume One. Cranston, Sylvia: Reincarnation, the Phoenix Fire Mystery. Elkins, Don: The Ra Material, Book I. Judge, William Q.: The Ocean of Theosophy. Jurriaanse, Aart: Bridges. Powell, Arthur: The Causal Body and the Ego. Powell, Arthur: The Mental Body. Purucker, G. de: Fountain-Source of Occultism. Stevenson, Ian: Twenty Cases Suggestive of Reincarnation. Shapiro, Robert: ET’s and the Explorer Race. Shapiro, Robert: The Explorer Race. Shapiro, Robert: Origins and the Next 50 Years. Tucker, Jim: Life Before Life. |
13.1. Reincarnation, Part One (02-11-2017)
Definition and principles
In the Collins Concise English Dictionary, we read: [Reincarnation is:] “The incarnation or embodiment of a soul in a new body after it has left the old one at physical death.” This about sums it up concerning what reincarnation means. But it leaves a lot of questions about the why and the how, and of course for the Dutch: whether it is true or not. In this article we can only scratch the surface, and the subject of “karma” can only be dealt with in Part Two. First, it is necessary to state a few universal principles or laws. 1. Consciousness is an activity of the soul, is eternal and is not the result of brain activity. 2. Not only humans reincarnate, but also animals, planets and solar systems. 3. A soul is a temporal “unit” of higher energy which is sparked by the Creator and is anchored on the higher mental, intuitional, monadic and spiritual level of a person (see the table as a PDF downloadlink under this article). 4. Humans can incarnate on Earth, but also on other planets. 5. The soul chooses to incarnate in the physical world and sets goals for itself to accomplish in a certain life. This is a kind of “self-sacrifice”: although life on the physical level is traumatic, growth is only possible in the physical world and not in the spiritual state between two lives. 6. People reincarnate in groups, and these groups have the purpose of progressing and advancing the civilization that they incarnate in. The bigger picture and great cycles There is “involution” and “evolution”. (The term “evolution” in this article has nothing to do with “Darwinian evolution”, which is incorrect, but with the evolution of consciousness - which is treated in Theosophy.) There are seven great stages of involution and evolution. During the first three stages spirit descends into matter. In the fourth stage there is a battle between spirit and matter (or “good” and “evil”), and after a while (a few million years), the spiritual attains mastery over matter and then slowly all matter ascends into pure spirit. (The term “ascension”, which is a much talked about subject since 2012, refers to a phase in this process.) Humanity has passed the deepest point of stage four, hence the chaos, battles and struggle we have seen the last thousands of years. There are 60 billion human souls in total, so only about 7,5 billion are now living in the flesh. People are waking up fast since 2000, and we are now moving into a period of major changes, like the beginning of the Aquarian Age. We are also at the beginning of another 25.920-year cycle. And the solar system is now moving through a large “cloud” – bigger than the solar system – of a very high frequency, which pushes everything into a higher level. On top of that, a period of very strong solar flares is expected around 2028 – they have already begun with larger outbursts than usual -, and this will have a strong ascending effect on our consciousness. (“Solar Flare” is the subject of a future article). Finally, the Earth itself, as a living organism, is going into a higher phase. Death and dying. When people start to realize that only the physical body and the personality die and not the individual consciousness, the fear for death and dying will vanish. In the future, dying will be a conscious and social act, when we know that in a certain life we reached the end of our physical existence and that we have to move on. (I do not mean that we will then go to the Institute for Voluntary Euthanasia and get ourselves processed into Soylent Green wafers.1) At the moment of death, all major physical, emotional and lower mental experiences are “saved” in so called “permanent” atoms. These remain intact on a certain level until the moment of rebirth: the physical body is created around the permanent physical atom, and the other bodies (astral and mental) are created around the permanent astral and permanent mental atoms, during pregnancy. (Many people have moles or other birthmarks. It is likely that you were shot or wounded - in a former life -, on the spot where you now have a mole.) When the silver cords of life energy, that are connected to the brain and the heart (actually to the three permanent atoms), are severed, we “die”. The physical matter decays and becomes “dust”. Etherical particles (from the etheric body) become part of the etheric energy of the planet, and the astral particles are dispersed into the general astral energy of the planet. (This takes a little time, so it is advised to wait three days before cremation.) The exact level of evolutionary growth is “saved” and is maintained until the moment of birth of the new body at reincarnation. So, we can develop ourselves from that (birth)moment on from the exact same level as it was during the moment of death of the former life. The whole purpose of reincarnation is growth. (Sometimes people do not know that they have died, for instance when they died while being unconscious or in a coma, as the result of a sudden accident, or when they are very sick and not fully conscious. Because the astral body is then still intact, they think that they are still living, but are not able to make contact with the living, which they do not understand. These beings are called “ghosts” and sometimes can be photographed. They have to be helped and guided by light workers, so that they understand that they are dead and have to go to the “light”. At the moment they do this, they disappear as ghosts.) Growth, not endless suffering. On this planet there are five “Initiations” possible, and when we reach the fifth, we have complete mastery over the physical, emotional and mental bodies, and also over all (known and unknown) physical laws, which means for instance that we can teleport ourselves to any place in the world in sec- onds, live for hundreds of years in the same body (which will look like 40 years old), or walk on water - if we feel like it. (These people are called “Masters of Wisdom”, because they are master over these aspects.)This means of course we do not need to reincarnate again, although it is possible if we want to, to help other people who are still struggling. There are about one million people now who have the first initiation: they have control over the physical body (they do not have addictions anymore), are mostly vegetarians and often start practicing meditation. Most people who reach the fifth initiation go to a planet in the Sirius system, but some people remain here to help the people on Earth, like Jesus (6th Initiation), Maitreya (7th Initiation), and Buddha (8th Initiation). A few people who are now Masters are: Joan of Arc, Pythagoras and Francis Bacon - who became the Master Rakoczy in the |
18th century and was known as the "Count of St. Germain" in Europe. (This does not mean that they reached the fifth initiation in that life, but in later lives.) The period between two lives in a physical body can last for two to three thousand years, but immediate reincarnation is also possible, even so that not one day is spend in the “after life”. The karmic laws that determine these periods are so complex that we would not understand them. Memories We do not remember our former lives because of several reasons. First, the brain of a baby is a blank slate, and second, when we would remember our last life, it is possible to bring the karma of that life into this life, and of course nobody wants extra karma, because we are already suffering plenty. Children often remember things of their last life between the age of two and four, and many parents tell them that these are “fantasies”, - or even worse: that they are lying. This is very frustrating and insulting for these children, because they know that they are right and are not making this up. (Because of these remarks, they might develop psychological trauma.) Another reason why it is important that we do not remember our last life, is that we could feel revengeful towards persons who did something negative to us, or who killed us in our last life. Children who remembered their last life and were confronted with people of that life, were often hateful towards the persons who had killed them. This takes us away from our new goals in our new life, and of course would create unwanted karma if we would actually do something to that person. Also, some people have reported during hypnosis, that they agreed with their guide, not to remember the last life. Parents and gender We choose our parents from the soul level during the period between two lives. Because we create more karma towards people we intimately interact with than with strangers, we are often born in the same family structure, sometimes being the son or daughter, then the mother, or the partner, etc. Also, we live lives of either gender, to experience both energies and viewpoints. After a series of lives as a man – or a woman -, we can become a woman – or a man -, and this can give stronger feminine – or male - traits in our character than usual. This can be a reason to become gay or lesbian. A more drastic decision can be to change the sex, as transgenders have done. Planets, animals and the body People can reincarnate on Earth, but can also come from other planets, and reincarnate here. For instance, Leonardo da Vinci came from Mercury and Shakespeare came from Jupiter. It is even possible to incarnate directly from the “source”, meaning that an incarnation is the first ever on a planet, as is the case with Inelia Benz. Since the human form is universal throughout the cosmos - 40% of all life forms in the universe are human or humanoid - , humans (from Earth) are not the only people in the universe (who can reincarnate on different planets). Some people think that it is possible to incarnate as an animal, but this is a misinterpretation of something that Buddha said. Even the Dalai Lama thinks this. (It would be strange indeed if you would be the emperor of China in one life, and be squashed as a mosquito in the next life, or laying on someone’s hamburger, reincarnated as a cow and then killed.) This is because the expansion of consciousness can only go forward, and not backward. So, we need an ever more complex and fine-tuned biological organism to be able to grow spiritually. (That is why the body is called "The Temple of the Soul".) (This is not to say that we never incarnate as an "animal-being". Only on this planet Earth animals are called "animals" - meaning lesser than humans. On all other planets these are just intelligent beings who do not consider themselves "animals" of course. For instance the cat-people on the planet Kaath are bipedal, not furry and very intelligent.) This means also that it is detrimental (bad) for our spiritual growth to poison our body with toxic stuff like nicotine, alcohol, pesticides, chemical “medicinal” drugs, fluoride, meat/hormones/drugs, high frequency radiation (cell phones and Wi-Fi), vaccines, unfiltered tap water, mind-altering drugs, etc. Not many people realize this, although they know that these things are “unhealthy”. Reincarnation and the Bible Reincarnation was talked about by Jesus and the influential churchfather Origen (185-254) wrote about reincarnation, inspired by Plato. But the Emperor Justinian (483-565) had condemned the writings of Origen during the Fifth Ecumenical Congress of Constantinopel in 553 A.D. As a result, all passages about reincarnation were removed from the Bible. He was ordered to do this by his wife Theodora (508-547). She had enormous power and murdered two popes who were against her. She thought that she could become enlightened in one lifetime, without the need to reincarnate. 2 (A few passages were overlooked, as in John 9:2, where Jesus was asked whether a man, who was born blind, had sinned or his parents.) Notes 1. See the film “Soylent Green” with Charlton Heston. 2. Noel Langley: Edgar Cayce on Reincarnation, p.179-201. Sources Bailey, Alice: A Treatise on Cosmic Fire. Bailey, Alice: Esoteric Astrology. Bailey, Alice: A Treatise on White Magic. Benz, Inelia: Interview with an Alien Cranston, Sylvia: Reincarnation, the Phoenix Fire Mystery. Creme, Benjamin: Maitreya’s - Mission Volume One. Jurriaanse, Aart: Bridges. Langley, Noel: Edgar Cacye on Reincarnation. Newton, Michael: Journey of Souls. Powell, Arthur E.: The Causal Body. Shapiro, Robert: The Zeta's: History, Hybrids and Human Contacts. Stevenson, Prof. Ian: Twenty Cases Suggestive of Reincarnation. Tucker, Dr. Jim B.: Life Before Life Inelia Benz website: www.ascension101.com |

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12. The Assassination of Princess Diana (02-10-2017)
Twenty years ago Diana was killed in a tunnel in Paris. The main stream media are now repeating the same lies as in 1997, so it was time for this article. As with all killings, we must ask the usual questions: where, when, how, who and why. Some of these questions, like where, when and why, are not so difficult to answer. The other two, who and how, are more difficult, but enough information is available to get the whole picture.
When & where Princess Diana, the driver Henri Paul, and Diana’s friend Dodi Al Fayed were killed on August 31, 1997, in the Alma tunnel in Paris in their Mercedes S280, when their car crashed into the 13th concrete pillar. Henri Paul and Dodi al Fayed were killed instantly, Diana died in the ambulance when she was transported to a hospital. The fourth passenger, the body guard Trevor Rees-Jones, was severely injured, but survived. Henri Paul worked for both the British and French intelligence and informed them minute to minute about the plans of Diana and Dodi. He did not know that he would be used as a patsy and end up dead. Why and Who There were different motives by several groups and persons to assassinate Diana. 1. The military industrial complex in the USA wanted her dead because of the enormous support she received from the public concerning her landmines campaign. She even persuaded Bill Clinton single handedly to sign a world-wide ban on the production and sale of landmines. (He refused to sign the treaty after she was killed.) Billions of dollars were at stake, and it included cluster bombs – one cluster bomb costs $ 25.000. Before her campaign the Red Cross received 50.000 pound, during the campaign it received 1.200.000 pound. 300 million landmines were placed world-wide, and another 300 million were stockpiled. In Angola, there were two landmines in the ground for every person. 2. Prince Charles wanted to marry Camilla Parker-Bowles and this was a crucial problem, because this was not allowed by the church of England: a possible future king was not allowed to marry another woman while his (ex)wife was still alive. Things have changed now, but in the 90s this would have meant a change of the constitution or in other words: England would have become a secular state, because of the disestablishment of the church. (When a Britsh monarch accedes to the Throne, by constitutional design he also assumes the office of Supreme Governor of the Church of England, so the government and the church are not so separate as it seems.) This has never happened before in England. A member of the Royal family should give the example, meaning not getting divorced and chasing other (also divorced) women while the ex was still alive. Diana knew that Charles wanted to kill her: she wrote a note saying: “My husband is planning an accident in my car, brake failure and serious head injury, in order to make the path clear for him to marry.” MI5 wanted to solve this problem by killing Parker Bowles. They organized a “car accident” on 11-06-1997 in Wiltshire, using the “Boston Brakes Method”. Parker’s Mondeo crashed head on with a Volvo driven by Carolyn Melville Smith. Parker Bowles was unhurt and fled from the “accident” in terror because she thought that the MI5 was trying to kill her, which of course was true. After the failed attempt to kill Parker-Bowles, MI6 decided to kill Diana, because they thought that Diana was the cause of the problem, rather than Parker Bowles. Because the MI6 and the CIA are always working close together on the top level, the CIA got involved. (In the old days, secret services were trying to protect their countries against foreign threats, but they now just do the bidding of the Cabal, or some rich multinational.) 3. Prince Philip, a former Nazi, wanted Diana dead because the Royals did not want a Muslim to marry into the family. Another reason was that Diana was carrying a child from Dodi, a possible future king. A quote from an alleged CIA document: "Edinburgh [prince Phillip] sees serious threat to dynasty should relationship endure. Quote reported: "Such an affair is racially and morally repugnant and no son of a bedouin camel trader is fit for the mother of a future king." (Skolnick, 255). Another quote from the same CIA document: "US liaison to MI6 requested by David Spedding [MI6 director] for assistance in providing permanent solution to Dodi problem. Blessing of the Palace scured." (Emphasis added). (Skolnick, 255) 4. Diana was so popular that she would have received the support from the public for any humanitarian campaign. The elite saw her as a “loose cannon” on the world stage and wanted her dead, as was the case with JFK, John Lennon and others. A serious problem for the Cabal, of which Diana was unaware of, was that George W.H. Bush, Cheney and Mitterrand were involved in illegal arms-for-oil deals in Angola, Rwanda and Congo-Brazzaville. Not only that, but England organized a civil war in Angola by arming the two opposing parties so that the British and the Americans could take over the oil fields and the gold and diamond mines. Because of the enormous media coverage Diana received, these scandals would certainly have been uncovered. Diana was killed only weeks after her last visit to Angola. |
(Nevertheless, "between 1999 and 2011, the number of reported new landmine casualties had dropped by more than half, from 8,807 to 4,286", so her campaign had a great impact.) On top of that, Diana was planning to visit Bosnia and Palestine, so more illegal wars and illegal occupation of Palestine would have become headlines in the news. This surely would have become a disaster for England and the USA. And for Israel.
Although MI6 could carry out a D-Op (Deniable Operation) and could work hand-in-glove with the CIA, it would still be too risky because of some government oversight, so the actual killing was very likely carried out by a private company. The CIA has hundreds of journalists on its payroll, so many of the paparazzi in Paris on that day were CIA, MI6, or DGSE (French) agents. Of course the whole killing operation and the cover up would not have been possible without the help of (certain corrupt persons on the highest level) of the French justice- and police department, the French media, the French secret service (DGSE) and the French security service (DST), and some corrupt physicians and pathologists. How The method used by the kill-group was almost certainly the “Boston-Brakes Method”, so named because the CIA used this method for the first time in Boston. Some facts: a Mercedes S280 was stolen at gunpoint shortly before August 31, and was found without the computer chip. Only one Mercedes S280 was available in the garage of the Ritz hotel. The safety belt of the back-right passenger seat of this car did not function (it was jammed in the retracted position) – this was where Diana was sitting. According to the French police the brakes of the Mercedes did not function on the moment it entered the tunnel. There were no skid or tire marks in the tunnel. Five vehicles that were in the tunnel directly before and after the crash, were never traced. The French authorities refused to take on the offer by Mercedes to inspect the wrecked car, they even said that Mercedes could not make any statement. There was one traffic camera with a complete view on the entrance of the Alma tunnel that “did not work” and about 10 private security cameras along the route from de Place de la Concorde to the Alma tunnel. Not one produced any images of the chase or the crash. The traffic camera did work 15 minutes before the crash, because a French woman received a speeding ticket after she passed the tunnel 15 minutes before. The computer chip that was taken from the stolen Mercedes was manipulated – a micro transmitter was placed -, so that it was ready for the remote control of the Mercedes Diana was riding in. Together with the remote control, a bomb was used to disable the brakes, known within the secret service as a “Blockbuster Bomb”. Witnesses outside the Alma tunnel heard two “explosions”. The first must have disabled the brakes and the second must have been the crash itself. The Mercedes Diana was in scraped the left side of a white Fiat Uno: this was the car from where the remote controlling would have been done. Directly behind was a black Mercedes with MI6 agents. Immediately after the crash a number of people were around the crashed car before the police, the normal paparazzi and ambulance personnel arrived. Diana was injured and suffered from an internal bleeding and a cardiac arrest, but she was alive, and her condition was “not catastrophic” according to the physician at the site. It took the ambulance 1 hour and 43 minutes to take her to a hospital just over 3 miles away, which was the hospital furthest away of the hospitals in this area. She was dead on arrival. In this hospital she was illegally embalmed by three English embalmers who travelled together with Prince Charles to Paris. The embalming made it impossible to find any toxics in the body or to do a pregnancy test. It is time that journalists wake up, start doing their own research again and go on strike for a few weeks or months to make clear that they do not wish to participate anymore in the game of the elite. Postscript: John Morgan, in his book "How They Murdered Princess Diana, the Shocking Truth", which contains 685 pages of very detailed information, has made it clear that Diana was passively and actively killed in the ambulance. Sources Daily Express of 16 sept. 2013 (headline: “SAS Ordered To Kill Diana”). Gordon Duff: Article about the Boston Brakes Method (Veterans Today) Herbert Dorsey III: CIA: Crime Incorporated of America. King, Jon & John Beveridge: Princess Diana: The Evidence King, Jon: The Cut-Out. Ranulph Fiennes: The Feathermen Reduction of land mine victims: Skolnick, Sherman: Ahead of the Parade. Unlawful Killing (a documentary that is forbidden in de UK). |
11. The Seven Rays (30-09-2017)
According to esoteric science there are seven great Rays or types of energy that create and influence everything in the universe. In our solar system one of these Great Rays is active: the second Ray of Love-Wisdom. This second Ray has seven subdivisions: the so-called “Seven Rays” that influence everything on our planet Earth: nature, mankind, the animal kingdom, plant life, the mineral kingdom, science, religions, nations, our character, our bodies, our mind, and so on. The seven stars of the Great Bear are the channels for this energies.
The activity of these Rays is cyclical: in a certain time period one Ray is more active than another. The seventh Ray of Ceremonial Law or Magic became active since 1675. The sixth Ray of Abstract Idealism or Devotion is gradually waning since 1925. The sixth Ray produced mystics, but also fanatic nationalism and dogmatism. But making things concrete, material, is difficult for sixth Ray people. The seventh Ray is the Ray of creating magic on the ground, and will be the major Ray of the Aquarian age. Mankind is destined to become creators, and this will happen in the Age of Aquarius. The war between the old ideals (6th Ray) and the new way of the magician (7th Ray), that is our current problem in the world. The positive ideals of the sixth Ray that have been developed in the past centuries can now be materialized on the physical plane. We the people have to do this. There will be no “salvation” or “rescuing” by higher beings or ET’s, although there is help. These are the Seven Rays and their names: 1. The Ray of Will or Power 2. The Ray of Love-Wisdom 3. The Ray of Active Intelligence 4. The Ray of Harmony, Beauty or Art. 5. The Ray of Concrete Knowledge or Science. 6. The Ray of Abstract Idealism or Devotion. 7. The Ray of Ceremonial Law or Magic. The soul of a person is always on the same ray through all incarnations. Each person has a main ray and a sub ray on the personality, the mental body, the astral body and the physical body. The characteristics of the Rays are: Ray 1: power, vision, truth, leadership. Neg. : power to control others with evil intentions, hardness and arrogance. Ray 2: wisdom, love, patience, endurance. Neg.: selfishness, suspicion, coldness. Ray 3: broad views, clear intellect, abstract thinking, concentration. Neg.: impractical, critical. Ray 4: sympathy, intuition, artistic, creative, sensitivity to colors. Neg.: worrying, self-centeredness, strong passions. Ray 5: accuracy, common sense, independence, truthfulness. Neg.: harsh criticism, narrow minded, arrogant, unforgiveness, prejudice. Ray 6: devotion, tenderness, idealism, sympathy. Neg.: self-deception, superstition, prejudice. Ray 7: courage, self-reliance, creative, organizational talent. Neg.: poor judgement, formal, narrow minded, overstretching routine. Countries are also under the influence of the Rays. This means that the whole people of a nation have certain character traits on the personality level and on the more spiritual or soul level. For instance Germany is on the First Ray (Power) on the personal level and on the Fourth Ray (Art) on the spiritual level. This means that personality of every German has the latent power of the first Ray of Will and Power, the effect of which we saw during World War II. The more evolved people in Germany are susceptive for the expression of art and/or are interested in art (4th Ray). Also, Berlin is considered to be the cultural capital city of Europe. The USA is on Ray 6 (Devotion) and Ray 2 (Love-Wisdom). Ray 6 on the personality level of the USA explains the devotion of the people to religions, the family and the American Flag. (Ray 2 of the soul level (Love-Wisdom) of the USA has yet to be developed.) |
France is on Ray 5 (Science) and Ray 3 (Intelligence). The combination of Ray 5 (science) and Ray 3 (intelligence) in France gave great scientific discoveries but also arrogance. The Netherlands is on Ray 5 (Science) and Ray 7 (Ceremonial Law). In the Netherlands everyone is discussing things endlessly and they want to create an organization for every idea (Ray 7 on the personality level). The Dutch are also known for their common sense and narrow-mindedness (Ray 5). (Of all nations, the Dutch believe the least in reincarnation and it is the only country in the world where the classified UFO files have not yet been made public (if there are any). Of course, there are also famous Dutch discoveries, like the Kuiper Belt (Gerard Kuiper), International Law and the Law of the Freedom of the Seas (Hugo Grotius) and the microscope (Antonie van Leeuwenhoek).
Rays of some other countries are: Scandinavia: 2 – 3 (the first number is the personality Ray and the second is the soul Ray), 3, Ireland: 6 – 6, England (UK): 1 - 2, China: 3 - 1, Japan: 4 - 6, Brazil: 2 - 4, Canada: 1 - 2, Egypt: 7 - 1, Greece: 3 - 6, India: 4 - 1, Portugal: 7 - 6, Spain: 7 - 6, Switzerland: 3 - 2, Thailand: 6 - 7, Africa as a whole: 7 - 6, Asia as a whole: 4 - 6. Because the second Ray of Love-Wisdom is the original main Ray of our solar system, love is the key here. Buddha (Wisdom) is on the second Ray and so is the Christ (Love). Many guru’s will say that love is the most important thing ever. This is because of the second Ray. If the third Ray would have been the major Ray of the solar system, they would say that intelligence was the most important thing. There are so many kinds of energies coming to us, that it is impossible to say which energies have what effect. We receive energy from the sun, from other solar systems, from the planets in our solar system, from Gaia, the Logos of this planet (Sanat Kumara), astrological energies, lots of etheric and astral energies in the more immediate environment, not to mention the energies from our own unconscious and our soul. Nevertheless, it is possible to recognize certain characteristics in ourselves that correlate with the Seven Rays. Humanity as a whole is on the fourth Ray of Harmony, also called the Ray of “Harmony Through Conflict”. The conflict part is easy to see, but it also means that that can be no harmony without struggle, growth, pain and conflict. So the future is more positive than many people think. The reason for this is also that major ages have come to an end, like the Age of Pisces and the Kali Yuga. We are now in the first phase of the Aquarian Age, the qualities of which are “freedom, equality, brotherhood and independence”. The fourth Ray is also the Ray of creativity and intuition. This means that we are on the way to become creators and to develop and use intuition. Intuition is a soul quality (see article no. 10) and many people have enhanced the contact with their soul to such a level that their intuition has become stronger. So what can we do with this knowledge? We can study ourselves and work on our negative traits. We can study the Rays of the countries and be conscious of these effects when we are traveling or choose a country of our liking to go to. There is much more to say of course about the science of the Rays, as it is far more complex than it would appear to be, reading this article. So you can study the sources named at the end of this article if you like. Sources Alice Bailey: A Treatise on the Seven Rays Alice Bailey: Ponder on This Benjamin Creme: Maitreya’s Mission I Aart Jurriaanse: Bridges |
10. Intuition - "The really valuable thing is intuition." Albert Einstein (translation: 01-08-2017)
Einstein allegedly said: “Intuition is a gift of God, the ratio a servant, somewhere in time we began to worship the ratio and forgot the gift”.
What is intuition? In daily life the words “intuition” and “feeling” are being mixed up with one another and used in the same sentence as if these were the same things. Even scientists, teachers at schools for intuitive development, psychics and authors who write books on subjects related to intuition are confused and seem not to know the difference. The four psychological types The psychologist and scientist Carl Jung developed a system of psychological perception and character in which “intuition” is one of the four types. The other three types are: “thinking”, “feeling” and “sensing”. So Jung also thought that feeling and intuition are not the same functions. Every person has one of these four types dominant. The psychological type “intuition” is nevertheless not real intuition but a continuously functioning system of perception that is a combination of real intuition, thinking, feeling and fantasy (this is not what Jung said but I discovered this after two years of research). This is so because real intuition cannot exist all the time, 24/7 in people, because the frequency is too high. Real intuition manifests itself often as flashes of insight. Seven levels The table – which can be downloaded at the bottom of this article – could clarify a lot. The levels or fields of the “Cosmic Physical Plane” are: 1. the physical plane (including matter, fluids, gasses and ether), 2. the emotional plane, 3. the mental plane, 4. the intuitive plane, 5. the spiritual plane, 6. the Monadic plane and 7. the Divine plane. The emotional (feeling) plane is “lower” than the mental plane. But Intuition is higher than the mental. (“Lower” and “higher” meaning frequency, vibration.) So intuition is more pure or true than abstract or higher thinking. Jung defined the types thinking and feeling as “rational”, and the types intuition and sensing as “irrational”. The concepts “rational” and “irrational” have a different meaning here than usually understood: the “rational” in Jung’s system is liable to thoughts, values, norms and judgements that were formed during the development of the human race. Meaning that judgements and thoughts are often not true, but rather possibly biased. “Irrational” in this system does not mean "illogical”, but it means that the irrational functions (intuition and sensing) are not liable to errors, (wrong) judgments, or wrong thinking. In other words, in plain language: thinking and feeling are subjective or judgemental, and intuition and sensing are objective or perceptional. In western countries analytical thinking – a left brain activity - , is overrated and also suppressed in education. Feeling and intuition – right brain activities -, will become more important and in due time thinking will fall under the threshold of consciousness. Although pure perception is objective and non-judgemental, it is mostly coloured by our interpretation of it. In the end, it will lead most of the time to a subjective judgment. The art of perception – which is the most difficult thing to do according to Krishnamurti - , is to really see everything as it is, without evaluations, judgements, values, etc. Pure or real intuition is always perceptional, objective, free of values, informative and never judgemental, evaluative, or subjective. Intuitive information often comes to us as flashes of insight from the intuitive level – or our soul. Some people see archetypal images and others receive the information as words – because the abstract intuitive information will be translated automatically in understandable sentences by the brain. Intuition functions on a level which we could call the “collective super-consciousness”. On this level everything is connected, as the quantum physicists have discovered. Bailey: “It is the emergence into the consciousness of some truth or beauty never before sensed. It does not emerge from the subconscious, or from the stored up memory, racial or individual, but drops into the mind directly from the super conscious, or from the omniscient soul. It is immediately recognized as infallibly true and arouses no questioning.” There are people who think that intuition comes from the unconscious, but this is a misunderstanding. Psychology has dealt almost exclusively with the unconscious, and rarely with the super conscious. Intuition comes from the super conscious of course. People who have studied the super conscious are – among others - Bergson, Keyserling, Assagioli, Jung, Taimni, Yogananda, Goswami, Sheldrake, Alice Bailey, Blavatsky, Steiner, Chris Griscom and Krishnamurti. What intuition is not Intuition is not a feeling, not instinct, telepathy, a psychic perception, precognition, premonition, emotion or ecstasy. Most psychics are clairvoyant on the emotional level, and on this level it is not infallible. (Clairvoyance on the mental level is very rare, not to mention clairvoyance on the intuitive level.) When dealing with predictions given by psychics we also have to take into account free will. A clairvoyant perception - on the emotional level - can be right on a given moment, but can be wrong only a few hours later because someone has done something which confuses everything in the chain of cause and |
effect, so that the out-come will be different. Clairvoyance is most of the time innate whereas intuition can be developed during a life.
The famous scientist Rupert Sheldrake, who coined the term “morphogenetic fields”, has done research on the topic of telepathy: he invented an experiment in which people have to guess who is calling who, before answering the telephone, in a group of participants. Telepathy is the contact between minds. Telepathy works a lot better when the people involved have an emotional connection, like between mothers and children. Intuition functions outside the time-space dimension Because intuition functions outside the space-time dimension, it is possible to get information about the past and the future. The trick is that you have to go to the desired time first, with your intuition. During a broadcast about the choosing of the last two cities for the Olympic Games in 2012 on BBC radio, they said that in 45 minutes the winner would be announced in the same show. So I went to 2012 (it was 2008 or so), and scanned London and Paris. I saw new sport activities in London, so I knew that London would be the winner and after 45 minutes they said that London had been chosen. (First, I scanned London and Paris without going to 2012 and I did not receive any information, because in 2008 there was no new activity yet.) Because the information received was intuitive, it was right or true. If the information would have been received by a psychic, this would be not sure, because psychics can also receive thoughts from people who would like the Olympic Games to be held in Paris, and then the information would be wrong. Inspiration Inspiration and intuition are quite similar. We can receive inspiration from our soul, or from a higher intelligence - a higher being. It is a major task of a Master of Wisdom to inspire prominent men and women in the fields of science, philosophy, religion and art. The Development of intuition
Assagioli, Roberto: Transpersonal Development. Bailey, Alice: From Intellect to Intuition. Bailey, Alice, The Seven Rays of Life. Bailey, Alice, Esoteric Astrology. Bailey, Alice: A Treatise on White Magic. Griscom, Chris: Ons bewustzijn verruimen. Hamaker-Zondag, Karen: Jungs Psychologische typen in de praktijk. Jung, Carl: Psychological Types. Krishnamurti, J.: The Flight of the Eagle. Oken, Alan: Soul-Centered Astrology. Sheldrake, Rupert: The Sense of Being Stared At. Taimni, I.K.: A Way to Self-Discovery. |

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9. Zero Point Energy, Etheric Energy, Orgone, Chi, Prana, Tesla Waves, Radiant Energy, Morphogenetic Fields, etc. (12-07-2017)
Recognition of the existence of etheric energy in main stream science will lead to a greater breakthrough than any or all of the greatest discoveries, like electricity, the atom, the steam engine, photography, computers, etc. Tesla (the inventor of AC current, laser, radio, wireless electricity, free energy, beam weapons, etc., said: “If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.” And: “All attempts to explain the workings of the universe without recognizing the existence of the ether are futile and destined to oblivion….”
This article is about two main topics: 1. etheric energy and 2. the etheric body. Etheric energy is only slightly less dense than physical matter (including fluids and gasses), and not some mysterious “force”. There are seven levels of energy in the “cosmic physical plane”: 1. physical, 2. emotional or astral, 3. mental, 4. intuitional, 5. spiritual, 6. Monadic, 7. Divine. (“Monadic” is a Sanskrit name out of old Indian science and philosophy; there is no western name yet for this level.) Above this level we have also the cosmic astral, mental, intuitional etc. planes. Of course it would make no sense at all to describe these levels, because even the highest three levels of the cosmic physical plane – the spiritual, Monadic and Divine – cannot be experienced by most people, except for the highest forms of consciousness. (See also the table "seven levels" in the PDF above this article.) Each of the seven planes has a subdivision of seven levels. These seven sublevels of the physical plane are: 1. concrete matter, 2. fluids, 3. gasses, 4. the fourth ether – or the super gaseous, 5. the third ether – or the super etheric, 6. the second ether – or the subatomic, 7. the first ether – or the atomic. This means that etheric energy belongs to the physical plane in this scheme. The differences between the four etheric levels are as great as the difference between concrete matter and fluids, - or the difference between fluids and gasses. Harold Aspden proved this: “Ether has to have different levels of density”. Because the fourth ether is rather “dense”, it can be photographed and filmed, and many children of the new age, - indigo children - , and psychics, can see it. Kirlian photography and the PIP scan - invented by Harry Oldfield - are examples of technology which can make etheric bodies or auras visible. It is said that in the future the eye of man will be changed so that everyone will be able to see etheric energy and etheric bodies. Etheric energy Etheric energy is also known as Orgone (Wilhelm Reich), Aether (Harold Aspden), Chi or Qi (Chinese), Prana (Indian), Odic (Karl von Reichenbach), Munis (Paracelsus), Zero Point Energy (Hal Puthof), Radiant Energy or Tesla Waves (Nikola Tesla), Scalar Waves, Motor Force (John Keely), Animal Magnetism (Mesmer), Morphogenetic Fields (Rupert Sheldrake), The Field (Lynn McTaggert), Solar Ether Radiation (Korschelt), Psychotronic Energy (Czech science) or Mana (Polynesian Huna and the Kahuna on Hawaii). So it is very known throughout history and all over the world and it is extensively researched, in the west mainly by Keely, Reich and Tesla. What is the reason then the etheric energy is not part of main stream science? It is the same reason why the name Tesla cannot be found in history books: because the financial and industrial powers in the world have their own agenda. They do not want their financial power structure disrupted by free energy – so everyone is dependent on oil - . Also they have built all kinds of extremely advanced technologies based on etheric energy and/or scalar waves, in the realm of time travel, anti-gravity, mind control, spaceships that go faster than the speed of light, particle beam weapons, healing methods of all known diseases, body-to-body soul transfer, replicators (as they have in Star Trek), etc. The man in the street is completely ignorant of this and they like to keep it that way. There are for instance 5000 patents declared “classified – for reasons of “national security”- , because they do not want main stream science to develop these kinds of technology, especially free energy. Imagine: every person worldwide having his or her own device to create limitless and endless free energy for warming, cooling, lighting, travel and running any electrical device. Money, electricity and oil would loose their value completely within a few year’s time. The scientific-minded readers could bring in the Michelson-Morley experiment and the Theory of Relativity by Einstein. The basis of the Michelson-Morley experiment however was that etheric energy is a fixed constant in space, meaning not moving. But etheric energy is moving along with the earth, as Harold Aspden has proven. Einstein said at first that the ether does not exist, but later he said that ether is a precondition for the existence of space-time. Einstein did solve all his problems using etheric energy, but these theories were declared classified. |
Wilhelm Reich was arrested and killed in prison because of his discovery of Orgone. Scientists are already studying etheric energy without realizing it because atoms and electrons belong to the etheric levels. Atoms and electrons are always waves and not particles, because a “particle” means that it is concrete , dense material. Quantum physics says that everything is connected. This is possible through and via the etheric energy, which has a speed 1,5 times the speed of light. Since the source of everything is energy (or rather consciousness) and not matter, as Amit Goswami has proven, we can take it for granted that etheric energy is not the only “matrix” for the material world, but that this is only one of the last phases of creation before it materializes into concrete matter. Higher energies – like Divine, spiritual, Monadic, intuitive, mental and astral - , would come first, and then “lower” energies like etheric energy. Vera Stanley Alder actually saw the streaming of etheric energy between the planets when she was brought outside the solar system in her etheric body by a higher being. Planets, suns, solar systems, galaxies and the universe, have also an etheric “body”. This is why “empty space” between solar systems is not empty. When we realize that the radiation from these bodies, systems and space domains interacts with everything, including people, astrology seems not so weird anymore.
The etheric body Other names for the etheric body are: the energy body, the fluid body, the Bioplasma body, the Beta body, the Kino Aka (by the Kahuna on Hawaii), the Counterpart Body, the subtle body, the pre-physical body or the double. The names “double” and “counterpart” indicate that the etheric body is an exact copy of the physical body. It permeates the physical body and protrudes from it for a few centimeters. The etheric body is the matrix of the physical body. That’s why the body “knows” where and how to grow limbs and organs, and this also explains “phantom pain” which people can experience whose leg or arm is amputated. “Prana” is the life energy from the sun and the etheric body is the carrier of Prana. Prana is taken in between the shoulder blades and at the location of the etheric spleen, and is then distributed to all the organs and the blood. It is also taken in with the air we breathe. Nuclear and microwave radiation is very detrimental to the etheric body. If the exposure is long enough, it will have a destructive effect on the etheric body and then it is only a matter of time before concrete diseases will be revealed in the physical body. The etheric body is also the link between the mind and the physical body: “the mind does not work directly on the brain” (Ostrander, 223). Acupuncture points are etheric centers of energy, which correspond to organs and functions. These points were made visible with Kirlian photography. “According to the Chinese, man's body has two kinds of energy: electrical and “vital”. The vital energy is not electricity but behaves similarly. Like electricity, it is polarized positive and negative.“ (Ostrander, 234.) The strength of the etheric body of people, animals and plants can be measured with the LM-4 Experimental Life Energy Meter (Heliognosis). Sources: Alder, Vera Stanley: From the Mundane to the Magnificent. Aspden, Harold: www.haroldaspden.com Bailey, Alice: Telepathy and the Etheric Vehicle. Bailey, Alice: A Treatise of Cosmic Fire. Blavatsky, Helena, The Secret Doctrine. Blavatsky, Helena: Esoterische opstellen en instructies. Childress, David: The Tesla Papers. Davidson, Dan A.: Shape Power. Einstein, Albert: Aether und Relativitätstheorie. Lecture 05-05-1920. Goswami, Amit: The Self-Aware Universe. Jurriaanse, Aart: Bridges. Kraspedon, Dino: My Contact with Flying Saucers. Leadbeater, C.W. The Hidden Side of Things. McTaggert, Lynne: The Field. Ostrander S. & Schroeder, L.: PSI-Psychic Discoveries Behind the Iron Curtain. Powell, A.E.: The Etheric Double. Tesla: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/20140815082801-46771699-most-genius-nicola-tesla-inventions-were-stolen-for-personal-gains-science-vedicscience Wilcock, David: The Source Field Investigations. Wilcock, David: Cosmic Disclosure, Gaiatv. Wilcock, David: Wisdom Teachings, Gaiatv. |
8. Microwave Radiation Intake is a Bad Habit (24-06-2017)
“Marlboro Cowboy” Eric Lawson, died of lung cancer in Jan. 2014. He was one of the five Marlboro Cowboys, who died of lung cancer. David Millar, one of the first Marlboro Cowboys, died in October 1987. Wayne McLaren died in 1992, after having smoked Marlboro cigarettes for 30 years. David McLean died in 1995. Richard Hammer, also a Marlboro Cowboy from the 70s, died in 1999. The first public warnings about the hazards of smoking were given in 1964 (we are talking here about tobacco which was soaked with ammonia, DDT, arsenic, benzene, polonium, etc., so not pure tobacco because pure tobacco does not cause lung cancer). In 1995, the first state-wide smoking ban was proclaimed in California. North Dakota followed in 2012. So it took resp. 31 and 48 years to protect people across the USA.
The first warnings concerning the dangers of microwave radiation were given in 1996, also in California. So it could take until 2027 to 2044 before laws are going to be passed in which the radiation of cell phones, cell phone towers, smart meters, microwave ovens and DECT telephones is regulated. Since the beginning of the use of cell phones people are dying from brain tumours and Alzheimer. In the early days it was not known that high frequency (“microwave”) radiation was dangerous. They knew that people could literary burn up if they would stand right in front of a radar installation, so it was advised not to do this. The official standard test to measure the safety of cell phones is nevertheless still the same: if a container with salt water, - symbolizing the body of a mariner -, is not getting warmer than 1 degree Celsius within 6 minutes, the cell phone is considered “safe”. (This is the “SAR” test.) Decades of research have led to at least 70.000 scientific studies which prove the dangers of microwave radiation to biological organisms. Here is a list of some of the diseases you can get: damage of DNA, damage of sperm, damage to the fetus, penetration of the blood-brain barrier, cancer, leukaemia, breast cancer, Alzheimer’s Disease, dementia and other degenerative brain diseases, weakening of the immune system, sleep-disorders, memory loss, brain tumours, epileptic attacks, creating stress proteins, disruptive brain functioning visible on a EEG monitor, fear, cell damage, hyperactivity, eye-sight problems, tinnitus, depression, nervousness, allergies, chronic fatigue, blood pressure problems, concentration difficulties, behaviour problems in children and headaches. A farmer who thought it would be harmless to install a cell phone tower on his property discovered that his cows would not eat very much and five calves were being born dead. Another farmer had calves that were born blind. After the tower was removed, the calves were being born prematurely because of permanent DNA damage. The DNA of female egg-cells can be damaged for generations when girls in schools are holding their laptops on their lap. John Ryan from Tipperary, Ireland, could not sleep very well anymore after a tower was placed on his farmyard. The provider refused to break down the cell phone tower because ”the commercial interest was more important than his health”. Providers apply to regulations from the government. The governments listen to the WHO. In the WHO advice only thermic effects on salt water during 30 min. are taken into account, no long term effects on biological organisms. However, the WHO put microwave radiation on their list of possible causes of cancer. Governments are paid billions for broadcasting licenses by the providers and have to cooperate in enrolling the cell phone tower network. (Ex-top managers from KPN and Telfort said in a tv broadcast by Zembla that the telecom companies will demand repayment of 6 billion euros, when de government will take the problems caused by radiation serious.) They also have to protect the public’s health, but in this case they look the other way because “commercial interests are more important than the health of citizens”. (In the Netherlands this is actually made into law: it is forbidden to sue the government in cases where health is concerned.) But the governments KNOW, they can be convicted for murder in the first degree. |
In the mean time people’s brains are being fried. The turning on of cell phones have also caused planes to crash because of creating malfunctions in the electronic system.One of the problems is that cell phone towers are emitting the maximum amount of power, in stead of the minimum amount. It is a fact that cell phones would work just as well on 1% of the power. So the power of the cell phone towers could be turned down for 99%. The Netherlands have the highest radiation standard in the world: 10.000.000 microwatt; this is 1000 times higher than in Austria. But there is also positive news. In France it is forbidden to use cell phones in schools. In French libraries Wi-Fi is forbidden. In many countries people would not want to buy a house near a cell phone tower, and existing houses near a cell phone tower have lost much of their value. Insurance policies no longer cover radiation-related risks. In the following countries cell phone towers can only be placed outside residential areas: Italy, Belgium, Luxembourg, Switzerland, Austria, Poland, Russia, China, Australia, New Zeeland and Israel, except in bigger cities. In Chilli citizens have the right to vote on the proposition of placing a tower in their neighbourhood. A man who could not sleep discovered that directly below his bedroom was a basement where 50 smart meters were installed (a smart meter emits as much radiation as 108 cell pones). After sending a letter to the provider accompanied with information about radiation risks, within two hours after they received his letter all smart meters were removed by the provider. So there is hope and it is not always necessary to saw though a tower, cut the cables or bulldoze the power installation at the bottom of a tower, as some guys have done in Brussels and Australia. Between 3% and 5% of all people are electro sensitive and once they have become sick they are not able to stand any more than one microwatt per square meter (a cell phone emits 1.000.000 microwatts on a distance of 30 cm). In Norway and Sweden electro sensitivity is recognized as an official handicap, meaning the government has to provide facilities for them.
The Raad van Europa (Council of Europe) published a report in May 2011 about the dangers of microwave radiation ("Resolution 1815"), in which it advised to remove all wireless technology from all class rooms in all of Europe. Tips
Bioinitiative Report 2012. Barrie Trower about DNA damage Adamah: Wifi-de snel tikkende tijdbom Resolution 1815 by The Council of Europe |
7. Fear is the mind-killer (08-06-2017)
“Fear is the mind-killer” is the message Paul gives himself every time he faces great danger in “Dune”, one of the most famous SF novels, written by Frank Herbert. In the very beginning of the story he has to undergo a “fear” test. He has to put his hand into a black box and he is told that the box contains “pain”. If he withdraws his hand he will die. While his hand is in the box he experiences excruciating pain, but he can control himself and he passes the test. When he withdraws his hand he expects his hand to be black and all shirivelled up. But to his surprise his hand is completely healthy and normal. He thought that his hand would be damaged by some torture mechanism inside the box. But it was only a psychological test. In roughly the same way people are led to believe by the media that “terrorist” attacks can happen anywhere, any time. It is a fear programm. It is a psychological game. The elite do not want to give up their easy life, based on the Babylonian guilt money system and the oil based economy with the worthless petro-dollar. They are very afraid that people are waking up, demand change, freedom and peace. When people are afraid, they will not stand up for their rights and even ask more “protection” against the “terrorist threat”, so that they will give away their rights. But what is fear actually and how does it work?
Djwhal Khul, a Master who has the 5th Initiaton says that fear is the product of ignorance: “It is basically instinctual, and is found dominating in the non-mental animal kingdom, as well as in the human kingdom. But in the human, its power is increased potently through the powers of the mind, and through memory of past pain and grievance, and through anticipation of those we foresee, the power of fear is enormously aggravated by the thoughtform we ouselves have built of our own individual fears and phobias.” “Fear is an illusion” say people who know all about fear. It is good to know this, but most fears will not go away with this knowledge. Many people fear hell and death, allthough the hell does not exist and death means only the death of the physical body, not of the individual consciousness. There are different kinds of fear. The fear to get hurt or die in a life threatening situation is instinctual; the consciousness of the body kicks in when you are about to fall in an abyss or when you see that a truck is going to crash your car. But fears that can give daily problems are fears that are about loosing your job or your life savings, getting old and senile, developing cancer, or minor fears like breaking your leg during a holiday or getting shot in Bolivia. But knowing this also does not help very much. The very real problem, which most people do not see, is that they will create the very situation they are afraid of, by visualising this and giving it energy. “Energy follows thought” is an old saying. The mental powers of people are getting stronger. According to Zoosh (an ET from the Explorer Race books). about 50 years ago there was one chance in a thousand that you would get struck by lightning if you thought: “I hope that I will not be struck by lightning”, walking outside during |
a thunder storm (this belongs in the “do not think of a pink elephant”-category). Now this chance is one in ten. It is really true that we create things by thinking and visualising. It is rather easy now to not get the flue by visualising yourself healthy. Many people have cured themselves from AIDS visualising themselves healthy. So it is very important to get rid of fears. The last stumbling block could well be the fear to get rid of fear, to seriously tackle the problem. But it is a great joy to have conquered fear and live a happy life.
The second way to dissolve fear (besides knowledge) is going through the fear completely. If it is possible of course. It is not advisable to ask your boss to fire you in order to go throught the fear of losing your job. But if you are afraid to be alone you could live alone for a while or go on a journey by your self. The third way to end fear(s) is a very effective one: to process it mentally and emotionally. Inelia Benz has given the world the “Fear Processing Exercise”: see www.ascension101.com or directly to https://ascension101.com/en/fear-processing-excercise.html. This is a audio exercise leading you through the fear: welcome it, seeing it clearly, making it bigger, processing it, thanking it en letting it go. Fear is a joint emotional-mental energy. (Psycho-)analysis does not help, it will only make it worse because you give it energy. Krishnamurti: “I take many days or many years to analize myself. At the end I am still afraid. So analysis is not the way. Analysis is a form of escape. So it is not that one must be free from or resist fear but that one must understand the whole nature and structure of fear, understand it, that means; learn about it, watch it, come directly into contact with it. We are to learn about fear, not how to escape from it” The fourth way to break with a fearful feeling in the solar plexus is to concentrate on your (Ajna) chakra between the brows: this rises the concsciousness immedeately to the mental level, away from the emotional level. It must be said of course, that fear is also your friend. Because it makes you aware of any possible danger, so that you are able to do something about it, before it is too late. Sources: 1. www.ascension101.com 2. Bailey, Alice: A Treatise on White Magic, p. 238. 3. Griscom, Chris: The Healing of Emotion. 3. Herbert, Frank: Dune, p. 14. 4. Krishnamurti, J.: The Flight of the Eagle, p. 63. |
6. Chemtrails I : An Introduction (28-05-2017)
The word “chemtrails” is a contraction of the words “chemicals” and “trails”. Meaning that the white trails in the sky sometimes consist of chemicals in stead of condensed hot air made by air planes. A natural trail is called a “contrail”, which is a contraction of “condensation” and “trail”: this is the condensation of hot air in a cold environment. A contrail will dissolve in a matter of seconds or minutes, just like air breathed out by a person on a cold winter day. Chemtrails can linger for hours on end, are often seen from horizon to horizon and are also getting wider in stead of smaller. Most of the time a grid of chemtrails can be seen, like parallel lines, lines at right angles, very often X-patterns, star patterns and sometimes we can see a trail in the form of a U-turn, like the pilot forgot his smart phone and turned around to the airport.
The people who are working at the weather forecast stations are forbidden to talk about chemtrails: they have been told that this is a matter of “national security”. The term “national security” refers to something which is secret, forbidden, out of the public domain. This is very strange of course, because the sky, the clouds, the rain, the temperature and sunshine are very much part of the public domain, not to say the most important part of the public domain. Senator Edward Kennedy (1977) said: “Should a democratic people cede to its government the full responsibility of determining when secret tests on unwitting subjects are necessary to protect the nation’s security?” 1 John F. Kennedy said this about secrecy: "The very word "secrecy" is repugnant in a free and open society; and we are as a people inherently and historically opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths and secret proceedings. We decided long ago that the dangers of excessive and unwarranted concealment of pertinent facts far outweighed the dangers which are cited to justify it.2 The official story is that chemtrails will reflect sunshine back into space, in order to fight global warming. (The truth is: chemtrails heat up the atmosphere and create droughts, like the drought in California that lasted for years). It started in 1958 when White House Advisor on weather modification said that the Defense Department was studying ways to manipulate charges “of earth and sky, and so effect the weather.” Spraying began to take serious proportions when Project Cloverleaf was set into action (1990-2000). “Project Cloverleaf is a joint US-Canadian military Operation involving distributing chemicals into the atmosphere above Canada and the USA. Both US military refueling tankers and thousands of planes in private corporate aviation are used. Military & civilian aspects of project Cloverleaf are covert operations.” 3 The most sprayed particles are aluminum, strontium and barium. Because strontium and barium are also metals, this means that billions of metal particles are sprayed which then form layers of metal in large parts of the sky. The atmosphere can thus be electrified due to the conductive metals. By using (Extreme) Low Frequency radiation, scalar waves, microwaves, radio waves, etc. it is possible to create a wide range of effects. To name a few: weather manipulation (creating floods, droughts, earth quakes (Haiti, 500.000 deaths), tsunami’s, storms, hurricanes, tornado’s), using weather manipulation in wars to weaken or kill the enemy, targeting individuals, groups of people or whole nations with mind control technology (nano robots can be sprayed which will be inhaled by people) etc.), kill people or |
make them sick (they are also spraying viruses and blood), "punishing" countries with earth quakes (Fukushima, 8000 deaths) etc. which do not fall in line with the US/Israel doctrines (since September 2001 they will also use “terrorist” attacks for this - like in Manchester), creating 3D holograms for real time imagery of battle fields on location, bringing down the electricity grid or internet in a certain area or world wide (the Cabal are able to create their own communications network that can run completely independent of the network which the public is using), or use this technology in combination with large antenna arrays (like HAARP) to blow up buildings like the Twin Towers, and even to alter the very fabric of space/time. (The scalar wave technology can be used to create weapons which are far more destructive than nuclear weapons. Tesla said that he could “split the earth in two” with this technology. Elena Freeland calls the whole of these activities the “Full Spectrum Dominance of Planet Earth”. Mark Richards, a deep-insider in the secret space program, told Kerry Cassidy of Project Camelot that chemtrails are used to poison people and to make them docile.
The first people who discovered that air plane trails were not the usual condensation trails, were World War II and Korean War veterans who were used to take a sharp look at the sky. They saw that skies over California were gridded with abnormal trails. When they contacted the local Air Force Base to ask what was going on they got the answer that there were “no flight plans” for that day. 4 What do you mean? There are not even any air planes in the sky! William Thomas named 15 nations from which reports of chemtrails were coming: Australia, Belgium, Britain, Canada, Croatia, France, Germany, Holland, Ireland, Italy, New Zealand, Scotland, South Africa, Sweden and the USA. Typically, these are the most populated countries. The large parts of Africa and Asia seem not to suffer from “global warming”. Attempts to fight these illegal, criminal and dangerous activities by the UNESCO (1992 and 1999) and Dennis Kucinich (2001), were stonewalled by the Cabal. Greenpeace denies the existence of chemtrails which is a sure sign that they are payed to shut up about this because even a superficial study will show that chemtrails are real.5 You can take the follwing pills: iron, Chlorella, Magnesium, Vit. B-Complex and Humus, like Fauna Mana. Iron because chemtrails destroys the iron in your body, Magnesium and Chlorella stick to the chemtrail metals so that these can be disposed of by the body. When walking under chemtrails: take extra Chlorella. Fauna Mana is a fine brown powder (from the humus-layer in the earth), mixed with different mushrooms. Fauna Mana also attracts the metals in the chemtrails inside the body, and it grounds radiation from radiation sources like cell phone towers. Upcoming articles: 1. Chemtrails and Weather Manipulation, 2. Chemtrails, Health and Nature, 3. Chemtrails and Warfare, 4. Chemtrails and HAARP. Sources: Elena Freeland: Chemtrails, HAARP and the Full Spectrum Dominance of Planet Earth. Notes: 1. Freeland, 31. 2. http://www.thepowerhour.com/news3/jfk_speech_transcript.htm 3. Freeland, 93. 4. Freeland, 14. 5. James DeMeo: The Orgone Accumulator Handbook, p. 109. General information: Geoengineeringwatch.org |
5. Dogma's of Heartless Religionized Science (21-05-2017)
Rupert Sheldrake, author of “The Science Delusion” writes in his prologue: “Since the late 19th century, science has dominated and transformed the earth. It has touched everyone’s lives through technology and modern medicine. Its intellectual prestige is almost unchallenged. Its influence is greater than that on any other system of thought in all of human history. Although most of its power comes from its practical applications, it also has a strong intellectual appeal. “ The vision of modern science was at first that evolution is under the law of mechanical determism: “When the belief of determism was applied to the activity of the brain, it resulted in a denial of free will…” “This was not based on evidence but simply on the assumption that everything was fully determined by mathematical laws.” Michael Polanyi, in his masterpiece “Personal Knowledge”, has proven that science is subjective, using strictly scientific methods. The scientist thinks that he is objective, but this is an illusion, based on the idea that he himself, as a researcher, is outside of his field of study, and is therefore an objective observer. Quantum physics has taught us that this is not true, that the observer can have an effect on the things which are being observed. So, quantum physics changed the view into a belief that everything is a matter of chance, probabilities, and random change and growth. Modern science has become a faith in the unpredictability and purposeless of nature and the all powerful humans. This is, again, not based on evidence. Physics dictates their “scientific” methods on every other science, including psychology: results should be repeatable in laboratory circumstances. What is studied are groups and classes: an individual woman, a tree or a disease, has no value in itself, it is only an example of a class- or group-characteristic. Abraham Maslow writes in his book The Psychology of Science: “It is anonymous, replaceable, not unique. It has no individual name and it is not in itself worth anything.” Science is an instrument that can be used by people with good intentions, or by criminals. |
Rational thinking and modern science are believed to be objective and without value, but they are the products of the patriarchy, of male dominance, which oppresses female values. Female values, like wisdom, harmony, nature- based systems, holism, ethical values, etc. were thrown out of the window a long time ago. Modern science is “heartless” science. The unthinking masses have traded their belief in religion for a belief in heartless science. This has resulted in a number of dogma’s, named by Sheldrake: “The ten core beliefs that most scientist take for granted. These are: 1. Everything is essentially mechanic. 2. All matter is unconscious. 3. The total amount of matter and energy is always the same. 4. The laws of nature are fixed. 5. Nature is purposeless. 6. All biological inheritance is material. 7. Minds are inside heads and are nothing but the activities of the brain. 8. Memories are stored as material traces in brains and are wiped out at death. 9. Unexplained phenomena like telepathy are illusory. 10. Mechanistic medicine is the only kind that really works. All of the above beliefs are of course B.S., as the scientists who work for the Cabal in their secret laboratories know very well. They have developed (among other things): time travel, teleportation, age-regression, limitless and free energy sources for travel and homes, and know that all diseases can be healed in a simple manner. But this is all kept away from the public by the power hungry and criminal elite. As a harmony of male and female energies is on its way and the Cabal are all but defeated, we will all see a major change in main stream science in the coming years and decades. See also article no. 2. by Lucia René and her book “Unplugging the Patriarchy”. |
4. Andrew Basiago (21-02-2017)
Andrew Basiago was involved in teleportation and time travel experiments by his father, who had a senior position in highly secretive groups like DARPA and the CIA. He was teleported as a kid from New Jersey to New Mexico and back, dozens of times. He was one of a group of 140 children who were part of this program. Teleportation technology was developed by Nicola Tesla. After his death in 1943 (probably murdered), the CIA stole his papers and sent these to the laboratories in Los Alamos. There they built a machine from the blue prints made by Tesla which appeared to be a teleportation machine, (which they did not know in the beginning, but they quickly found out after a technician suddenly disappeared when he walked in front of the portal of the machine to get a screwdriver. After a few weeks he showed up again and told that he appeared in the middle of a small tribal village in Africa where the people thought that he was some kind of God). At first they used marines, who volunteered for the research, but they all suffocated, because the tunnel of energy they had to step in – where a vacuum existed - was too long. After this, they used children, orphans, which they took of the streets in South American countries. After a while they discovered that it was also possible to travel in time, to the past and the future. Later Andrew was part of a group of students and teleported to Mars, where he saw Barack Obama, who was also in the program as a student, standing on a cliff. According to David Wilcock there are now about 600.000 people living on Mars. (The CIA declared that there are one million people living on Mars, that is, under the surface.) Evidence for time travel exists in the form of a photograph which was taken by a local photographer when Andrew was an eight year old kid and was teleported to Gettysburg in 1863, on the moment that Abraham Lincoln was holding a speech for the public, called “Lincoln’s address”. He was teleported there from the year 1972. An interesting aspect of his story is that the CIA could see, using time travel, who was president of the USA in a certain year. They saw that George Bush Jr. was “president” when he himself was only 19 or 20 years old and that Obama was president, when Obama in that time was only 25 years old. So the Cabal could “train” (manipulate) them during all the years before they would take (or steal) the presidency. |
His father said that he also saw that his son (Andrew) was president, but he did not mention the year. So Andrew does not know whether he will become president, but he is now campaigning for 2020. See http://andy2020.net/. His political proposals are far reaching: andy2020.net/proposals. One of the methods of time travel was physical: you stepped into some kind of elevator and inside there was a tunnel of spiralling energy. Andrew experienced this as “time flashed past”. This was called “The Plasma Confinement Chamber”. Only the clothes he was wearing would remain intact, other things would get lost. He arrived in Gettysburg without shoes, on a cold day in November. This is another technology than we can see in the Star Trek tv series. In Star Trek the person is transformed into a bunch of atoms at one end and at the other end these are built up again to a physical body. If you would use such a technology, Andrew says, you would arrive dead at the other end. In the series Earth Final Conflict, also created by Gene Roddenberry, people jump through a portal, a kind of arc, into an energy tunnel, and this is more like Basiago saw and experienced. In 1979 his father gave him a document which was a paper he would write in the year 2008 and was called “The Discovery of Life on Mars”. His father took this from the future and gave it to him with the statement that he should memorize this. If and when Basiago becomes president of the USA, he will make public the teleportation technology, so that it can be used for the transportation of goods, in order to bring down global warming. Also, he will end chemtrails on his first day in office. Basiago says that the Philadelphia Experiment (1943) - allegedly a project to make ships radar invisible - was actually a cover up for the real project, which was about teleportation and time travel. (The appearance of the ship The Eldridge in another location was not a side effect, but was the goal. Tesla boycotted these experiments because he knew that the strong energies were harmful to people - the sailors on the ships. That is why he had to be silenced.) YouTube: "Project Pegasus and the Advent of Time Travel". |
3. The Assemblage Point (15-01-2016)
Carlos Castaneda, the apprentice of the Yaqui magician Don Juan Matus, writes a lot about the “Assemblage Point” in many of his books, but specially in “The Fire From Within”. The Assemblage Point, explains Don Juan, is kind of an energetic point or centre somewhere between the shoulder blades, on the surface of the etheric body of a person. (The etheric body permeates the physical body and protrudes one or more inches from the physical body.) The exact position of the Assemblage Point is directly linked with one’s life vision, the whole of idea’s, concepts and beliefs of somebody, no matter whether they are rational or nonrational. A child does not have a fixed Assemblage Point, it wanders around. Only because of adults who constantly talk to the child from their own belief system, the Assemblage Point is getting fixed at a certain age. But this would not happen if children would be surrounded by magicians or intuitive people who have an open mind. The most important goal for Castaneda was to move his Assemblage Point on his own, without the help of Don Juan or other magicians, and without the aid of mind altering drugs. When you take Peyote or other mind altering plants, you could enter another dimension of consciousness, or what people would call “hallucinations”. Don Juan said that those visions are as real as the so called “normal” perception, it is only caused by another location of the Assemblage Point. When we dream, the Assemblage Point moves to another spot. The lateral movement of the Assemblage Point causes other visions, like the different visions people have. The exact spot where the Assemblage Point is located, is completely arbitrary. So, the different opinions of people are all equally subjective and illusional. The more one is convinced by his or her opinion or belief, the more the Assemblage Point is fixed. Women can move their Assemblage Point more easily than men and are also able to move their Assemblage Point to another spot and keep it fixed on the new location. |
Women can also move their Assemblage Point and bounce straight back from it, while men linger dangerously in it. Actually, male magicians often live together with a band of 8 women, because they need the energy of women to be able to move their own Assemblage Point. Locations of the Assemblage point to the left cause “spirituality”, religious feelings and dreams. Positions more to the right cause behavior like violence, killing and sensuality. The real challenge is to move the Assemblage Point to a deeper spot, meaning not laterally. This would give openings to whole other worlds, which is the goal of the new seers: to become free. The old seers counted seven of those worlds. The old seers also discovered that when dreams are consciously or semi-consciously manipulated, the Assemblage Point immediately returns to its usual place. The ultimate test for apprentices was to jump into an abyss from a cliff while in the normal waking consciousness, and move their Assemblage Point during the fall, so that they would not hit the bottom and die. A downshift of the Assemblage Point can alter oneself in an animal. Once a crow flew by, and Don Juan said: “That is La Gorda”. Plants and trees have their Assemblage Point on the lower part of their etheric body, while people have it on the upper part. The interesting part of all this is that magicians can see the position of the Assemblage Point in other people (and plants and animals), and are also able to see what they experience. Source: "The Fire From Within", Carlos Castaneda, Pocket Books, New York, 1984. Note: the Assemblage Point is discovered in science and is used in therapy. In 2017 a second article will be published on this blog with the title: "The Assemblage Point in Science and Therapy." |
2. Spiritual Feminism or: Why Women Are Stronger Than Men and What They Have to Do To Take Back Their Power
We've had social and personal feminism in two waves: during the end of the 19th century and in the sixties, to a certain extent, in industrialized countries. Now is the time for spiritual feminism. The patriarchy on this planet took hold about 13.000 years ago, with the agreement of women. They agreed to give away their power because they thought it was the best thing to do at that time.1) At the end of the 20th century the dominant energy in the world became female again (see Drunvalo Melchizedek: The Mayan Ourobouros, The Cosmic Cycle Come Full Circle, The True Positive Mayan Prophecy is revealed). Although this is not yet very visible in the external world.
The coming 13.000 years the world is going to be more feminine: more understanding, flexible, wise, spiritual, loving and forgiving. The male characteristics like killing, violence, oppression, fear production and manipulation have to go. Men appear strong with these kinds of behavior, but that is really only on the outside: they are not really powerful. But women are. Theosophy teaches us that there are no female Masters of Wisdom. This is not surprising, in view of the male dominance of the last 13.000 years. "But it is much easier for women to become enlightened than it is for men. A woman's subtle body accepts light much more readily than does a man's."2) So what are the reasons that there are no female Masters of Wisdom and very few enlightened women? (One is "enlightened" at the 3rd Initiation, and a "Master" at the 5th Initiation.) The main reason is that women have embodied the conventional roles that men want them to have: the weak woman who is dependent on her man and the mother who makes and cares for the children: the "Dependent Wife" and the "Caring Mother". "The woman's essence is power, her subtle body is much more powerful than that of a man."3) This is at the same time the biggest problem for a woman. She is exposed to all kinds of destructive energies; psychological, emotional, mental, electromagnetic, and so on. |
When a woman has a relationship with a dominant, manipulative, aggressive or fearful man, she is taking all those negative energies into her different bodies. "Women allow this to happen. They foster an image of being weaker. They want to take care of to an extent. They want a daddy. They want someone to make decisions for them. They don't want to claim their own power and intensity.They choose attachment to the family in stead of the pursuit of enlightenment. And women don’t support other women. They're jealous, vindictive, simply because they don't realize that they have enough power within themselves. If they did, they could enjoy other women."4) Women supporting other women, that can be very powerful!
Also, women think that they have to be nice. Now I'm not a supporter of the idea that women should start spitting, cursing and fighting. There are lots of ways to stand in your power as a woman, which are more subtle. And I also don't mean manipulating men: this is another negative trait that women are used to in the patriarchy, that has to be abandoned. Women have to use their energy on more positive things. You can't become enlightened and at the same time manipulate men. Millions of people nowadays are waking up. They see through the systems that were/are in place for ages; religious, political, educational, military, and the media supporting all this. But when awakened, it is relatively easy to stay dependent of men and stay in the mother role, and so not take back your power. "The way we see men and women outwardly, the way they act in society is not the way they really are inwardly. Everything in this age is reversed, and that's why not that many people in this world attain enlightenment. The age of women however, is just around the corner"5) Source: "Unplugging the Patriarchy", Lucia Rene, Crown Chakra Publishing. Notes: 1,2,3,4,5: Lucia René. All quotations in this article are from this book, and were given during lectures to women by a Master, in London during the 80s. See the interview with Lucia Rene "Unplugging the Patriarchy" |
1. "Global Currency Reset" (07-07-2015)
Global Currency Reset means: replacing all the money in all countries with money which is based on gold. Except the worthless “dollars” of the Federal Reserve Bank (which are actually called “Federal Reserve Notes” in stead of bank notes). In this article I will give a summary of an interview with Karen Hudes, Senior Council of the World Bank in Washington.
Why should all existing money be replaced? Because the financial world, the economy, is corrupt. Of course we know this already, but Karen Hudes gives the details and the overall outlines. The financial world has been corrupt for so long that nobody knows how things were when it was not corrupt. It goes back to 20.000 B.C. according to Hudes. To begin with, the bankers have all the power and also own the main stream media. That’s why we only hear lies, the things that the Cabal want us to believe to keep us under control. The Federal Reserve Bank plays a major role in this system. The Federal Reserve Bank, - or the Fed -, is not a state-owned bank, but a private bank. They print money out of thin air when they feel like it. It is based on nothing of any value. Richard Nixon abandoned the gold standard, because there was too little money around to pay for the Vietnam war. The BRICS countries (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) and the G77 countries (the developing countries) do not accept dollars any more because they have become practically worthless. The reason why the dollar is still a strong currency, is that it is based on oil (that is why it is called the “petro-dollar”). The USA will wage war on any country which has oil and does not want to receive dollars, - as we have seen with Iraq, after Saddam Hussein said in 1989 that he did not want dollars any more for his oil -. This concerns 25% of all world trade. The Arabic countries have also said that they do not want dollars any more. The military in the USA are behind the Global Currency Reset because the soldiers want to be paid with money that has value, and not with worthless paper. |
Apart from this there appears to exist an enormous amount of gold, which has been put away for humanity. The total world gold supply is more than 10 times as much as is been told to the public.
There is a lot of gold which has been rescued from the Vatican by ex-president Marcos of the Philippines, and this lies in a safe place and cannot be reached or stolen by the corrupt banks. There are also gold supplies in Japan and on Hawai. (Hiroshima and Nagasaki were nuked because the Japanese refused to tell the Americans where their gold was hidden.) The Board of Governors of the IMF and the World Bank, - not to be confused with the directors of those banks -, which are backed by the ministers of finance of 188 countries, will see to it that the Global Currency Reset will take place. The chance that this will happen, is 90% tot 95%. (This estimate is based on a computer program used by the military, called the “Power Transition Model”.) All countries are offered a part of this gold supply, on the condition that they print new money based on this gold. Except the Federal Reserve, because it is necessary that they will go bankrupt, or else we will have war. This can be arranged rather smoothly. Background information The Fed is part of the “Network of Global Corporate Control”. This network controls 43.000 companies which are active on the capital market. The have placed people on the boards of all these companies, so it is actually one big corporation. They receive 60% of the profit of these companies and also have taken over all the main stream media companies. They have ten times as much power as they should have, on the economy of the world. They do not tell the people that the income tax of the US citizens is going straight to a bank in London, and from there to the Vatican. See the interview with Karen Hudes. |